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    dry goods примеры предложений

    dry goods

    1. They did lose one container with dry goods so they may have a provisions shortage if they stay on station too long

    2. In the United States, Hector’s parents lost their teaching credentials so José started out farming but then set up a business in dry goods with his brothers

    3. dry goods not easily found in German stores started to accumulate

    4. Jacob and Peter had brought as many dry goods with them as their horses could

    5. Theron’s pack lands boasted their own schools, a baseball and football field, a small hospital, a butcher, dry goods, a bar and all types of small businesses

    6. That afternoon eight men met at the counter inside the Mother’s Rest dry goods store

    7. She put the lever in gear, and turned the wheel, and they drove away from the diner, and the dry goods store, to the old wagon train trail, where they turned left and headed west, with the road running straight on ahead of them through the wheat, forever, until it disappeared in the golden haze on the far horizon, at that point as narrow as a needle

    8. They settled in Rochester, in the State of New York, where my father ran a large dry goods store

    9. You know Louis Kafka, don’t you, which owns a dry goods store in Rochester, and paid 85 cents on the dollar last time business was bad? Well, he got a tip on this here General Motors at 330 and he didn’t play it so when it got to 350 was he sore? I’ll say so

    10. Luther Holman bought Towle’s dry goods store on Light house Avenue near Seventeenth Street

    11. Signs were hung out on all sides to allure him; some to catch him by the appetite, as the tavern and victualling cellar; some by the fancy, as the dry goods store and the jeweller's; and others by the hair or the feet or the skirts, as the barber, the shoemaker, or the tailor

    12. In France racing is the special amusement of the fastest set—not of the vieille noblesse, but of Monsieur Blanc of dry goods fame, of that set who has imported its clothes and its slang from England, the set whose men cannot be told from well-bred Englishmen, the set who has invented “le sport

    13. pointerThis Paint has been applied to more than four and a half acres of wood-work in the two immense Dry Goods Stores of Messrs

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