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    1. ’ I manage to enunciate at the second try

    2. She tried very hard to enunciate this strange word

    3. This angel requested Michael to show him the hidden name, that he might enunciate it in the oath, so that those might quake before that name and oath who revealed all that was in secret to the children of men; And this is the power of this oath, for it is powerful and strong, and he placed this oath Akee in the hand of Michael; And these are the secrets of this oath; And they are strong through his oath: And the Heaven was suspended before the world was created; and forever; And through it the Earth was founded on the water; And from the secret recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters; From the creation of the world and to eternity; and through that oath the sea was created, and as its foundation He set for it the sand against the time of its anger, and it dare not pass beyond it from the creation of the world to eternity; And through that oath are the depths are made secure, and abide and stir not from their place from eternity to eternity; And through that oath the sun and moon complete their course, and deviate not from their ordinance from eternity to eternity; And through that oath the stars complete their course, and He calls them by their names; and they answer Him from eternity to eternity, and in like manner the spirits of the water, and of the winds, and of all zephyrs, and their paths from all the quarters of the winds, and there are preserved the voices of the thunder and the light of the lightnings; and there are preserved the chambers of the hail and the chambers of the hoarfrost; And the chambers of the mist, and the chambers of the rain and the dew; And all these believe and give thanks before the Lord of Spirits, and glorify Him with all their power; And their food is in every act of thanksgiving; they thank and glorify and extol the name of the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; And this oath is mighty over them and through it they are preserved and their paths are preserved; and their course is not destroyed; and there was great joy among them; and they blessed and glorified and extolled, because the name of that Son of Man had been revealed to them; and he sat on the throne of his glory, and the sum of judgement was given to the Son of Man; And he caused the sinners to pass away and be destroyed from off the face of the Earth; And those who have led the world astray; with chains shall they be bound; And in their assemblage place of destruction shall they be imprisoned; And all their works vanish from the face of the Earth; And from now on there shall be nothing corruptible; For that Son of Man has appeared, and has seated himself on the throne of his glory, and all evil shall pass away before his face, and the word of that Son of Man shall go out and be strong before the Lord of Spirits

    4. This angel requested Michael to show him the hidden name that he might enunciate it in the oath so that those might quake before that name and oath who revealed all that was in secret to the children of men; And this is the power of this oath for it is powerful and strong and he placed this oath Akee in the hand of Michael; And these are the secrets of this oath; And they are strong through his oath: And the Heaven was suspended before the world was created; and forever; And through it the Earth was founded on the water; And from the secret recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters; From the creation of the world and to eternity; and through that oath the sea was created and as its foundation He set for it the sand against the time of its anger and it dare not pass beyond it from the creation of the world to eternity; And through that oath are the depths are made secure and abide and stir not from their place from eternity to eternity; And through that oath the sun and moon complete their course and deviate not from their ordinance from eternity to eternity; And through that oath the stars complete their course and He calls them by their names; and they answer Him from eternity to eternity and in like manner the spirits of the water and of the winds and of all zephyrs and their paths from all the quarters of the winds and there are preserved the voices of the thunder and the light of the lightnings; and there are preserved the chambers of the hail and the chambers of the hoarfrost; And the chambers of the mist and the chambers of the rain and the dew; And all these believe and give thanks before the Lord of Spirits and glorify Him with all their power; And their food is in every act of thanksgiving; they thank and glorify and extol the name of the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; And this oath is mighty over them and through it they are preserved and their paths are preserved; and their course is not destroyed; and there was great joy among them; and they blessed and glorified and extolled because the name of that Son of Man had been revealed to them; and he sat on the throne of his glory and the sum of judgement was given to the Son of Man; And he caused the sinners to pass away and be destroyed from off the face of the Earth; And those who have led the world astray; with chains shall they be bound; And in their assemblage place of destruction shall they be imprisoned; And all their works vanish from the face of the Earth; And from now on there shall be nothing corruptible; For that Son of Man has appeared and has seated himself on the throne of his glory and all evil shall pass away before his face and the word of that Son of Man shall go out and be strong before the Lord of Spirits

    5. Always enunciate, speak with confidence and believe in what you are

    6. ” The vendor tried his best to enunciate his words since English was not his native tongue

    7. enunciate all the words

    8. ” said Pon struggling to enunciate the additive

    9. He started trembling all over and he couldn"t enunciate his words properly

    10. “YOU HAVE TO TALK LOUDLY SO THAT THE MICROPHONE PICKS IT UP,” I’d enunciate slowly, pointing to my chest as they quickly walked away

    11. With features strained hard to enunciate the syllables they continued to regard the centre of the flickering fire, the notes of the youngest straying over into the pauses of the rest

    12. These copybook maxims have always been easy to enunciate and always difficult to follow—because they go against that very human nature which produces that excesses of bull and bear markets

    13. The exaggerated way she would enunciate every syllable as well as the way she moved her lips before speaking were unfortunate consequences of her work with Natasha

    14. I have tried to elucidate and solve this question, and, without repeating those proofs, which he who wishes may read in the article, I will enunciate the results to which I was led

    15. When he considered that the jury were sufficiently imbued with these facts, he proceeded to enunciate another truth—namely, that a murder is an action which has the death of a human being as its consequence, and that poisoning could therefore also be termed murder

    1. The creation process as enunciated in our religious scriptures matches to a great extent with the evolving scientific hypothesis of Big Bang and expanding and contracting universe

    2. ’ she enunciated clearly into the peaceful room

    3. They enunciated less and spoke faster than the area where Alan landed

    4. ‘I don't understand,’ Torbin enunciated as slowly as he thought he could be understood

    5. The voice was unusual: slow and enunciated

    6. I enunciated my next words very carefully: "So that I don't give way to these almost overwhelming feelings I'm having," I explained between clenched teeth

    7. A long time ago, probably somewhere around 1,700 BC or before, had a learned scribe tried to put into words that which had been spoken to him by one who had seen a vision? The words, in whatever language it was first enunciated and then, whenever it was written, probably could have been translated into something akin to the opening quotation

    8. “Ivanka,” she enunciated proudly when I enquired her name

    9. At the very onset of his career, Phil Graham had enunciated the need to shape the news: “He was the friend of the powerful, advisor to them, doer, activist; his instructions to the city editor, Ben Gilbert, left no doubt that the paper was to be an instrument for social progress

    10. Government officials and observers of the Coast Guard have enunciated their appreciation of that role

    11. Trial” both express in a stupendous way what I have just enunciated

    12. "And are you receiving this message in a secure place where no one else can listen?" Despite her youth, her voice carried a stunning amount of authority, yet it was still pleasant, smooth, and crisp, every syllable cleanly enunciated

    13. I convinced them that the animal could have escaped from the circus, but the circus will not come until June – I enunciated - Go and return soon!

    14. ” Colleen enunciated the last part

    15. “What is this?” she enunciated with a hiss of anger

    16. He had enunciated everything slowly, and carefully, as if he was being thoughtful, but really he was just thinking through possible answers before committing

    17. and enunciated but existing in little more than two dimensions

    18. " Enunciated Officer Shinds trying to justify his

    19. and spitting in my face as he enunciated his words

    20. On the other hand, the religious craft of Muhammad as enunciated in his address to the Yathribs - O Helpers, are ye stirred in your souls about the things of this world whereby I have reconciled men’s hearts that they may submit unto God, when you yourselves I have entrusted unto your Islam? – is seemingly designed to favor the privileged of the faith

    21. He placed the call to Jacob but before he did Kurt enunciated that she only had twenty five seconds to tell him everything

    22. Listen to me," David enunciated as he

    23. Indian manifesto of life to be lived in this world as enunciated by our

    24. ciple is often enunciated in different ways and styles at different times

    25. (Another interpretation is that, If you elevate yourself as enunciated

    26. is the one who had enunciated yog at the beginning? Krishn resolves the

    27. enunciated before, are the dearest to him

    28. A thousand of the most beautiful and eminent verities enunciated by myself only collect into a kind of frozen pall that hangs about her miserable little head and does nothing more useful than suffocate her

    29. on will lead to conceiving the baby … that is the manner in which science dogma is enunciated but that is

    30. But they did, because perhaps He really was disrespected, misunderstood, feared and insulted by human beings, and commanding and demanding their respect was not the divine message to be enunciated through the Creator’s life on Earth

    31. ” I enunciated again, making him sit on the rim of the spa

    32. ” Caleb enunciated 'glory of Heaven' with care

    33. enunciated; by this they both died at approximately the same age

    34. But he has not yet found out the truth which he afterwards enunciated in the Laws--that he was a better legislator who made men to be of one mind, than he who trained them for war

    35. Either 'the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,' and at the moment when action above all things is required he is undecided, or general principles are enunciated by him in order to cover some change of policy; or his ignorance of the world has made him more easily fall a prey to the arts of others; or in some cases he has been converted into a courtier, who enjoys the luxury of holding liberal opinions, but was never known to perform a liberal action

    36. When he speaks again, his words are precisely enunciated

    37. He enunciated the word and then drank gravely

    38. She speaks quiet, perfectly enunciated French; her accent is crisper than Frau Elena’s

    39. Your too animated conversation this evening with Count Vronsky’ (he enunciated the name firmly and with deliberate emphasis) ‘attracted attention

    40. Yegor listened attentively, and obviously quite took in Levin’s idea, but by way of assent to it he enunciated, greatly to Levin’s surprise, the observation that when he had lived with good masters he had always been satisfied with his masters, and now was perfectly satisfied with his employer, though he was a Frenchman

    41. “But we have such a good time,” Mom enunciated, as if it were a phrase learned from a book

    42. We have long been a strong advocate of a systematic and clearly enunciated policy with respect to the payment of cash and stock dividends

    43. When Newton enunciated the law of gravity he did not say that the sun or the earth had a property of attraction; he said that all bodies from the largest to the smallest have the property of attracting one another, that is, leaving aside the question of the cause of the movement of the bodies, he expressed the property common to all bodies from the infinitely large to the infinitely small

    44. It was somehow fine to hear our flight described by a blind man who enunciated with his head as his dark nose snuffed deep and his black fingers sketched the wind, drawing Crumley here, himself there, me below, and the Beast behind

    45. What, then, is progress? We have just enunciated it; the

    46. The importance of an aggregate of characters, even when none are important, alone explains the aphorism enunciated by Linnaeus, namely, that the characters do not give the genus, but the genus gives the character; for this seems founded on the appreciation of many trifling points of resemblance, too slight to be defined

    47. " In this anyway I've not humiliated myself before you," she enunciated Avith immense dignity, apparently not understanding my exclamation

    48. Your too animated conversation this evening with Count Vronsky" (he enunciated the name firmly and with deliberate emphasis) "attracted attention

    49. But his unnamed striving, which is expressed by his terror in the presence of solitude, is so sincere that it infects us and draws us more powerfully than many, very many sermons of love, which are enunciated with the lips alone

    50. Ever since mankind has existed, teachers have always arisen among peoples, who have enunciated science in this restricted sense,—the science of what it is most useful for man to know

    1. enunciates the intensities of these attachments that keep one away

    2. ies that Krishn enunciates in the Geeta have also characterized the teach-

    3. “Eat,” he says, his tongue caressing the front of his palate as he enunciates the ‘T’

    1. Annoyed with myself, I repeat it, enunciating carefully

    2. ’ He said slowly, enunciating the sounds as though to an imbecile

    3. Everyone had been transfixed by what felt like the voice of the Patriarch, sounding as clear as when enunciating the holy words of Law from the Ministry’s tower

    4. “What have you done?” he asked, enunciating with difficulty

    5. “Ailia,” he said again, this time enunciating her name more loudly and clearly as he finished with a glued-on smile

    6. "I know you understand me," he said, enunciating his words as if he were speaking to a child

    7. enunciating the word with distaste

    8. 'Two sides of the same coin,' she now said, enunciating each word with great care whilst tapping the photograph with her forefinger, 'Two halves of the same whole

    9. I would call attention to the fact that all I can do here is to put into words certain ancient symbols, and so emphasize the process (adopted by the early initiate-teachers) of enunciating a word or sound, which produces a symbolic form, which in its turn, is capable of translation into words

    10. Durrant meanwhile enunciating strident politics with Sir Somebody in the back room) until the virginity of Clara's soul appeared to him candid; the depths unknown; and he would have brought out Jacob's name had he not begun to feel positively certain that Clara loved him--and could do nothing whatever

    11. She stopped enunciating and let her words flow in a slurred, sloppy rush

    12. “But,” he says, enunciating very slowly, “what about the collections that are not on public display?”

    13. Raphael said, slowly enunciating the last four words

    14. However, by this time, Natasha Lytess had Marilyn reading her lines with exaggerated facial gymnastics, enunciating every syllable like a robot—and while no one liked it, no one could change it, either, not even Preminger

    15. But what is meant by this system? Some authors look at it merely as a scheme for arranging together those living objects which are most alike, and for separating those which are most unlike; or as an artificial method of enunciating, as briefly as possible, general propositions—that is, by one sentence to give the characters common, for instance, to all mammals, by another those common to all carnivora, by another those common to the dog-genus, and then, by adding a single sentence, a full description is given of each kind of dog

    16. Let us now consider the rules followed in classification, and the difficulties which are encountered on the view that classification either gives some unknown plan of creation, or is simply a scheme for enunciating general propositions and of placing together the forms most like each other

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    Синонимы для "enunciate"

    articulate enunciate vocalise vocalize enounce pronounce say sound out voice modulate intone utter express announce proclaim affirm