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    emotionally примеры предложений


    1. While he grows physically as per the natural process, to grow emotionally he has to decide through self-will

    2. Remember almost all of us are emotionally immature to some extent

    3. ‘Oh yes, she had the right temperament – caring but without getting emotionally involved, if you know what I mean

    4. ‘What’s she like?’ I asked, more convinced than ever that my only son is getting emotionally involved with this woman and not entirely sure how I feel about it

    5. physically, emotionally, and spiritually

    6. Despite the warmth of my feelings for The Kid I started to become emotionally numb, existing only when the wavelength of light changed or my nerves pinched my soul under Smiler’s latest onslaught

    7. Not only do all the bones in my body ache with the relentless dull pain of toothache, but I feel emotionally dead … rolling over with an audible groan, I bury my head in the pillow

    8. Physically she was so desirable that this should be easy, intellectually he had to convince his mind that this was the only way he was going to keep Desa, but emotionally he could only think Desa was trying to find a way to loosen the strings that bound them

    9. ‘Water signs react very emotionally to things … don’t they?’ Berndt went on conversationally, his lips twitching

    10. ’ I said, keen to move the conversation into less emotionally fraught channels

    11. Later, much later, walking back along the lane to the kloster, I feel washed out and emotionally drained though in a strange way something has changed … healed almost

    12. I feel completely wrung out physically and emotionally … and slightly nauseous … the usual aftermath of one of these wretched attacks

    13. On the one hand this was emotionally challenging, but on the other, it’s lovely feeling that so many people care

    14. The young man was, by now, emotionally drained, having lost count of the number of dates and encounters that he’d endured in his desperate quest to find marital happiness

    15. power of the emotionally manipulative games they could play with each other

    16. … poor child … she’s been so courageous … this must have been the last straw emotionally … the crying she never did for her parents … perhaps it is better this way

    17. The technique you do is by having a conversation with yourself starting right where you are now emotionally, be that anger, fear, etc

    18. Not only will you feel better after hashing out all the details of your struggles with this person, they may be able to provide solid objective insights that you may have missed because you were too emotionally involved in the situation

    19. and how deeply it had scarred him emotionally

    20. "Thanks,' he said emotionally

    21. will be emotionally healed and allowed to live the

    22. 1 for an editor … don’t get emotionally involved with the staff

    23. It's odd; despite the fact that I have a tendency to throw up whenever I’m emotionally stressed, I rarely catch tummy bugs

    24. young man was, by now, emotionally drained, having lost count of

    25. Emotionally it was the pain that’s driving her bad attitude on life

    26. I remember my Dad being quite strict about what I was allowed to do, I railed against it hard and pushed all the time and, in the end he took me on one side and explained, very patiently, that he wasn’t trying to spoil my life – as I had doubtless put it – but was trying to protect me from situations I wasn’t old enough to deal with emotionally

    27. It was dawning upon him how much time and effort, planning and sacrifice had been made over the years by his mother and father on behalf of their children and he was emotionally overwhelmed with the enormity of the realization

    28. Coming on top of the emotionally draining events of the morning, this relentless interrogation was getting to him

    29. Lunchtime is difficult as we are both emotionally charged, but this is not the first time we have parted and we are getting better at it

    30. tortured physically and emotionally

    31. Remember back then in those bad old days, knowing the Catholic Church could do no wrong in the eyes of parents or anybody else; they can abuse the hell out of you physically, sexually, emotionally, whatever

    32. You abused me emotionally and physically

    33. He looked every bit the innocent child in his brown apprentice robe, but Drau'd new better, had seen him emotionally and mentally mature as his power grew

    34. with your readers emotionally and highlight the hidden benefits your

    35. Ultimately all this has made me a better person, and certainly one with vast knowledge and dare I say wisdom, but it really made me feel unhinged for a long time, which is emotionally exhausting

    36. It’s just that the real Sally, the emotionally caring and spiritually grounded Sally that is the true essence of your being seems to be bottled up

    37. You may be feeling emotionally wounded and are trying to cover/shield your hurt from others

    38. To dream that you are at a banquet indicates that you are emotionally malnourished

    39. To dream that you are feeble indicates that you are feeling emotionally drained and stressed

    40. You may also be a little emotionally sheltered

    41. To dream that a ship has crashed or sunk suggests that you are feeling emotionally out of control

    42. To dream that you are sleepwalking suggests that you are feeling emotionally detached from others

    43. You are feeling emotionally overwhelmed

    44. To dream that you are tired suggests that you are feeling emotionally drained and stressed

    45. To see or dream that you have a flat tire indicates that you are feeling emotionally drained and weary

    46. As a result, you are feeling emotionally exhausted

    47. To see or drink from water fountain indicates that you are feeling emotionally refreshed and rejuvenated

    48. You are feeling emotionally satisfied and fulfilled

    49. To dream that you are at the bottom of the waterfall suggests that you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed

    50. Work You Can Cope with Emotionally

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