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    1. I followed at a more leisurely pace and by the time I arrived back at the tepee, Jill had lit a small gas lamp and set out a couple of canvas chairs

    2. Makis had staggered back about three in the morning, collapsing into the tepee with a grunt, out cold

    3. to explore the camp with its teepee

    4. Vernon peered in, poking his rifle into the teepee, but didn’t

    5. ' Then swore they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations on it; And they were in all two hundred; who descended (to Earth) in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations on it; And these are the names of their leaders: Sameazez, their leader, Arekeba, Remeel, Kekabeel, Temeel, Remeel, Denel, Ezeqeel, Bareqejel, Aseel, Armer's, Baterel, Anenel, Zaqeel, Samsepeel, Satarel, Terel, Jemjeel, Sariel

    6. ' Then swore they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations on it; And they were in all two hundred; who descended (to Earth) in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon and they called it Mount Hermon because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations on it; And these are the names of their leaders: Sameazez their leader Arekeba Remeel Kekabeel Temeel Remeel Denel Ezeqeel Bareqejel Aseel Armer's Baterel Anenel Zaqeel Samsepeel Satarel Terel Jemjeel Sariel

    7. We immediately went out and purchased the canvas and began making the teepee

    8. (I chuckle as I recalled how she burned out two sewing machines making that teepee for me

    9. I was curious to know whether the teepee poles I set up were still standing

    10. “Take this into the teepee

    11. Frank had just started to add his pike to the tepee of pikes

    12. When dawn came, Ashat carried her back to her family teepee

    13. When he was well enough, Ashat was moved back to his teepee

    14. Saura wanted them to move closer to the chief’s teepee, but

    15. Hialeah whispered in my ear, but not so quietly, “My tepee will always be a warm place for you to lie

    16. Before I could even put a single foot to the ground outside my teepee, they were all lost

    17. The largest teepee in the village stood nearby

    18. After sharing half the packet of biscuits, finishing the water, scrabbling piles of bracken and grass together for a mattress and heaping a rough tepee with leaves, grass and anything else we vainly hoped would keep off cold and dew, we huddled down, hungry and thirsty, for a long night

    19. It was on Route 66, near the old downtown, and had a giant Indian teepee on top and gas pumps out front

    20. Seeing Ononkapis’ teepee through the trees, Nancy shouted a warning in Algonquin towards it

    21. The young teenage Amerindian girl she had seen at the start of the fight was now coming out of the teepee, dressed only in a loincloth

    22. I looked back at Roger, leaned back in my chair, put my hands in a teepee, and said, “Roger, what I hear is that you need more money

    23. Native American camp with tepees and there is a horse

    24. of those whose courts once took lodge and teepee

    25. tin shanties, semi circular cabins and extra large Indian tepees Adjacent to the main house,

    26. The problem with having all chiefs and no Indians in your teepee is that unless you’re the chief dictating the current warpath, or in tight with that chief, you have no bloody idea what’s going on

    27. Eating orangepeels in the park

    28. I’ve got a tepee up there that I live in about four or five months out of the year

    29. As far as he was concerned, this was still a keeper/keepee relationship

    30. He took the stand, bounced a little as he got comfortable, and then made a tepee with his hands

    31. She had to fold up her teepee and go back to work as a freelancer for a fraction of what she used to make

    32. Smoking can be best effected in a smoke house or a smoke tepee

    33. If the embers in a smoke tepee burst into flame, there is a risk that the whole structure may catch alight

    34. This can be avoided by building a fire in a chamber in a bank (see Snake hole in Fire) with the tepee erected over the chimney

    35. Once cooked they can be preserved by cold smoking in a smoke tepee over a chimney

    36. “No, not much—but then later, when the troops were hunting Indians and shooting children and burning teepees, it wasn’t much different from your mouse hunt

    37. Change the box house to a tent, put the fire in the centre, and with less furniture, but no more smoke or dirt, you have the tepee home of the Indian

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