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    Используйте «enthusiastically» в предложении

    enthusiastically примеры предложений


    1. ‘Is that what it is?’ he asked enthusiastically ‘Where is it? Can you see it?’

    2. ’ I replied, enthusiastically

    3. Initially, trying half heartedly to discourage him, I surrender and end up kissing him as enthusiastically as he is me

    4. ’ Deris said enthusiastically, ‘Fancy bumping into you here on the beach, Lintze

    5. “I’ll bet they do!” Kate said enthusiastically

    6. Sefir whickers enthusiastically at Adamant, obviously pleased to see him again

    7. ’ I said enthusiastically

    8. celebrated on Valentine's Day on February 14th enthusiastically by many couples, both young

    9. ' I explained enthusiastically

    10. Enthusiastically, I follow him over to where he is busily setting the laptop up

    11. ’ Joanna said enthusiastically

    12. How old is he?' she asked, tucking in enthusiastically to her pastry

    13. “Yes please,” they said enthusiastically

    14. ’ Chas said enthusiastically

    15. Tom nodded enthusiastically, and was

    16. “I thoroughly enjoy Shakespeare's sonnets and plays,” he enjoined enthusiastically

    17. ’ I added conscientiously, if not very enthusiastically

    18. Ben was sitting on the step scraping dried mud off his boots, not very enthusiastically I have to say

    19. A few looked about at the others and all were very soon enthusiastically in agreement that this was in fact an inspired choice

    20. "Best mattress in the world" said Fizzicist enthusiastically as he rolled out his sleeping bag

    21. Anyone meeting Mr Pinscher for the first time might forgive him this discourtesy, since the fellow looked as thin and emaciated as the chicken bone he waved so enthusiastically in the air

    22. They all cheered and took turns enthusiastically shaking Jim’s hand

    23. Felix opened his eyes to find that a green light in the console above his seat was flashing enthusiastically for attention

    24. “You should have scholars write down the stories of the Bible!” Wil said enthusiastically

    25. "I do!" cried Hetty, enthusiastically

    26. He enthusiastically supports all of my new projects

    27. "Oh I don't think there's much chance of that happening," I said enthusiastically

    28. Pig-boy's face broke into a broad grin and he nodded enthusiastically

    29. For these reasons many athletes are given free passes to showcase their (baser) impulses, (reflecting their own true nature, perhaps,) by flaunting such boorish attitudes that seeks to provide ―entertainment‖ value to the lowest elements of our society while enthusiastically dancing to the beat of their own drums without regard to proper style and form

    30. Truman enthusiastically accepted the blind offer, proud to have been selected

    31. at how enthusiastically the family received my playing

    32. And they just roared enthusiastically, breaking any and all formations; they’d forgotten about rules, they had violated their orders, and they seemed like they couldn’t care less about being demoted to less-than-imp status, or perhaps turned into horned ants

    33. Bennett went on enthusiastically

    34. When the women took partners to dance the jitterbug on the tiny dance floor, the watching soldiers enthusiastically showed their appreciation, which drew Colling’s attention to one of the girls in particular

    35. Hilderich was shouting enthusiastically when he walked over the stacked wood, looking for a good place to leave his priceless armful of mushrooms

    36. When he learned they spoke Polish, he began enthusiastically describing his service in Italy, his demobilization and return to Poland after six years as an exile

    37. It was early yet, but he nodded enthusiastically

    38. The machine bobbed enthusiastically, his voice lilting:

    39. The feast itself had been enthusiastically devoured by the great throng who surrounded her central position

    40. I was fascinated at how enthusiastically he was trying to sell a non-existent business and how nonchalant and unperturbed he was about asking for a sizeable sum of money or, for that matter, any money at all

    41. enthusiastically participated in the rest of the festival

    42. I enthusiastically threw myself into my training and was quite pleased with my growing strength and ability

    43. He enthusiastically clapped me on the back and congratulated me for my “luck” at being assigned to the Maya tumen

    44. Even as we resist internal change, we have actively and enthusiastically affected change in the World

    45. Once inside, there was a faint glow from the center hearth and in that vague light I could see there was a couple and their three children all of whom rose to enthusiastically greet their old friend

    46. enthusiastically from his seat

    47. recognized me at once and saluted enthusiastically

    48. John nodded enthusiastically and Carlotta took his hand and headed for the library

    49. “Mother…” he said enthusiastically, “it is I, your son

    50. His profanity-laced reply told me he was enthusiastically in favor of the idea

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    Синонимы для "enthusiastically"

    enthusiastically sky-high