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electric organ примеры предложений
electric organ
1. away, so great is the power of its electric organ, an organ whose two
2. A large Hispanic man in a sexy-nurse costume bent over a small electric organ
3. The electric organs of fishes offer another case of special difficulty; for it is impossible to conceive by what steps these wondrous organs have been produced
4. So that, if the electric organs had been inherited from some one ancient progenitor, we might have expected that all electric fishes would have been specially related to each other; but this is far from the case
5. Nor does geology at all lead to the belief that most fishes formerly possessed electric organs, which their modified descendants have now lost
6. But when we look at the subject more closely, we find in the several fishes provided with electric organs, that these are situated in different parts of the body, that they differ in construction, as in the arrangement of the plates, and, according to Pacini, in the process or means by which the electricity is excited—and lastly, in being supplied with nerves proceeding from different sources, and this is perhaps the most important of all the differences
7. Hence in the several fishes furnished with electric organs, these cannot be considered as homologous, but only as analogous in function
8. The luminous organs which occur in a few insects, belonging to widely different families, and which are situated in different parts of the body, offer, under our present state of ignorance, a difficulty almost exactly parallel with that of the electric organs
9. The extraordinary cases given in a former chapter, of widely different fishes possessing electric organs—of widely different insects possessing luminous organs—and of orchids and asclepiads having pollen-masses with viscid discs, come under this same head of analogical resemblances
10. Matteucci, on the electric organs of rays