Используйте «dyed-in-the-wool» в предложении
dyed-in-the-wool примеры предложений
1. Regardless, he’s a dyed-in-the-wool workaholic who typically puts in 11 hour days, including Saturdays
2. There were only a few sparse settlements on its shores, mostly real dyed-in-the-wool mountain men who weren’t afraid of either the Elassai or the lack of civilized contact with the Newlanders
3. It’s not surprising that a lot of dyed-in-the-wool Christians were upset with Smith for
4. Okay, now you’re a professional, dyed-in-the-wool spirit channel, ready to hang out your shingle and charge for readings
5. It’s very hard to tell with dyed-in-the-wool capitalists, which is why I made a rotten one
6. “Yes, it’s the strangest thing,” she was chattering, “the impression I produce on strangers! First they always call me Miss Massingbyrd, then, later, they always ask where Massingbyrd is! Not one person in a thousand will believe I’m a real, bona-fide, dyed-in-the-wool widow!”