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    every now and then

    1. Vinnie was sliding the glove around the door in small circular motions, every now and then he would tap one of the fingers of the glove against the door in alternating rhythms

    2. Every now and then, when she thinks no-one is looking, it pops out … am I being a fool? Or even worse, an interfering old bag? I hope not

    3. Every now and then one or other of us will point out something we can see … I spot a deer in the distance at one point but it disappears before Stephen can see it

    4. ‘Tell me about your father, Kate, you mention him every now and then

    5. By the way: The computer I work on has been upgraded too many times and, as a result, it breaks down every now and then: Sometimes the screen turns black, or the program fails, or the printer doesn't work properly and so on

    6. He would look over at her every now and then and smile

    7. What was it Auntie Agnes had said? Every now and then get up out of your seat and have a good stretch? Trouble was I'd only just sat down and now I was far too embarrassed to make a fuss

    8. From all his travelling Pantelis must have known that every now and then we stumble into a Shangri-la and find such ease and serenity it must be a sin to breathe about it to another living soul

    9. She noticed he would look around the room every now and then, as though he were scanning for someone

    10. Okay, so every now and then I see something familiar and it hits me … but overall I’m okay

    11. Every now and then, I had seen Ish watch the men in

    12. Every now and then Lady Killian would ask him a question and his whole world would turn upside down with the sound of her voice

    13. The pair of warblers she had seen before sang from the safety of their bush as the sun shone down, its rays catching the blades of the shovels every now and then and making them glint

    14. Sitting morosely at the table where they waited, casting anxious glances at Ozzie every now and then almost as though he expected the man to explode or something equally irrational

    15. The man appeared to have a cold and sniffed every now and then

    16. They picked up their staffs and began following him down the road, every now and then 'switching sides' at a moment of their own choosing and with a flourish of new precision

    17. Every now and then he could hear a brief shuffling

    18. Believe it or not, a little 19-month-old can get on your nerves every now and then and they're curious and can tear tissues into 1 million pieces, take your books from the bookshelf and throw them all over the floor etc

    19. Every now and then a car would speed past in the empty

    20. Every now and then Alec came to his senses and pushed Nathalia away, forcing her to rent out her own quarters at the Wayward Inn

    21. Every now and then she would catch Hogan’s glance and smile shyly

    22. Here along the avenue it still averaged twelve to twenty stories and there were pedestrian bridges across on the third or fourth floor every now and then

    23. She would look up every now and then in acknowledgment, but she decided to keep her opinions muted – after all, they were not quite as compassionate

    24. He feigned interest by laughing and smiling every now and then at something she said, but his mind was somewhere else

    25. The horses held their heads high as they set off willingly, stomping their hooves every now and then in mild frustration that they couldn’t head out at a faster pace

    26. Every now and then kittens would tumble past play-fighting

    27. And the lights come on every now and then

    28. At least I was able to brew some tea every now and then when the craving hit

    29. Every now and then she would call out for her mother or father

    30. Vaguely, he heard the woman breathing hard and moaning every now and then, but he paid little attention to it - he was far too excited by what he was doing to her cunt

    31. “The fire just kept spreading, setting off more explosions every now and then

    32. Even though scientists are not impressed by New Age teachings, their scientific findings such as images taken by the Hubble telescope show proof that new galaxies are being birthed every now and then

    33. ‘What day of the month is it?’ he said, turning to Alice: he had taken his watch out of his pocket, and was looking at it uneasily, shaking it every now and then, and holding it to his ear

    34. They were as blue as the sky with a glint of silver every now and then

    35. The level of healthcare offered to regular inmates was minimal, and Ruby Tower didn’t care if they lost a few fighters every now and then to disease or poor hygiene

    36. “The lady downstairs said that you have a girl come in and clean every now and then

    37. We were to run it every now and then but never with a bed, hollow or otherwise I am glad to say

    38. It is never enough and Mr Average Joe always takes a loss and you see it on television every now and then

    39. Ironic to me is that your worst enemy fire their staff every now and then for whatever reason and obviously it is sad when that happens

    40. Every now and then one kookaburra turned its head towards him and chuckled

    41. Every now and then Stelze stopped and looked back, pricking her ears

    42. everyone enjoys a good show every now and then……however delivered in a manner that oftentimes resonated with the uninitiated

    43. Every now and then Soffen stopped to examine a plant before rejecting it with an impatient shake of her head

    44. Every now and then two tribes would attack each other about real or imagined insults and the Police were well able to sort it out

    45. The democratic systems of government are designed to encourage competition known as elections every now and then

    46. Every now and then we read in the newspaper that a union or someone accuses a foreign corporation of such things

    47. As said every now and then confusion is created by the fat politicians

    48. It was filled with horses, tents, men, women, children and every now and then, campfires and wagons with packs

    49. Every now and then one would stand up to stress a point and spoke louder

    50. Every now and then, she had to run to keep up with him, but he did not turn and did not say anything

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