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fall apart
1. Keeping moving, I’d started on the bathroom, dealing with the bath, hand basin and loo in turn and ending up scrubbing the bathroom floor with an energy driven by desperation not to fall apart
2. Our whole lives could fall apart
3. I lean against him and fall apart
4. As he chattered on about how much he was enjoying himself exploring Abery, how welcome Issa and Remos had made him and a hundred and other little things, Kara drew on every resource available not to fall apart
5. Sitting at my desk, with the distant sounds of the office going on as normal, I face the all too likely possibility that my life is about to fall apart
6. The Morningday sun was already bright on the plaza by the canal where they ate their lunch, and before they were done, Kulai was afraid the whole deal was going to fall apart because of the beer
7. There was also the way he held it, gingerly like it was going to fall apart
8. I really felt God leading me into some new ministries, but when everything seemed to fall apart, I began to question if I was really doing God’s will
9. And now that simulation was beginning to fall apart
10. In other circumstances Skelda might have enjoyed watching a badger slowly drown, but if the young acolyte died before he'd completed the task set him, then all Skelda's carefully laid plans would fall apart
11. The only problem was that the old hotel was starting to fall apart
12. I shook myself trying not to let sorrow overtake me, I wasn’t going to fall apart what was the use? I thought as I walked out of the room with my head held high
13. So why fall apart over it?
14. I couldn’t fall apart in here; I had to get out
15. starts to fall apart
16. give Mick credit, she had assumed he’d fall apart when the time
17. Although Jesus by this time knew He could rely on His disciples not to fall apart at the news of a traitor in their midst, there was still much anxiety amongst them
18. relationship as it starts to fall apart, which of course it tends to do when parents have kids, as they naturally have less time on their hands for each other
19. If this force is withdrawn even for a single instant, the bubbles will fall apart again, and the whole physical realm would simply cease to exist
20. Stop thinking that your life is going to fall apart if you don’t have a box of medication! You are still, after all we have talked about, reacting mindlessly to every situation
21. As he walked toward Jane, his bones began to fall apart, but he managed to catch her leg
22. Families fall apart and people suicide from that sort of stress
23. don't break it or my world would fall apart
24. Nick would be blabbing and it could all fall apart just when things were at last looking good
25. He had to keep him in shape or the whole wonderful plan could fall apart at the seems
26. Eckhart knew that Beck was central to success, without his Nazi zeal and rigidness the whole thing could fall apart to greed and egotism
27. This was where everyone expected the plan to fall apart
28. But when Úrsula died the superhuman diligence of Santa Sofía de la Piedad, her tremendous capacity for work, began to fall apart
29. Thusly prepared for the “unforeseen,” Bonnie and I hit the road, where everything began to fall apart…
30. Relationships with business partners and others in the group fall apart acrimoniously
31. I've seen things fall apart many times with
32. Family life can be disrupted and relationships fall apart when spouses don’t arrive home at a reasonable time
33. ‘’This is all nice, General Arnold, but without some reinforcements and relief units, my division and our air units here will soon fall apart
34. tourists because of the recession, then the whole thing could fall apart, for what sounds
35. I expect to cave here, to fall apart, to not be able to finish telling the
36. The plan would fall apart if she let herself fall apart
37. DC 3’s always sounded as if they were about to fall apart but they’d been
38. They’d fall apart like the mortgage backed securities
39. When Things will fall apart along the way, huge challenges people need to react to a powerful set of beliefs will arise, doubts and fears and questions will be and mission, there should be a strong, physical a natural part of the journey
40. In other words, do some work establishing and strengthening your trust; because if you lose trust, and stop trusting God, that's when things start to really fall apart
41. It’s only when we try to explain our thoughts in some detail, or they are put under the glass of scrutiny, as in a cross-examination, that these fabrications suddenly fall apart
42. The illusion of a subsistence lifestyle would fall apart if someone found the real village of masonry family huts, radio antennas and satellite receivers
43. Most people would say that the side who simply take without returning the “favour” are the party that cause the process to fall apart
44. Rosy was the one causing the Girls Club to slowly fall apart
45. Taking action and reopening the negotiation might produce a disaster – the whole deal could fall apart
46. thaniel to fall apart before it really even started
47. “Apparently once I was born, everything started to fall apart
48. And when all of it is over, and no more disasters are hanging around on the horizon, I’m going to fall apart in an absolutely spectacular fashion and count on you to pick up the pieces
49. “Don’t fall apart on me now
50. lawyer that causes the whole case to fall apart