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ethos примеры предложений
1. In spite of every advantage in life, including a fabulous education and a family ethos of good works and humble gratitude for the largesse granted by fate, this young lady rarely had a good word to say for anyone
2. This was the original hackers' ethos, now all but abandoned in the rush for money, fame and
3. Not just in Russia where diplomatic relations were known to be a foreign – in every sense of the word – concept to the new president elect, but throughout the United Bloc of nations: a committee, including the non-aligned (neutral) countries such as Japan, Korea (north & south), and India, which had at the heart of its ethos the slogan finding the middle way
4. The Communications Revolution had arrived, roaring its magnificence to the ethos that closely attended it
5. But Rhonda and I had a New England ethos in common; I liked her; she was a very good painter
6. the native socialist ethos of the Russian village community and those who wanted to adopt Western ideas of modernization
7. munist movement gathered speed, helped by the ethos of the period
8. I barely know them, but they give every appearance of the warrior ethos that I have seen in the Egyptian army
9. every appearance of the warrior ethos that I have seen in the Egyptian army
10. The main thing their parents or one parent wanted for them was an education with a Catholic ethos
11. “Well the reading of the Bible in our time in our part of Ireland was considered to be something connected with the Protestant ethos” she replied
12. Matthew loved the total Irish ethos of it all and had also booked an Irish band
13. And the messages of peace he received from his father, in turn, gladdened Suresh’s ethos no end
14. "It was a bit like the Garden of Eden," says Stallman, summing up the lab and its software-sharing ethos in a 1998
15. The process was so gradual that it went unnoticed by him, until six years ago, when the ethos of the group was revealed to him
16. were inside fixing dinner with the women, and there was a strong ethos
17. This seems consistent with the Klingon ethos, but something we rarely see
18. In his brief speech, Modi spoke glowingly of Gujarat’s Kutch Muslim artisans and the community’s work ethos
19. that a Christian ethos always becomes entrenched in all areas of its
20. “East or West human nature is the same,” said Ramu, “though it’s the cultural ethos that fashions our social mores
21. All of us have personal preferences steeped in our upbringing that are shaped by our respective communal ethos
22. The ethos of the society dominated by the concept of ostentation offended her sensitivity steeped in a refined taste
23. All the same, hasn’t the so called idolatry insensibly seeped into the religious ethos of Christianity and Islam as well? Won’t that prove, if proof were ever needed, that when it comes to spirituality, imagery comes naturally to man, and anything contrary, be it religious or be it ideological, is the pretence of the protagonists
24. “But by marketing health care don"t you lose the ethos of
25. “Well, Raju was not dumb to read my mind and so he steered clear of my course; but what if he had chosen to embarrass me by sticking to me on purpose? Won’t it make a strategy to hurt the jealous and the conceited by imposing ourselves upon them, never mind they cold-shoulder us? Well, he was too good a soul to resort to such a foul; but shortly after Anand came back on transfer, when Ruma advised him to keep away from his poor friend with no future to name, I had a full grasp of the complexities of the trap into which I willy-nilly pushed her into; and so I began to worry about the possible fallout of her changed ethos on my life as well
26. “What a value addition he had been at the office, and ironically that hastened my moral decline even more; as he refused to soil his hands with our murky deals, I had to handle the underbelly of business that heralded my nose-dive into a moral abyss; and equally worse, Imperial’s vertical take-off into the galaxy of infrastructure only pushed Ruma’s moral ethos further down the ladder of materialistic callousness
27. Later, when Anand told me that her son married a girl from an orphanage, it was clear to me that the ethos of the couple could have shaped the spirit of their children
28. Why for that matter, poverty, the product of social debilities and human constraints, is no less an evil that affects man’s ethos as money does; and as for nouveau riche, they tend to imagine that since they have the reins of wealth, they have a reign over the world of wisdom
29. Be that as it may, while rightly castigating the obnoxious Hindu untouchability, the Christian ethos seems to have no qualms about its own atrocities against the native races in the Americas and elsewhere
30. Reverting to the Christian ethos that is the proselytizing forerunner of dogmatic uprightness and religious intolerance, we would have the seeds of strife that Islam sows nowadays
31. It is thus, while the Christian ethos is shaped by the preaching of Jesus that led to his crucifixion, the Islamic creed is a product of the conduct of Muhammad that gained him the Kabah
32. Sadly though, for them and 'the others' as well, they fail to inculcate this 'truism of faith' in their religious ethos, which makes them believe that their billion-strong religion is threatened even if a woman of their ilk intends to marry a man of another sect, and thus become paranoid that it is their bounden duty to guard their faith by preventing its happening
33. Thus, it calls for the examination of the poor Musalmans as to how Muhammad’s personal agenda would have influenced the ethos of Islam miring their life ‘here’
34. It is pious obedience, not rational argumentation that is the Muslim way; after all, it was said the sin of the devil was that he had argued with God instead of obeying him! So as to avoid the possibility of Islam sinking into individual anarchism Muslim ethos got wedded to the hadith
35. But, that didn’t happen, and as though to signify the symbolism of Somnath to the Hindu ethos, even the secular government of Nehru’s India thought it fit that the temple should be rebuilt
36. On the other hand, as against the single scripture wisdom of the Semitic religions and the dogma of their prophets, the Hindu sanaatana dharma is a spiritual way of life with an imbibed philosophical ethos that is steeped in deep-rooted culture and tradition
37. Even in the earlier Ramayana times, Parasurama, the Lord’s avatar as a Brahman, emphasized the Brahmanic ethos of the Vedic times thus:
38. What is worse for the unfortunate citizens, as if the foreign rulers of yore had laid down the norms for ruling Aryavarta for all times to come, the politicians of free India have stuck to the ethos of the aliens in governing their own country
39. Moreover, for them, the Sufi sop of allowing them to nourish their new Islamic ethos in their old Hindu habitats was like having the cake and eating it too
40. This unjust happenstance should be a cause of regret for the caste Hindus that their progenitors so mistreated the ancestors of these folks that forced them into an alien faith with a slavish ethos to God and a narrow vision of life that is firmly coupled with burdensome religious precepts and practices
41. The Aryans, who came well after Mohen jo daro, in spite of their emphasis on spirituality, didn’t seem to have hampered the work ethos of yore as would be evident from the prosperity of the populace in the bygone eras of Ramayana and Mahabharata
42. Nevertheless, the Pagan fate didn’t visit Hinduism as Mahmud Ghazni hoped his destruction of the temple and the desecration of the Deity of Somnath would, but why? Well, the answer lies in the social ethos of Aryavarta
43. Historically, the political ethos of the Rajas of the land always was devoid of a sense of belonging to the motherland, which continues to plague the political system of the Union of India that is Bharat
44. Though Hindustan got rid of the Islamist misrule, it is as if the politicians of free India retained the governing ethos of the Musalmans as the sarkari legacy for posterity
45. After all, in the land of Aryavarta, the privileged class had always been apart, and that came to be a part of its socio-political ethos, and since the Brahmans are, any way, out, let the politicians be in, so seems the rationale of the Indian democratic process
46. And to add insult to the Hindu injury, the Nehruvian foreign policy was fashioned to address the fundamentalist ethos of the Muslim minority rather than to serve the national interests of the new India
47. However, her Islamic gimmicks for electoral withdrawals from the ‘Vote-bank de Mohammedan’ that became the political ethos of the Congress party, while not helping the Indian Musalmans, economically or otherwise, had only succeeded in earning for them the Hindu resentment in fair measure
48. Who cares about that, any way, as the Hindu wisdom was never known to factor the Islamic expansionist ethos into the Indian realpolitik
49. While it was Annie Besant, the English woman, who helped the Congress form, Sonia Gandhi, Dame de Italian, might help in its eventual liquidation, of course, with the helping hand from an uninspiring Rahul, her political heir apparent! If not the maturity of the Indian electorate, at least the public allergy for the Congress’ insensitivity to the national ethos could ensure that, and as and when it happens, it could be one of the many ironies of the chequered history of Hindustan
50. The WE-THEY obsession of the Islamic ethos debilitates the Musalmans with troubled minds