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exclusive примеры предложений
1. We were shown all the production processes of their exclusive lamps:
2. Those using the name were many, but those using the name who also held a connection to human trafficking, prostitution and more specifically to the skin-trade, were a much more exclusive group
3. The Baptists are exclusive
4. The Catholics are exclusive
5. Indeed, the whole Church is exclusive
6. including but not exclusive to pornographers, drug barons
7. Because, up to about the year 1700 sugar was the exclusive amenity of the aristocracy, it came to be greatly prized by the masses as a delicacy
8. "Oh he'd like it to be," she told him, "he says there's a bully group on that starship that tries to prevent any sexual contact outside exclusive monogamous relationships for life
9. The westering sun caught gold in the glistening faces, the essence of life on the mountain, something exclusive and transcendent
10. The rent means that he gets an exclusive between the hours of ten and twelve, which is more than enough time
11. Twenty minutes of methodical assembly later, and the Livingsons were the exclusive owners of the first indoor toilet in Tahoe City
12. He is fundamentalist enough that he might be sexually exclusive or not at all
13. But wasn't this her mother's genes again? Hadn't she wanted someone steady, along comes someone who could be exclusive, and she's ready to give him one roll in the flowers and then tell him what? 'Oh, if we run into each other again after a few decades I could imagine I might be willing to try a relationship with you'?
14. “I come from a culture in which it’s illegal to have sex outside an exclusive marriage with a partner agreed to by both families at an elaborate and expensive ceremony
15. Several centuries ago it had been an area of exclusive homes
16. "Yes, but we aren't exclusive
17. I don't mean exclusive, I'll always want to party too, but someone who's usually home with me, someone I can keep up with
18. The wedding that was inside was very exclusive and uninviting,
19. The exclusive privileges of corporations are the principal means it makes use of for this
20. The exclusive privilege of an incorporated trade necessarily restrains the competition, in the
21. The exclusive privileges of corporations obstruct it from one
22. apprenticeship may oppose it in the one case, and both that and an exclusive corporation in the
23. Where there is an exclusive corporation, it
24. exclusive privileges, though they are not very strictly guarded
25. heavily on exclusive reports, interviews and stories to sell their copies
26. Entails are thought necessary for maintaining this exclusive privilege of the nobility to the great offices and honours of their country; and that order having usurped one unjust advantage over the rest of their fellow-citizens, lest their poverty should render it ridiculous, it is thought reasonable that they should have another
27. Sally the Sleepy showed up about a half hour late, finding Patty the Perky patiently sitting at a table by a window taking in the lush vegetation that surrounded the front and two sides of the rather rustic but exclusive dining place
28. When the Dutch, in the beginning of the last century, began to encroach upon them, they vested their whole East India commerce in an exclusive company
29. The exclusive privileges of those East India companies, their great riches, the great favour and protection which these have procured them from their respective governments, have excited much envy against them
30. " Country gentlemen and farmers, dispersed in different parts of the country, cannot so easily combine as merchants and manufacturers, who being collected into towns, and accustomed to that exclusive corporation spirit which prevails in them, naturally endeavour to obtain, against all their countrymen, the same exclusive privilege which they generally possess against the inhabitants of their respective towns
31. It was probably in imitation of them, and to put themselves upon a level with those who, they found, were disposed to oppress them, that the country gentlemen and farmers of Great Britain so far forgot the generosity which is natural to their station, as to demand the exclusive privilege of supplying their countrymen with corn and butcher's meat
32. Let the same natural liberty of exercising what species of industry they please, be restored to all his Majesty's subjects, in the same manner as to soldiers and seamen ; that is, break down the exclusive privileges of corporations, and repeal the statute of apprenticeship, both which are really encroachments upon natural Liberty, and add to those the repeal of the law of settlements, so that a poor workman, when thrown out of employment, either in one trade or in one place, may seek for it in another trade or in another place, without the fear either of a prosecution or of a removal; and neither the public nor the individuals will suffer much more from the occasional disbanding some particular classes of manufacturers, than from that of the soldiers
33. The seignorage, if it was not exorbitant, would add to the bullion the whole value of the duty; because, the government having everywhere the exclusive privilege of coining, no coin can come to market cheaper than they think proper to afford it
34. These little settlements, too, were under the government of an exclusive company, which had the sole right, both of purchasing the surplus produce of the colonies, and of supplying them with such goods of other countries as they wanted, and which, therefore, both in its purchases and sales, had not only the power of oppressing them, but the greatest temptation to do so
35. The government of an exclusive company of merchants is, perhaps, the worst of all governments for any country whatever
36. The Dutch settlements in the West, as well as those in the East Indies, were originally put under the government of an exclusive company
37. The French colony of Canada was, during the greater part of the last century, and some part of the present, under the government of an exclusive company
38. Even the oppression of the exclusive company, to which it was for some time subjected with all the other colonies of France, though it no doubt retarded, had not been able to stop its progress altogether
39. All the different civil establishments in North America, in short, exclusive of those of Maryland and North Carolina, of which no exact account has been got, did not, before the commencement of the present disturbances, cost the inhabitants about £64,700 a-year; an ever memorable example, at how small an expense three millions of people may not only be governed but well governed
40. Some nations have given up the whole commerce of their colonies to an exclusive company, of whom the colonists were obliged to buy all such European goods as they wanted, and to whom they were obliged to sell the whole of their surplus produce
41. Of all the expedients that can well be contrived to stunt the natural growth of a new colony, that of an exclusive company is undoubtedly the most effectual
42. This, however, has been the policy of Holland, though their company, in the course of the present century, has given up in many respects the exertion of their exclusive privilege
43. Other nations, without establishing an exclusive company, have confined the whole commerce of their colonies to a particular port of the mother country, from whence no ship was allowed to sail, but either in a fleet and at a particular season, or, if single, in consequence of a particular license, which in most cases was very well paid for
44. But as all the different merchants, who joined their stocks in order to fit out those licensed vessels, would find it for their interest to act in concert, the trade which was carried on in this manner would necessarily be conducted very nearly upon the same principles as that of an exclusive company
45. Our colonies, however, are by no means independent foreign countries; and Great Britain having assumed to herself the exclusive right of supplying them with all goods from Europe, might have forced them (in the same manner as other countries have done their colonies) to receive such goods loaded with all the same duties which they paid in the mother country
46. In their exclusive privilege of supplying the colonies with all the goods which they wanted from Europe, and of purchasing all such parts of their surplus produce as could not interfere with any of the trades which they themselves carried on at home, the interest of the colonies was sacrificed to the interest of those merchants
47. The exclusive trade of the mother countries tends to diminish, or at least to keep down below what they would otherwise rise to, both the enjoyments and industry of all those nations in general, and of the American colonies in particular
48. The surplus produce of the colonies, however, is the original source of all that increase of enjoyments and industry which Europe derives from the discovery and colonization of America, and the exclusive trade of the mother countries tends to render this source much less abundant than it otherwise would be
49. During the first of them, the plan of that act had been but just formed; and though, before the breaking out of the second, it had been fully enacted by legal authority, yet no part of it could have had time to produce any considerable effect, and least of all that part which established the exclusive trade to the colonies
50. Some moderate and gradual relaxation of the laws which give to Great Britain the exclusive trade to the colonies, till it is rendered in a great measure free, seems to be the only expedient which can, in all future times, deliver her from this danger ; which can enable her, or even force her, to withdraw some part of her capital from this overgrown employment, and to turn it, though with less profit, towards other employments; and which, by gradually diminishing one branch of her industry, and gradually increasing all the rest, can, by degrees, restore all the different branches of it to that natural, healthful, and proper proportion, which perfect liberty necessarily establishes, and which perfect liberty can alone preserve