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    dune примеры предложений


    1. The Jeep stopped atop a large dune, a plateau of sand that was still solid enough to

    2. Down the hill of sand it went, rolling until it stopped at the bottom of the dune in a

    3. Another yelp, muffled this time, led Clara Jenkins over the top of another dune

    4. Noticing that the eyes of the Pilgrim were lost in the sea of sand, he sat for a while idly gazing at the dunes, trying to make out anything worth noticing in the amorphous dune crests

    5. Coming to a halt deep in the night, I felt the mass of a giant sand dune as high as a hill

    6. Then we sat outside on the porch of the shack against the massive dune, with others rising in waves around it

    7. The smart people say that a sand dune collapsed onto – and buried a live dinosaur

    8. The dune region around Swakopmund has an annual rainfall

    9. In the movie Dune I began

    10. In Dune the movie

    11. By the time the commander came out of his tent to see what was the cause of the tumult, the soldiers were rapidly disappearing over the dune line

    12. All sounds came as echoes from over the dune line, the persistent droning of the ram’s horns, the shouted commands over the crackling snap of the dreaded whips

    13. Reaching down into the core of his being, he managed to summon up the necessary energy to drag his aching and fly-ravaged body the rest of the way up the carcass-strewn dune

    14. “Good thinking, Shobal!” Moshe noted as he straightened up, ready to test the load for balance, “We’ll pass him easily, before we get to the bottom of the dune,” he added

    15. Youssaf, waving a final, rather formal-looking farewell in Moshe’s direction, strode away at their head, leaving Shobal to round up some dockhands to carry all the paraphernalia with which Myserrah had stumbled down that benighted sand dune

    16. As he topped the crest of what he now recognized as a riverside dune, he passed through the

    17. Pausing on the rise in the ground, which marked the top of the dune, he took in the early

    18. dune that he now stood atop, he guessed, was but a continuation of all the others he had seen

    19. They marched in good order over the rise that was the top of the dune where the palm trees

    20. The infantry moved out of camp, regiment after regiment, onto the road atop the dune line that

    21. the dune line, the persistent droning of the ram's horns, the shouted commands over the

    22. aching and fly-ravaged body the rest of the way up the carcass-strewn dune

    23. Now and again the dune line would be obscured by a hillock that arose directly out of the flood

    24. Adding to this, the dune line

    25. Myserrah had stumbled down that benighted sand dune

    26. As Judah had spoken, a small line of sand streamed down a nearby dune

    27. about a dune of sand in my hair, I decided to hit the shower

    28. I would’ve broken my back if I hadn’t crashed into the soft sand of a dune

    29. Moses took hold of his staff and ran down the dune towards the group of men

    30. surface of Mars; but beached on a nearby sand dune was a slightly broken

    31. This is a unique dune habitat in southern California, USA, found nowhere else in the world, and only a few hundred acres remain

    32. ―It‘s a dune wasteland,‖ the Captain said through his intercom to the driver

    33. ―Need some higher ground, sir?‖ the grunt said, pointing to a higher dune not more than

    34. dune, with an only slightly better view

    35. The clouds still hung heavily over them, blowing endlessly across the dune

    36. The ship, hovering slowly across the dune sea, would meanwhile

    37. Joe climbed to the top of a large dune followed by Matthew and then Sarah

    38. Matthew decided to have one last look on the top of the dune before Joe with a frowned brow called him down

    39. They all huddled in a sand dune with anything they had covering their heads

    40. Mama walked into the shade of a dune and settled into a meditative position

    41. The moment they were over a dune and out of sight of the oasis, Scara jerked away from him like he’d burned her

    42. With a snarl of disgust one last scathing glare at Tristan, Scara stalked off, up the side of the dune, and disappeared over its ridge

    43. They trudged up a sand dune and cresting the top

    44. The shuttle drove itself up onto the beach where it finally came to rest at the base of a sand dune with a cloud of salt spray and sand billowing all around

    45. On dune and headland sinks the fire:

    46. He had to lean forward to keep his balance as he made his way up the large sand dune that the skeletal structure of a home stood on

    47. Jesse lifted Gabriel up again and walked up the sand dune with his staff

    48. Then he found himself a nice sized dune to set up behind

    49. In addition, this hiding place was secretive enough to conceal his actions from all sides, and with the high dune, he could easily have 190

    50. “I’ll remember that,” Feltus said as he stepped aside and half turned so that both Terence and the dune were in sight

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    Синонимы для "dune"

    dune sand dune