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    Используйте «evilly» в предложении

    evilly примеры предложений


    1. Tipene screamed at the top of his lungs as the teddy-bear laughed evilly

    2. He had a long, villainous moustache that he twirled most evilly

    3. maimed slave?” The old man grinned evilly

    4. “Just how old is the family?” Jacob smiled evilly

    5. The same instructors also told us that fresh urine is a good anti-inflammatory liquid in emergency, but I just don’t know for I never tried it, and they were grinning rather evilly when saying so

    6. There was not even surplus to glare evilly at them

    7. Moshe brought up the rear, keeping a watchful eye over his shoulder on Myserrah, who now wore a troubled look on his face also, but his eyes were narrow slits and glistened evilly

    8. but his eyes were narrow slits and glistened evilly

    9. Thomas removed the knife and evilly smiled

    10. "Oh, that's too easy," he said evilly

    11. Turning his head he saw Irma grinning evilly

    12. She chuckled evilly

    13. Davidson chuckled evilly

    14. Tall red-yellow flames were crackling evilly as they

    15. He was on his guards when suddenly his mansion gates flew open and Ansh and Vaidehi stood in front of him smiling evilly

    16. It turned to face them, and a skull loomed at them, its gleaming teeth appearing to grin evilly

    17. One head for a chest, I say it is a very good trade!” And he started to laugh evilly

    18. He fell with an ungraceful thud against the evilly soft grass

    19. She glanced evilly at Anne, who was looking on in horror

    20. ” He chuckled evilly, putting

    21. The blonde one was sneering evilly, seeming very interested in what Alex and Amaia had to say

    22. bride on his arm, sneering evilly at Velvet who remained stone-faced as she served her

    23. She grinned evilly

    24. As a result: for untold thousands of years, billions of terrified weak, brainwashed: aurally poisoned living humans: secretly controlled and manipulated by unseen undead: have allowed a tint tiny! Handful of the most evilly possessed living humans to dominate and oppress and terrorize them

    25. When you are asleep and dreaming: your subconscious becomes their playground, your dreams become their dreams… They dream through you… unseen, secretly… just as they live through you; unseen, in secret, vicariously, evilly

    26. But spirits called Satan (the devil) and places called Hell could be said to be essentially biblical metaphors to describe humans’ choice to behave evilly

    27. Creteloc smiled evilly, “Yes, it is

    28. Daemionis smiled evilly, “Yes, the girl would do that, wouldn’t she

    29. Having had quite enough of her jingo related jokes, Mac decided to retaliate by placing an almost undetectable-blending evilly into Julie’s desk seat-camouflaged fart bag

    30. Suddenly, Llewelyn drew another Dagger from I knew not where (perhaps a fellow Seaman stealthily slipp’d it to him) and, going up behind Cocklyn, embraced him evilly ’round the Waist

    31. The figure that now stood by its bows was tall and swart, with one white tooth evilly protruding from its steel-like lips

    32. His bewilderment and his alarmed perplexity passed off, however, and his lips now twitched with rage as he continued to stare evilly at his laughing guest, while his countenance became absolutely livid

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