The headmaster continued, “The heads of each department were enlisted to scour your submissions for any flaw, whatsoever, to no avail
So she enlisted the help of the older boys and headed off to the back of the house
She hunted for nearly fifty years herself then I was enlisted to finish the job, for which I have committed another thirty years on top of that
enlisted the help of a friend
I’d enlisted with the
I noticed that the road was a kaleidoscope of the British Empire for along it marched units of Australians, South Africans, New Zealanders and Canadians as well as Indian troops and many more who had enlisted to defend the Mother Country
“Oh I see what you mean well it is like this the trouble and strife is Welsh that’s the wife to you and we live in Wales so when this lot started I enlisted and got put in this mob
Another day went by, and I enlisted my husband to search the attic, storage areas, everywhere
He has enlisted an army and recruited the men from many kingdoms, mercenaries and so called adventurers alike
“A fencing expert?” Amaranthe knew little about the sport dueling the warrior caste practiced, except that enlisted soldiers had little respect for it
Most enlisted a friend to assist and they performed the trip twice
Several of us guys decided to go over to the enlisted men‘s club and have a few beers
I believed and still do that combat shooting courses offered the most value in practical terms, hence we all enlisted in shooting clubs, or we created our own courses where we could practice—usually at a Reservist’s farm and very unofficial it was too
Along with some enlisted, a few high ranking officers were reprimanded during the torture scandal at Abu Ghraib
To this purpose many, including the State of New York, have enlisted the services of investment bankers to front settlement monies subject to repayment to the bondholders by the tobacco companies as a means of expediting proceeds from the suit
We enlisted his help
“He was an accountant in an insurance firm, before he enlisted
It was amateur night in the mess, and this guy was so good we broke the rules about ‘fraternization,’ between enlisted men, NCOs and officers
Ferguson promised Colling’s services to the Colonel and the two enlisted men excused themselves
Since the reconstruction at Grabensheim kaserne and the Kummersfeld barracks now provided quarters for designated officers’ clubs, Colonel Harrington had decreed that attendance at the planned Christmas party be limited to enlisted men only
He had come to accept the fact that she had no interest in a relationship with an enlisted man, and he made a special effort to not let his disappointment show
Now, his hands free, Colling realized that he was being saluted by passing enlisted men, and he self-consciously touched the bill of his service cap in return
A strong Bull had been enlisted to help
No nervous humor from his staff members, no raunchy jokes from the enlisted men
“Yep, and I can get us in even this early in the morning,” said Ferguson, and then shouted at the clerks in the next office that he was going to inspect the enlisted men’s quarters and would not be back for a couple of hours
Two of them were Red Army enlisted men, sub-machine guns slung over their shoulders
They were approached almost immediately by an NKVD officer, followed by a pair of Red Army enlisted men
The pair of Red Army enlisted men somehow managed to remain in their seats in the rear without being thrown out as the officer negotiated corners on what Colling would have sworn were two wheels
After several minutes, the two soldiers returned, followed by two men wearing Soviet enlisted men’s uniforms
Tony enlisted in the early 60's, fresh off the farm
To prevent a diplomatic incident in the French community which might result from their termination of my goings-on, my shocked parents enlisted the assistance of the French teacher
He enlisted at the age of 18 and received an honorable discharge at age 26
Martin had ‘A’ and ‘C’ Schools in Electronics and Communications when he enlisted
Mikael enlisted in the games of arrows along Elijah, Theodor and Isodor
They all also enlisted in the games of swords, while only Isodor enlisted in the game of spears
George Gilder and Richard Vigilante assert in a joint article that to justify their continued agitation, and to maintain their status as heroes of the earth, the environmental Greens have enlisted tribes of trial lawyers in their cause
received by the Navy, both when an enlisted reservist at Emory, and
Dale graduated from high school, enlisted in the Air Force, but was soon sent home because of deficiencies in math
Then he crouched and ran after Myers who wasn't surprised at the Major's familiarity with his enlisted troops
A REMF could be officer or enlisted, civilian or military
Two enlisted men were rescued by other ships in the convoy (Johnson, R
enlisted men at speeds of up to to 19
MCPO Patton was the first African-American to achieve the top enlisted rank (U
By 1983, of 129 female Coast Guard officers, 35 served aboard cutters, five flew aircraft, and out of 1,747 enlisted women, 85 served on sea duty
Coastguardsman Riley Brown traced the CG-249 incident in his book, The Story of the Coast Guard: Men, Wind and Sea, dedicated “to my shipmates, the officers and enlisted men o the Coast Guard, and to the members I knew who were killed in the line of duty
A company of Coast Guard officers and enlisted members of the Mounted Beach Patrol accompanied by trained dogs on patrol in South Carolina (“During World War Two,” Files 324/514, The South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston)
When General Colin Powell retired as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was proud to be honored by the Pentagon senior non-commissioned officers who bestowed upon him honorary enlisted positions in each of the armed services, including “honorary master chief petty officer” in the U
Reservists have served with enlisted personnel in overseas assignments, including the Persian Gulf
Enlisted weather specialist is called an aerographer"s mate
Seaman recruit (SR): the lowest enlisted rating
THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD RESERVE constitutes the part-time enlisted and officer complement of the U
One Coast Guard enlisted man went crazy on the Rock and had to be removed in a strait-jacket
The 45 enlisted personnel and seven-officer complement on the Sundew was scheduled for winter leave, but some of the crew would stand available for SAR missions on the ice (Kucera, “Coast Guard Retrieves the Buoys…,” 1983)
It wasn’t a difficult job, since he enlisted the aid of her guards at various times
So Marv enlisted some old army buddies to help out with setting up the cameras among other things
Instead, he called his neighbours together, told them what had happened, and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery
When he saw that Duprina was enlisted to follow him, he hurried to say:
officers, enlisted, active duty, reservists, members of other
who enlisted in the U
function together and Aunt Mary was enlisted to baby-sit
In fact, he thinks, some of the supervisors, engineers, and officers are slightly more crude than the enlisted men
All the better Jews of Nazareth had enlisted, and those young men who had not joined the movement would all enlist the moment Jesus changed his mind
Having now enlisted unreservedly in the work of the kingdom, be not anxious for your lives; much less be concerned with what you shall eat or what you shall drink; nor yet for your bodies, what clothing you shall wear
18 You are my apostles, and to you religion shall not become a theologic shelter to which you may flee in fear of facing the rugged realities of spiritual progress and idealistic adventure; but rather shall your religion become the fact of real experience which testifies that God has found you, idealized, ennobled, and spiritualized you, and that you have enlisted in the eternal adventure of finding the God who has thus found and sonshipped you
He had enlisted with Jesus hoping some day to become a great man in the new kingdom
Before the sun had risen to burn off the morning dew, he was back with the man I had met before – the doctor for the Governor and his staff, not the barber used for the enlisted men
He had enlisted the help of a colony of Thai people and found them to be piratical as hell when properly motivated; to the extent of furnishing him young women to satisfy his exotic sexual preferences while the men stole bulldozers, draglines, lowboys and any other equipment that the Greek had an order for
“Yup, and every enlisted man or officer that approached her for the next three weeks
Mrs Tennant continued, ‘He enlisted as a cadet and stayed in twenty years
The Force was severely short of experienced officers and enlisted personnel
Their protests quickly died down when the newly appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff suggested that continued or persistent interference with the training of Federation officers or enlisted personnel might be considered treason or at the very least sedition
The enlisted quarters were at capacity and even the flight engineers, who held enlisted ranks, were billeted at the V O Q
6 The Distinguished Flying Cross is a medal awarded to any officer or enlisted member of the United States armed forces who distinguishes himself or herself in combat in support of operations by
Rachel wondered why a science officer would be trained on more varieties of weapons, particularly small arms, than a Marine? The most disturbing part of his history was the two year gap which he had entered as an enlisted electronics specialist and had emerged promoted from enlisted status into an officer position
She had transferred from the Federation Air Force enlisted ranks
Being the devious children that they were, they enlisted the assistance of one of the station’s computer engineers and found a way to join the simulations from the workstations in their bedrooms on Peter’s bridge
software gaps according to his own tastes and enlisted mem-
I never was drafted or enlisted
, she was said to be the first woman ever in history to be enlisted as a knight in the military of Tartian
Black leaders enlisted the help of elite whites to open this beach for blacks
” Objected Samuel Goldman, an American Jew who had enlisted in the Royal Air Force in 1939
The so-called experts enlisted by Mien missed by a light-year on this subject
One of our scientists fled to the past and supposedly enlisted the help of an advanced organization, with which Veck’s ships clashed in 1942
As the officers and enlisted men looked at each other, MacArthur walked to Ingrid’s table and grabbed the field telephone connected to the headquarters of his air force in Nielson Field
Many officers and enlisted men followed her with their eyes, fixing on the pistol held in a modern combat holster on her right upper leg
I enlisted in the Luftwaffe in order to avenge them, not because I was some kind of Nazi fanatic
‘’She actually enlisted with the Filipino Army Air Corps, which allowed her to circumscribe all American regulations about the non-employment of women as fighter pilots, Mister President
mark will have been enlisted as Satan's soldier to fight Jesus Christ
I thus put a colonel known by me to have an open mind in charge of studying the matter and also enlisted the help of Jacqueline Cochran, the famous aviatrix
You will be the first but not by far the only woman to be enlisted, which brings me to the second reason you are here
Any woman enlisted in the Army or Air Corps will enjoy the same terms of service and benefits as a regular male recruit
Enlisted women will have full military status, equal pay and equal authority to that of male soldiers of similar rank and seniority
The next day, she met with Colonel Robert Maxwell, who was slated to be the initial commander of the so-called Women’s Division of the Army Air Corps, and with Jacqueline Cochran, who had also enlisted as a major and would become responsible for the running and administration of the female units engaged in training or aircraft ferrying in the United States
The name, Eric Cooper, had a haunting effect upon him as he recalled Buster mentioning that Preacher Cooper’s son had enlisted with the British war effort
She then enlisted the help of army stewards to distribute her papers around
� A dozen enlisted men waiting on the sidelines ran up and retrieved the parachutes while the five soldiers of the demonstration team, wearing full battle gear, took hold of their rifles and started firing short bursts while on the run
� Most had enlisted out of a thirst for adventure and a desire to see more of the World
Vietnam, when, at the age of eighteen, he had enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and
character traits and enlisted his friends in helping him learn these traits