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    exclaimed примеры предложений


    1. ‘What!’ he exclaimed almost against his will, his calm front shattered by my statement

    2. “I reversed gravity,” Red exclaimed unnecessarily as she punched out a nearby guard

    3. ‘Do I hell!’ she exclaimed ‘We worked at it for weeks and I was terrified that I would be the one who cocked the whole thing up

    4. ‘Lytes Cary … that’s it!’ he exclaimed happily a few moments later

    5. ‘Oh?’ I exclaimed beginning to see where this is going

    6. ‘I don’t reckon it was there at all!’ he exclaimed playfully ‘You’re having Bambi hallucinations!’

    7. ‘Good God!’ I exclaimed, truly stunned … the bastard was playing with her at the same time was he! ‘She’s only about twenty isn’t she?’

    8. When the woman was presented to Adam, he exclaimed: "This

    9. “Why do you begin with negativity?” he exclaimed at once happily

    10. Nothing can be so bad that you are crying like that!’ he exclaimed as I sob myself silly into his jacket

    11. ‘You can’t hang around just because your grandmother says you should!’ I exclaimed trying to lighten the atmosphere

    12. ’ He exclaimed, handing the papers to his colleague and looking at Kara in amazement

    13. As they parted he exclaimed, “Woman, there is nothing wrong with you!”

    14. ’ I exclaimed, appalled by his reply

    15. Pinching her nose and turning to the other guests she exclaimed in a nasal tone, “Smells of wee-wee!”

    16. Sir John, aware that he had to make a strong showing in the midst of so many hawk-eyed, elected members, exclaimed, "Oh yes Sir, isn't it magnificent, so well argued, so concise, so irrefutably true

    17. Bowing he exclaimed: Hail to the MightyValotin, Fourth of the Ancients!

    18. “Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his wife

    19. ’ Jake exclaimed as they return to the kitchen

    20. ‘Oh heavens, there’s no milk!’ I exclaimed suddenly realising that the fridge is empty too

    21. “Oh my, look at that blouse,” exclaimed Rayne changing the subject, “can we go in and see if they have it in my size?” Mistress Sera laughed and both women went into the shop arm in arm

    22. into tears and exclaimed, “I thought I’d dealt with all

    23. ‘Anna, your man is as crazy as mine when it comes to that cat!’ Jo exclaimed with a laugh

    24. “Ah there it is!” she exclaimed

    25. ‘Oh, it is so good being back here!’ she exclaimed with an enormous sigh of contentment

    26. “Dega-sou!” he exclaimed before he could catch himself

    27. nose and turning to the other guests she exclaimed in a nasal tone,

    28. ‘How exciting!’ she exclaimed, then realising the connection, ‘Of course, Jo and Alastair are moving into your cottage! I hadn’t connected the two

    29. “What the bloody… you’re crap at cards as well!” he exclaimed,

    30. “Gods and seers!” exclaimed Kai, who had joined them

    31. “Dega sou!” Exclaimed Captain Andrid; “Is that what I think it is?”

    32. exclaimed, waving their order papers in the air above their heads

    33. “Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his

    34. Well I’ll be, exclaimed Brent; I always knew that bird was special

    35. “You’re back!” he exclaimed

    36. “Blimey!” he exclaimed, “It’s a bit nippy out there

    37. ‘That clearing at the top of the hill!’ exclaimed Petr, suddenly remembering

    38. I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole's equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I'm sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to 'go fish a bit, since there's a lake here and all,' but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

    39. “Who the hell was that?” Tom exclaimed

    40. ‘The what?’ exclaimed Matt, looking more than a

    41. “Women?” exclaimed Tom, “But how could one of them be

    42. “In the Kassikan!?” Yorthops exclaimed

    43. They can't be your younger sisters!” exclaimed Kaitlyn

    44. ‘Oh … thank goodness!’ Ben exclaimed as Abi finally laid her tiles out

    45. It opened and a cute, lightly-freckled face, framed in orange curls exclaimed, “Jorma!?” as he instantly went into shock when his addled brain finally recognized her as Venna

    46. ” He exclaimed abruptly, and threw his arms around Harry's shoulders in a most uncommon display of affection

    47. But you’re part of the evil Climate Change Cult!! There is no such thing as Brambelings or Climate Change!” The second fat-cat exclaimed, and then stood proudly, thinking to himself,

    48. “I’m not going back in that forest!” Monica exclaimed,

    49. “You heard the lady!” Andrew exclaimed, “Hurry it up!”

    50. "What!" He exclaimed, jumping back against the truck with his arms in the air, as if he’d been cornered by the local posse

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