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epitomize примеры предложений
1. They seem to me to epitomize all that is bad and all that is good in humankind
2. Buddha was asked to epitomize the whole of His teaching in one verse, He
3. These colors are not the bright colors that represent spring and summer or the sparking colors that epitomize Christmas but the colors of nature once she has seasoned and matured a bit
4. the first chapter, one-half of whom epitomize forces of piety whereas the
5. The life and work of Mother Teresa epitomize the
6. Furthermore the financial results will themselves epitomize many of the qualitative elements, so that a detailed study of the latter may not add much of importance to the picture
1. They prey upon us, and prey after us, especially the trial lawyers epitomized by such as John Edwards
2. epitomized by the record of land enclosure in the 17th and 18th
3. epitomized what a writer was all about -- a
4. elegantly trim and epitomized charm and grace; a lover of literature and
5. Though he had long been fond of historic Conway’s charming Southern graciousness, which epitomized the typical small town of an era long gone, Wickland seldom found time to spend exploring and casually perusing the antique stores, hometown jewelers, and old-fashioned haberdashery that dotted the tree-lined Main Street
6. The ignorance and symbolism of Ezekiel is epitomized in chapter 23 in which Samaria
7. In other words, they are epitomized by the phrase, “Good, but not the best”
8. The intent of his song is epitomized by the stanza expressing the following: "Oh the winds of war are blowing and there's no way of knowing where this bloody path we're traveling will lead
1. The chapter “Civil Disobedience-Satyagrha” epitomizes the Gandhi in a more complete form what the world knows
2. have science and the scientific method which epitomizes the spirit of truth
3. After all, the feature of the Semitic religious faiths is the dogmatic belief sustained by habit while spirituality epitomizes the search for the self in this world and beyond
4. Owning nothing and childless, hers was nevertheless the wealthiest of souls for possessing all the best that a mother's love epitomizes and the world's worst-off were the most loved of her foster brood
5. the one that epitomizes the case, or is the most well known of the category members and therefore 348
6. In some ways, Mum epitomizes the fulfilment of
7. Do you realize the sickness that Oprah Winfrey epitomizes? Having the power and control, fame, status; of being the most famous tv afternoon idol in America
1. Yet there really didn’t seem to be anything remarkable about it, flanked as it was by two other buildings just like it: sagging old brick structures leaning drunkenly together, unadorned windows, and falling, burnt-out signs, epitomizing the town’s long, slow decline from 1950 to the new millennium
2. “Wall Street” has a significance, not merely as the name of a famous thoroughfare, but as epitomizing the forces which produce the profoundest effects upon the industrial and even political and social life of America