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engendering примеры предложений
1. As children grow and experience success at each stage, their confidence grows, and they willingly take risks to develop new skills; engendering confidence and positive self-esteem
2. How could the virus spread without contact? And how had it altered to a virus that killed, rather than just engendering feelings of intense rage in the subject?
3. A depleted treasury must find creative ways of raising revenue however dry the well in order to pacify the demands of its citizens; engendering more spending promoting a vicious cycle of tax and spending policies sapping the energies and moral vitality of its productive citizens who grow increasingly cynical while the Rabble grows more demanding and the government more obliging
4. We have reached a stage in our ―evolution‖ where, as a society, we are no longer willing or able to (either) appreciate or acknowledge the legitimacy of anything or any idea extending beyond our own immediate interests thereby engendering a Ptolemaic mindset where Man has become the center of his own universe
5. They project to the masses an androgynous figure and enhance it by engendering the adoration of nudity and all things "natural" - or by strongly repressing these feelings
6. By raising a culture of privacy pirates, we are engendering a generation with the expectation, entitlement and right 210
7. Engendering a sense of powerlessness, while training one in the prowess of problem solving by eliminating the competition that hinders your innate, god given, and right granted exceptionalism, is a Tipping Point Therapy controlled and coaxed path to produce and direct a collective, that is systematically thwarted, to will violence
8. Culture creates sustainable criminality by engendering futility and the maintenance of a guilty caste
9. If games were like this, wouldn't they be played differently, purchased differently, teach us differently? It might be true that gamers prefer the dopamine thrill of uncertain rewards, but does this mean we are getting conditioned to being rewarded by uncertainty? Do we really want our paychecks to be a chance at double or nothing, or our retirement options nazi or nigger? Are we engendering a gameworld hedonism: all acts must be games, and all games must be rewarded? Is this the truth we are creating, just like we did with the Myth of Altruism, that there is no unrewarded or ungamed interaction?
10. and endosymbiosis without engendering adverse effects
11. The Divine Self, experiences the engendering of the finite centers as the parts of Its own Totality
12. He added as a self-evident proposition, engendering low spirits, "But you can't marry, you know, while you're looking about you
13. But it was not in reasonable nature that a man so organized, and with such terrible experiences and remembrances as he had; it was not in nature that these things should fail in latently engendering an element in him, which, under suitable circumstances, would break out from its confinement, and burn all his courage up