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    1. Come to think of it, the archwood trees looked a little like giant ferns also, even though the fronds did branch extensively, giving them a look that was also something like a willow

    2. something that had featured extensively in the classrooms at Cliviger

    3. They talked extensively about the local biology as they wound their way up the logging road for hours

    4. Lastly, however, although I studied Jung extensively in school, I never read anything about his studies into ‘occult phenomenon

    5. Lang was one of the founders of "psychical research" and wrote extensively on dreams, ghosts, magic and religion

    6. accurate, and were used extensively by the South during the war

    7. extensively with lacerations on both sides of his neck

    8. Used extensively in Europe for stress it can be very helpful in calming your horse before events and when your horse is generally excitable

    9. He had, however, been briefed extensively of his mission

    10. The art of camouflage and breaking your silhouette was taught extensively

    11. They were also used extensively outside Rhodesia in the rural areas of neighbouring countries like Mozambique because they followed the terrorists to their bases no matter where they were and destroyed it

    12. Her husband, François, was the Latin American representative of his family’s Parisian business and traveled extensively throughout South and Central America, wholesaling French wines and other food products

    13. The mate of the fishing boat, La Nene II, had been questioned extensively, but couldn’t be shaken from his contention that that was exactly what the dying man had said

    14. Basically, both of these domains deal extensively with the

    15. As to why they are (parables that is), Jesus, when he taught about the things of earth and the behaviors of Man was straightforwardly a teacher, why else the appellation “Rabbi, Teacher”? But when he taught about the things of “His Father,” he used parables extensively

    16. It is necessary to understand some of the concepts used extensively inobject-oriented programming

    17. Polymorphism is extensively used in

    18. Andrew’s has worked extensively

    19. He briefed the new Chief Justice extensively on the pending Brown v

    20. It has old houses that are poorly maintained and need work extensively

    21. They use profanity extensively to display their desire to not be a part of a hypocritical society governed by organized crime

    22. Before meeting Roger, Lucille had traveled extensively through Europe, Asia and North America

    23. All those who wish to be emperor or empress are extensively tested in a great tournament, held in each empire every five years

    24. The Great Lakes had been frozen over the most extensively since the severe 1978 freeze

    25. They are known variously as ‘shades’ or ‘shells’ in the metaphysical literature and have been written about extensively by Leadbeater

    26. In the process of pursuing our diverse assignments we have traveled extensively and many of our friends remind us of this

    27. However a fair number of my colleagues and of our friends have traveled much more extensively than we have

    28. Ticketing quotas have been reported on extensively in

    29. He wrote and talked extensively on this topic but was not able to convince Mr

    30. Gāndhi traveled extensively all over India and observed the living conditions of the poor villagers

    31. Gāndhiji had also written extensively in newspaper articles about his ideas and opinions

    32. I knew that I had to realize a more forceful effort to do that my words were extensively understood

    33. Blogs are a terrific method of building lists, extensively used by online

    34. her extensively, and you would never

    35. This was sadly for all, was also covered extensively by the same publication

    36. That is also the reason why so many of our holy Fathers have preoccupied themselves so extensively

    37. He told John that he contemplated traveling extensively until "my hour shall come" and asked John to act in his stead in the matter of sending some money to the family at Nazareth each month until the funds due him should be exhausted

    38. The word motivate is used extensively in connection with self-improvement

    39. There were two incidents where the entire flight crew of a South African Airways Jet flying from Johannesburg to Heathrow had been arrested for smuggling cocaine, but Rory did not think that that this was the main channel – he would go into it…though not immediately, as both the British and the South African Authorities were investigating the case extensively and he would see what resulted there-from

    40. Masterson has written extensively about the "real

    41. A woman who had dealt extensively with the issue of physical attractiveness in a

    42. Doctors routinely travelled extensively overseas to attend international conferences

    43. They're used extensively by people to transport rare and valuable jewels around the world

    44. The dissolving battery was not his invention as it had been used extensively on his home planet

    45. Planetoids, however, uses decoys extensively

    46. extensively by the Vikings

    47. but not extensively or in as many countries as should be

    48. guard their creation, sharing it extensively with other program-

    49. has worked extensively with OCD patients, and I respect him greatly for his

    50. Can vary extensively as to the quality of

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    Синонимы для "extensively"

    extensively completely long-winded