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entrenchment примеры предложений
1. Every rifle from fort and entrenchment blazed at once at the silken globe; the artillery re-opened, and bullets and shells poured through the tree-tops, dealing death and destruction among the men in the crowded trail
2. Entrenchment is normally very important for managements
3. Managements have succeeded generally in achieving a favorable environment for management entrenchment: State antitakeover laws that insulate managements in office have become virtually universal since the 1970s
4. Second, the entrenchment of incumbent management is frequently a showstopper preventing any real efficiencies from arising in the market for changes in control
5. In terms of corporate governance, management entrenchment provisions are now well nigh universal
6. Usual management entrenchment devices, both corporate and limited partnership, include one or more of the following:
7. It would be naïve to think that any management would forgo management compensation, and management entrenchment, just because some of these management privileges might be perceived as giving rise to a conflict of interest with OPMIs
8. This demonstrates a tendency toward efficiency in the hostile takeover market because if shares were available at much greater discounts, hostile takeovers might make sense, even granting that it appears that every closed-end fund currently in existence has adopted significant shark repellents (management entrenchment devices that insulate incumbent control people)
9. they came upon some dozens of soldiers, continually replaced by others, who ran from the entrenchment
10. The commander of the artillery of the 3rd Corps, General Fouche, will place the howitzers of the 3rd and is to bombard the entrenchment on the left, which will have forty guns in all directed against it
11. Amid the sound of the shots, amid the cries of the assaulted guards, the assailants had climbed the entrenchment, on whose summit Municipal Guards, soldiers of the line and National Guards from the suburbs could now be seen, gun in hand, rearing themselves to more than half the height of their bodies
12. Jean Valjean with some difficulty, but without relaxing his hold for a single instant, made Javert, pinioned as he was, scale the little entrenchment in the Mondetour lane
13. The commander of the artillery of the 3rd Corps, General Fouché, will place the howitzers of the 3rd and 8th Corps, sixteen in all, on the flanks of the battery that is to bombard the entrenchment on the left, which will have forty guns in all directed against it
14. Within the entrenchment stood ten guns that were being fired through openings in the earthwork