Continuers prefer to continue with the occupations that kept them engaged in earlier life
’ He said sadly, ‘What’s worse; she’s started going on about us getting engaged
Rose relates a horrifying tale about the bombs which were dropped … some of her family were killed in Bristol in an air raid aimed at one of the factories … and she was also anxious about Wally as they were engaged by then
‘Yes, and on top of that, she was engaged to the local GP
The front doors of the van banged shut and I heard the gears whine as the driver engaged first
Artificially inflating demand was not considered an acceptable business practice in this culture, and people did not patronize merchants who engaged in 'push' advertising
He wondered at first what she meant, then knew it was because he hadn't engaged in sex with her
Dorin and her husband, Ayle, make a great fuss of Gilla, exclaiming with joy when they hear she is engaged to Caderl
By trade the father was a labourer, although through a combination of ill luck and regular run ins with the genie of the bottle, he rarely engaged in his professional calling
She even took up golf to while away the hours when her husband was otherwise engaged with lines, reels and lures
I rang your office but the line was engaged so I thought I’d come down here on the off chance
Fragrance is what the heart needs to remain young and the sundry, intermittent associations that Tom engaged in were based on the satisfying of dull need rather than on the delicate perfume of hope and future expectations
Death certificates were signed and lodged with the appropriate authorities, funeral arrangements planned and paid for, paperwork sorted and solicitors engaged to deal with the minutiae of closing down a life
The Hold Stables housed about thirty of the beautiful Hausa, and while Duncan and Tarak engaged in conversation with the stable master, Rayne went to each offering the tubers from their feedbags
Suddenly it burst open as Warriors and Scathers plowed thru the door engaged in a pitched battle
Elmore engaged in enough magic to have a big shot of a fine bourbon appear on the bar in front of him
I don’t know if you’re aware of his history at all, but he was engaged, oh, it must be about ten years ago now, and she was killed in a car accident
She said something about the war we're engaged in as being a war between two different substrates, and they are on a different substrate
bottle, he rarely engaged in his professional calling
husband was otherwise engaged with lines, reels and lures
young and the sundry, intermittent associations that Tom engaged
As soon as they were clear of Earth’s Moon, Ship engaged the hyper-drive; the
They rolled to their sides but remained engaged
Meanwhile he had also observed the curious antics in which Harry engaged during each episode following his great-niece's directions for his accomplishing the otherwise unremarkable chores around the house
At the designated dining hour, Harry dressed nicely and announced to the assembled guests, “If you wish, I shall be most pleased to escort you to your evening's suppers; those of you not otherwise engaged may follow me
This time it was Belle who interrupted, “Forgive me but, this is a matter of 'tradition'? That's what this comes down to? Tradition? Perhaps you have failed to fully appreciate the uniqueness of the situation we are at present engaged
tugged on the levers which engaged the pump itself
Tom was not engaged in the conversations,
Once he had settled for himself their relative personal tastes and positions in society and industry, he listened more attentively to the banter with which the three men were engaged
The others watched as Kaitlyn went to her father's side and engaged him in a silent meeting
While the gentlemen were engaged in acquiring rail tickets, Harry and the Spelman ladies enjoyed a light brunch
Nigel and I looked at a house down here when we were engaged
Harry was nonplussed and his superiors were otherwise too engaged to notice his brief absence
They sent me an additional questionnaire asking all sorts of personal questions – like how often we write? how often we phone?, do you speak English?, what do my parents think of the idea?, when we got engaged?, and would I be willing to live in Hong Kong? I answered all the questions without telling them it was none of their damn business and I resented our privacy being invaded
He wandered around down here and engaged the cooks and potters around this atrium in some conversation about the residents of Kadak's service house
What she was able to learn; both from what Tetloan told her as well as from what he obviously and purposely omitted, was that while Whimly, the travelers and her had been engaged with the demons, Tetloan had been hiding within the forest, watching in safety as the humans were massacred
engaged the services of the young shepherd – who knew
Neither party said a single word, but Adros didn’t doubt they were engaged in a furious telepathic conversation
As during their whole lives they are engaged in plans and projects, they have frequently more acuteness of understanding than the greater part of country gentlemen
friend thought I should stay and keep you engaged till she comes
engaged for some safe seconds
of those who are engaged in activities less
She had freely chosen to follow the more traditional path of her gender by hooking up with a steady boyfriend from her high school days, getting formally engaged and then married to Joe shortly after graduating, their buying a house and car and all the stuff you’re supposed to take possession of when you form a conjugal union, and her bearing three children before she reached the age of thirty
engaged in fierce polemic
A merchant, in the same manner, who is engaged in the foreign trade of consumption, when he collects goods for foreign markets, will always be glad, upon equal or nearly equal profits, to sell as great a part of them at home as he can
Intemperate, he hadn’t engaged mercenaries in the city
You can live a life that is fully engaged with the world, and you can have desires, but you are not addicted to that which you desire
Anytime you are engaged in an activity in which you are fully present, your self-conscious self may recede into the background
The loss of the Portugal trade would, no doubt, have occasioned a considerable embarrassment to the merchants at that time engaged in it, who might not, perhaps, have found out, for a year or two, any other equally advantageous method of employing their capitals; and in this would probably have consisted all the inconveniency which England could have suffered from this notable piece of commercial policy
He could see his heart pumping and his lungs engaged in their steady work
The military force has never yet been sufficient for their own defence; and in the different wars in which the mother countries have been engaged, the defence of their colonies has generally occasioned a very considerable distraction of the military force of those countries
creature! once engaged into play they are
She had been divorced three years and during that time had not engaged in fucking
To open the colony trade all at once to all nations, might not only occasion some transitory inconveniency, but a great permanent loss, to the greater part of those whose industry or capital is at present engaged in it
One piece of information Martin found important and that was that Raoul had a sister, Carla, who was engaged to a man in Security
But if the profits of those who deal in such goods are above their proper level, those goods will be sold dearer than they ought to be, or somewhat above their natural price, and all those engaged in the nearer employments will be more or less oppressed by this high price
fire-arms, the smoke, and the invisible death to which every man feels himself every moment exposed, as soon as he comes within cannon-shot, and frequently a long time before the battle can be well said to be engaged, must render it very difficult to maintain any considerable degree of this regularity, order, and prompt obedience, even in the beginning of a modern battle
The Romans, in the meantime, though they had not been altogether at peace, yet they had not, during this period, been engaged in any war of very great consequence; and their military discipline, it is generally said, was a good deal relaxed
The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with another hedgehog, which
There was a brief shudder as the drive engaged
The first trade which they engaged in, was that of supplying the Spanish West Indies with negroes, of which (in consequence of what was called the Assiento Contract granted them by the treaty of Utrecht) they had the exclusive privilege
Zardino appeared lost in thought for a few seconds; Roidon realised this was him engaged in neural communication
There were even pics of supposed group members engaged in lewd acts with their disciples
When her senses returned she became aware of the myriad warnings projected at her: scarlet flashes of status graphics and vehicle’s voice telling her substantial damage had been done to all vital systems, and thus an emergency landing procedure would be engaged
The understandings of those who are engaged in such employments, can seldom grow torpid for want of exercise
“They look like they"re engaged in a drunken dance
He checked the readings on the small screen in the console and then engaged the autopilot system which would handle navigating the tiny craft all the way to the Callisto orbital station
Still the notion tugged at him that this was not his reality, merely a simulation designed to keep him engaged in this world
Princes, however, have frequently engaged in many other mercantile projects, and have been willing, like private persons, to mend their fortunes, by becoming adventurers in the common branches of trade
“Look Bert you and Mabel love each other a blind man could see that and you are old enough and engaged so why shouldn’t you enjoy the fruits of your love I mean that can’t be wrong can it?” He looked at me through blood shot eyes and said
The strictest regards for the rights of neutrals cannot be too sedulously observed; nor should an opportunity be lost in cultivating friendly relations with their naval and merchant services, and of placing the true character of the contest in which we are engaged in its proper light
“I love it Billy Boy but does this mean that we are engaged?” She held it out to me showing which finger it was on and I waited for the smile to come that would show me she was joking but it never came instead I saw a look of hop and love on her beautiful face
“I’m so glad that you and Helen have got engaged I love you both dearly and I was wrong when I told you before that you were both to young
“Oh Billy Boy how I wish it was you and me that were engaged but that wasn’t to be and you and Helen are made for each other and that’s how it should be
It was then I told him about me and Helen getting engaged he thumped me on the back and said
” Just before breakfast I took George to one side and told him about me and Helen getting engaged his face broke into a huge grin and he hugged me to him saying
“I just wanted to tell you Sir that Helen and I have gotten engaged when I was on leave seeing as you are family
Recall that its been only a few years since one adulterer (Jesse Jackson) was engaged in counseling another adulterer (William Jefferson Clinton) in the White House
Affairs engaged in outside the United States
when they were not engaged in working on a captured whale
The other three were Nordics; they glanced up at her for a moment and then returned their focus to the game of mohrthra’daeghal two of them were engaged in, the third watching the game with a look of slight amusement
Snore at full volume, particularly when the Family is engaged in that most favourite of Human pastimes, telly-watching
“We’re not engaged,” she cut him off sharply, “practically or otherwise
“What about him? Are you two engaged?”
How could he have missed it? Then he knew she lied when she said they were practically engaged
Perhaps it was because he’d fought a different war from the one in which she’d engaged
that engaged the bridge
He was engaged once on a very long chase after elephants, and his followers were becoming impatient, when at last they found the home of one of these spiders
Unfortunately, most of the officers were busily engaged preparing for the coast-ward march, as sport in plenty was provided, this grass being full of animals
Casting off by way of a specialised retractable painter that he’d designed himself, Alex engaged the main motors and took the submersible out to sea
The 1st Infantry extended, cutting off retreat to the hills, and a detachment of Cubans engaged the blockhouses on the north, but made a poor showing, having expended their ammunition recklessly before closing in
They were soon heavily engaged, receiving shells also from Cervera's fleet
older daughters are gathered about the sitting-room hearth, engaged in
The legal consequences of being engaged
You simply cannot in law be engaged to more than one woman at the same time or whilst you are already married
That is the question and bottom-line is that you don't even need a ring to be engaged to marry
When you ask and she agrees and the two of you are legally able to marry then you are engaged
is covered so quickly, the traveler no longer seems engaged with traveling
How I remember the big red buttons light up when four-wheel drive and diff-lock was engaged! It is worthwhile to buy a Mercedes Gelande Wagen for that reason alone
His jet black curls hung almost in ringlets around his face, and his dark eyes were sharp, engaged in their task