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    evil-smelling примеры предложений


    1. After that she covered the side of his face in the evil-smelling warm poultice, tucked a blanket around him for warmth and then left the vardo, gesturing for Papa to follow

    2. An evil-smelling salve was put on all her wounds

    3. The room was damp and evil-smelling

    4. Kökensee was God-forsaken, distant, alien, ugly, dirty, dripping, evil-smelling

    5. After a few minutes, he was glad to be back in his plastic chair; it's not nice having a cop stand outside the cubicle while your colon squeezes out all the evil-smelling bad stuff

    6. That first winter the boy's days were chiefly spent in the damp, evil-smelling, stone-flagged paint-shop, without even a fire to warm the clammy atmosphere

    7. The banks of this trench were covered with rose trees and evergreens, and the bottom was a mass of slimy, evil-smelling, rain-sodden earth, foul with the excrement of nocturnal animals

    8. 'How like a dream it sounds—the Sea! Oh brother, will we ever swim in it again, think you? Every night as I lie awake on the floor of this evil-smelling dungeon I hear its hearty voice ringing in my ears

    9. There was a thaw, the market-place was dingy and evil-smelling, but I was delighted even with the marketplace

    10. Through his mind flitted a shifting retrospect of these last weeks upon the sea—the rushing voyage through rock-sown bays and windy fairways; the days of creaking rise-and-fall upon the heavy swell of a dead and scorching sea, or of groping for buoys through the blind white fog; nights under the starlight, nights when the wild summer rain had driven him for shelter to the hot and evil-smelling cabin of the little schooner

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