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exercising примеры предложений
1. Exercising in later years can help improve and maintain our health
2. Exercising to strengthen muscles around knees and hips helps prevent falls and serious injury
3. You need a cushioned shoe for comfort and to avoid injury when you’re exercising
4. Keep yourself healthy by eating and exercising
5. they should be used in the assemblies convened for the purpose of exercising such gifts
6. Exercising was a way of driving out the demons and making a little personal space inside my head
7. This is the exercising of free will,
8. All the stretching exercises I have described in this book, and particularly in chapter two can be performed in connection with exercising the eyes
9. She had been exercising, though that did nothing for a personification, Glayet believed if did something for the soul
10. Bethai seemed in no hurry to leave, instead she seemed to want to lounge nude in the rays on the main patio of his home, exercising her pleasure domes and idly chatting about the Starship Age
11. pleasure of exercising the one and of surmounting the other
12. That would include eating and exercising
13. Let the same natural liberty of exercising what species of industry they please, be restored to all his Majesty's subjects, in the same manner as to soldiers and seamen ; that is, break down the exclusive privileges of corporations, and repeal the statute of apprenticeship, both which are really encroachments upon natural Liberty, and add to those the repeal of the law of settlements, so that a poor workman, when thrown out of employment, either in one trade or in one place, may seek for it in another trade or in another place, without the fear either of a prosecution or of a removal; and neither the public nor the individuals will suffer much more from the occasional disbanding some particular classes of manufacturers, than from that of the soldiers
14. The dream may be highlighting your anxieties about exercising that control
15. On the contrary, it, in many cases, prohibited the manufacturer from exercising the trade of a shopkeeper, or from selling his own goods by retail
16. The law which prohibited the manufacturer from exercising the trade of a shopkeeper, endeavoured to force this division in the employment of stock to go on faster than it might otherwise have done
17. By exercising our free will, we can just be who we want to be
18. When the people of one state were admitted to the right of citizenship in another, they had no other means of exercising that right, but by coming in a body to vote and deliberate with the people of that other state
19. Such occupations were considered as fit only for slaves, and the free citizens of the states were prohibited from exercising them
20. Into other arts, the division of labour is naturally introduced by the prudence of individuals, who find that they promote their private interest better by confining themselves to a particular trade, than by exercising a great number
21. The great change introduced into the art of war by the invention of fire-arms, has enhanced still further both the expense of exercising and disciplining any particular number of soldiers in time of peace, and that of employing them in time of war
22. discretionary; and the persons who exercise it, neither attending upon the lectures of the teacher themselves, nor perhaps understanding the sciences which it is his business to teach, are seldom capable of exercising it with judgment
23. I am aware of the existence of other people who have a similar likeness to me that confirms my own existence‖ (Freely adapted from Rene Descartes) The troubling assumption with most (nihilistic) existential thinkers is the idea that the universe is fundamentally evil; without purpose or meaning and that alienated Man must overcome the evil dynamics of Nature through his or her own (determined) efforts or by exercising Free Will that ironically lends force to conscious expression
24. ‖Progressive‖ parents are oftentimes likely to appeal to ―reason‖ rather than exercising proper parental authority whenever a child misbehaves
25. Having and exercising discipline comes in handy more often than you think
26. The challenges confronting any free society lie in the unshakable confidence invested in its citizens as free-thinking individuals capable of making the right choices and exercising proper judgment rather than perceived as sophisticated machines guided by neural impulses connected to some highly developed nerve center
27. These (human) restrictions, however, do not preclude the exercising of Free Will (or an individual‘s inherent capacity to make informed or independent decisions) that remain (the) necessary requirements for self-sufficiency and determination; whose absence would reduce Humankind to scripted characters in a play lacking moral and intellectual substance (or spiritual awareness) that otherwise elevates an individual beyond ceremonial customs to aspired spiritual ideals
28. Far more often, lynching victims were those seeking or exercising their civil or legal rights or with a defiant or “uppity” attitude of not “knowing their place
29. In spite of Johnson, Congress, Union generals, abolitionists, the Freedmen's Bureau, and newly freed Blacks exercising their civil rights could point to some accomplishments
30. I falsely believed that I would counter this reaction by exercising more and changing my eating habits
31. It also allowed me to start exercising with more intensity
32. He had not previously given it much thought, but when confronted with this side of Ferguson that he had not seen before, he recognized how much restraint the sergeant had been exercising in not using the large quantity of cigarettes in his possession for his own financial benefit
33. severely nationalistic policies; exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and finance; and using rigid censorship and forcible suppression of opposition
34. Volition involves exercising choice to determine an action
35. must pay more attention to this sector and adjust accordingly, whether that means monitoring our diets, exercising, and learning how to maintain normal blood-sugar levels
36. 4 For it was requisite, that on them exercising tyranny should come penury, which they could not avoid, but to these it should only be
37. I was feeling pretty self-satisfied as I shut the trunk without exercising the stealth I used in the house
38. each other on the footpath, they were exercising the usual preened toy poodles, they smiled at each other as they walked on but one of the dogs was intent on sniffing the others’ backside
39. He said the man approached him while they were exercising in the open space I had secured for them outside the city, but within the walls
40. Weary of exercising merely a peremptory veto, the four rebel Justices itched to break out of the confines of simply reviewing acts of Congress, the President, or the States
41. assuming and exercising a power of dispensing with and suspending of laws and the execution of laws without consent of Parliament;
42. moment, he realized that he could become, by exercising
43. way of taking profits is by exercising
44. But it is worth repeating item 4 above that exercising the option may present
45. using natural cholesterol supplements and exercising on a daily basis
46. It’s going to be old news for you to be reminded that exercising is a bit part of boosting your metabolism and burning up calories
47. building? Isn’t cardiovascular exercising the only thing that
48. own health, and possibly have to stop exercising while torn muscles
49. or tip that helps you continue exercising over the long term is a
50. exercising during this time can really pay off