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    1. Their eggs are good travelers, hitch hiking on board container’s en route

    2. It passed the second Pan Solar League expedition en route, arriving here at least six years sooner, though the Heavenly Mother was launched six years earlier and was at the forefront of starship science

    3. I pass Joris en route

    4. He roared his anger and fled as six more of his dragons attacked them en masse

    5. Friday takes its usual hectic course; I get home before the kids, which is unusual, but within ten minutes they arrive home (the bus, it would appear was held up en route) and I outline what’s been arranged

    6. I had a bedroom with en suite bathroom facilities as well and thought myself very lucky: I was a bit of a loner even then

    7. Even though they weren't large enough to be harmful as individuals, the fact that they seemed to be attacking en masse scared him

    8. W en t

    9. were duly excommunicated en masse, and Saint

    10. sold off a girl who’d besotted Chymides en route to Crete

    11. “We are setting course for the Firefly system via the two waypoints we know to be en route;” the Captain announced once Jista's chart on the main screen was recorded and the star field beyond again glowed softly into the bridge

    12. As penguins can't fly, they invest in rocket packs and set off en masse

    13. Those twelve days or so en route to the Corona Zed system to wait on the arrival of the Huntress's prey flew passed and were over

    14. {See Memoires concernant les Droits et Impositions en Europe, tome i

    15. situation back home, Waddell sailed on the John Adams en route for New York

    16. A loud fart floated out of the en suite

    17. go to the en suite to wash his still large cock, vaguely wondering

    18. Two days after the USS Suwanee left Acapulco and sailed north to begin her search for the Shenandoah, the Shenandoah encountered the English bark, Barracuda, en route from San Francisco to the Orient with a full cargo load

    19. causes in 1868, while sailing en route from the Bering Sea to

    20. I spoke to my contact, a certain rigger on this ship named Foolscap, and he said he would circulate that the gold was en route and whoever the kidnappers are, they should get in touch with me

    21. We had no idea how long we would be staying there, as the war was still raging on and Russia was mobilizing its citizens along with Poles who flooded their country en masse

    22. There was a defining moment in our nation‘s history when the laboring classes (en masse) went from resenting the rich to emulating their lifestyles…or trying to, at least

    23. However, escape seemed impossible, when Sylvia replied that by dropping Beth off at Hotel Paradise while en route to the airport, she would arrive with time to spare and therefore insisted she join her for breakfast

    24. According to polls, a great percentage of women, who in the past voted Democrat en mass, will vote for the president this time

    25. The press brigade arrived en scene, as they inevitably must, sooner or later

    26. The room had its own en suite washroom – which was the typical real-estate hyperbole to describe a toilet and a sink and shower in a four by five foot closet

    27. I could have walked away and all these people with their silly hats, all they could have done was go all wild-eyed and insist that I thought about it once more, and then perhaps cry alone or en masse for the coming Revelation, Armageddon, Rapture, or whatever they wanted to call the huge bitch-slapping that was about to hit home

    28. Two of them had just arrived, en route to Costa Rica from Nicaragua

    29. When the opportune time arrived, they would then probably try to breach the walls in their weakest point, or storm them en masse, whichever would seem to offer the best chances of entering the city

    30. En route, a woman and child coming from the other direction appeared surprised when asked about immigration officials

    31. en route to the Interstate

    32. Is it a realistic interpretation to believe that a multitude of poisonous snakes suddenly and unaccountably appeared en masse in a desert environment where scarce resources should have naturally limited their numbers? According to some accounts, the plagues of Moses, followed by the Exodus, could have been brought on by an environmental disturbance

    33. En route to the bathroom,

    34. the hot countryside, walking by vineyards, going to Aix en Provence where Henrietta had a house and going to one of those cafes with the tables outside, and sitting at a table all by myself in the afternoon with a white table cloth and it being nice and hot and no one at any of the other several tables at the hotel and not knowing any French, and I just put the money out there for the waiter to take, and the waiter is dressed in tuxedo pants and a white shirt and a black bow tie but no tuxedo jacket

    35. on the ~ en promedio

    36. En inglés (1) esto / (2) eso se dice (___)

    37. Are there any caves in this area? ¿Hay cuevas en esta área?

    38. Tengo calambre en (___)

    39. (1) Viví / (2) Vivíamos en (___)

    40. What’s on the menu? ¿Qué hay en el menú?

    41. Are they on sale? ¿Están en rebaja?

    42. Sólo piensas en sexo

    43. (1) Estaré / (2) Estaremos ahí en breve

    44. Hay primavera en mi corazón por causa tuya

    45. Estoy apostado en (___)

    46. (1) Hice / (2) Voy a hacer una escala en Belfast

    47. in the ~ en el sol

    48. Do you have tours in English? ¿Hay toures en inglés?

    49. Salga en ese (1) camino

    50. What are you studying at the university? ¿Qué estudia usted (Fam: estudias) en la universidad?

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