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    equally well

    1. The rent of the land which affords such singular and esteemed productions, like the rent of some vineyards in France of a peculiarly happy soil and situation, bears no regular proportion to the rent of other equally fertile and equally well cultivated land in its neighbourhood

    2. Labour, it must be remembered, is the ultimate price which is paid for every thing; and in countries where labour is equally well rewarded, the money price of labour will be in proportion to that of the subsistence of the labourer

    3. When the capitals are equal, and equally well applied, it is in proportion to their natural fertility

    4. In ancient Rome, the exercises of the Campus Martius answered the same purpose as those of the Gymnasium in ancient Greece, and they seem to have answered it equally well

    5. Their reward consisted altogether in what they got from their scholars ; and a citizen, who had learnt his exercises in the public gymnasia, had no sort of legal advantage over one who had learnt them privately, provided the latter had learned them equally well

    6. He could equally well have run his fingers through his eyebrows

    7. The rent and profit of barley land, besides, must always be nearly equal to those of other equally fertile and equally well cultivated land

    8. A tax upon the produce of those precious vineyards, of which the wine falls so much short of the effectual demand, that its price is always above the natural proportion to that of the produce of other equally fertile and equally well cultivated land, would necessarily reduce the rent and profit of those vineyards

    9. But the ordinary price of barley has never been a monopoly price ; and the rent and profit of barley land have never been above their natural proportion to those of other equally fertile and equally well cultivated land

    10. it was much more counter-terrorism activities than traditional counter-insurgency although SAP COIN could do both equally well

    11. Their bodies were equally well groomed and pampered, and they had also each made major life commitments to social equality

    12. I am moderately shy by nature, but once contact is established I can spin tall tales with the best of them, so our symbiotic relationship served both of us equally well

    13. She reasoned that her EVA suit, designed as it was to protect her against a vacuum could equally well protect her against being submerged in water

    14. Natasha assisted in the research and was equally well versed on the subject

    15. ” The pirates, who had never seen a PI ship in the hands of properly trained pilots let alone sentient PI ships in the hands of properly trained pilots with equally well trained fire control officers turned to attack Hawk Squadron

    16. He was as equally well known for his ranching skills as for his

    17. He uses either hand equally well

    18. I could, of course, equally well have said the same of him, if only I had thought of it first

    19. Sanjay, who has heard the dialogue equally well, concludes that

    20. Yet when learning together in schools with those of equal ability, minorities and non-minorities do equally well

    21. court with a group of equally well-fed gentlemen,

    22. Jones's dying, and snatched her back to a hankering after the unfit? Had she not taught the entire village to break the Sabbath? Had she not made all its children either sick or cross under the pretence of giving them a treat? On the Monday she did something else that was equally well-meaning, and yet, as I shall presently relate, of disastrous consequences: she went round the village from cottage to cottage making friends with the children's mothers and leaving behind her, wherever she went, little presents of money

    23. If only the most basic human knowledge itself were collated enough to nullify some of the monopolist areas of needless, wasteful, conflicting, overlapping expertise; so everyone was equally well-informed: then the rest of this structure would come crashing down along with the pyramidalization of knowledge

    24. In the chapter on line work it was stated that: "Lines of shading drawn across the forms suggest softness, lines drawn in curves fulness of form, lines drawn down the forms hardness, and lines crossing in every direction atmosphere," and these rules apply equally well to the direction of the brush strokes (the brush work) in a painting

    25. And a great deal that was said about the rhythmic significance of these lines will apply equally well here

    26. However, all that I am positing about a ray Life may be equally well posited anent a human life, but it should be borne in mind that the pure ray type does not as yet exist, for there is not to be found that perfect form, mechanism or expression of the ray quality, nor that absolutely purified appearance in the human family, except in such rare cases as the Buddha, or Christ, and (in another field of expression) an Alexander or Julius Caesar

    27. The rest of the family, being of a dramatic turn, played their parts equally well, and Miss Eliott found them a most hilarious set, for it was impossible to control entirely the merriment which possessed them

    28. But, on the other hand, if he has no money, and cannot provide himself with tools or instruments, he will not work equally well himself, nor will he teach his sons or apprentices to work equally well

    29. He was enveloped in a cloak that might have been intended as a protection from the chilling damps of the woods, but which served equally well as a mantle to conceal his person

    30. But that, in shutting out the light of day, she had shut out infinitely more; that, in seclusion, she had secluded herself from a thousand natural and healing influences; that, her mind, brooding solitary, had grown diseased, as all minds do and must and will that reverse the appointed order of their Maker, I knew equally well

    31. If the salary is fixed without any regard for that law, as, for instance, when I see two engineers leaving college together, both equally well trained and efficient, and one getting forty thousand while the other is satisfied with two; or when I see lawyers and hussars, having no special qualifications, appointed directors of banking companies with immense salaries, I conclude that the salary is not fixed in accordance with the law of supply and demand, but simply through personal

    32. At this moment he was lying ill of fever in the clay lands near Curitiba in Brazil, having been drenched with thunder-storms and persecuted by other hardships, in common with all the English farmers and farm-labourers who, just at this time, were deluded into going thither by the promises of the Brazilian Government, and by the baseless assumption that those frames which, ploughing and sowing on English uplands, had resisted all the weathers to whose moods they had been born, could resist equally well all the weathers by which they were surprised on Brazilian plains

    33. This is often a setup for an excellent breakout trade, and applies equally well, inverted, to the downside

    34. When counting, Lindsay normally used closing prices but he noted that closing, or intraday prices, tend to work equally well

    35. Most of this book applies equally well to individual or institutional traders across a wide range of time frames and asset classes

    36. Long-term speculation is equally well established as a rueful fact (when the purchaser holds on hoping to make up a loss), and it is also carried on to some extent as an intentional undertaking

    37. But what we have said about the analyst and the future applies equally well to the concept of investment

    38. The field of choice is wide; the selection should depend not only on the individual’s competence and equipment but perhaps equally well upon his interests and preferences

    39. Thus it is usually one of the smaller concerns in its field, but it may equally well be the chief unit in an unimportant line

    40. * Some of the poet’s remarks apply equally well to one invention or another—such as the following (in Bayard Taylor’s translation):

    41. This approach applies equally well to puts, as long as we remember that a put will have a negative delta

    42. The more typical approach to boosting expected returns is to take more risk, but I remind the reader that not all risks are rewarded and certainly they are not all rewarded equally well

    43. Despite the availability of numerous sophisticated methods that have been developed recently for treating various aspects of optimization, it is still impossible to propose a universal approach that would apply equally well to all situations

    44. Both mid- and large-cap stocks perform equally well

    45. We have run tests similar to those in this book on the MSCI dataset that begins in 1970 and found that, for the most part, these strategies work equally well in foreign markets

    46. For users of the thinkorswim platform, the developers programmed it to work equally well on Windows or a Mac

    47. ” My favorite reason for trading the forex markets (and this applies equally well to currency futures markets) is that they trend better than any other markets

    48. Rushworth, who had been at great pains to learn all that the housekeeper could teach, and was now almost equally well qualified to shew the house

    49. Susan became the stationary niece, delighted to be so; and equally well adapted for it by a readiness of mind, and an inclination for usefulness, as Fanny had been by sweetness of temper, and strong feelings of gratitude

    50. That species have a capacity for change will be admitted by all evolutionists; but there is no need, as it seems to me, to invoke any internal force beyond the tendency to ordinary variability, which through the aid of selection, by man has given rise to many well-adapted domestic races, and which, through the aid of natural selection, would equally well give rise by graduated steps to natural races or species

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