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    fall over

    1. ‘I’ll not fall over through lack of food, I promise you

    2. For someone who sees as much flat as I do, I was almost afraid they would fall over on me

    3. She’s very pale and for a moment it looks as if she will fall over, but Jane has her in hand and leads her back into the lounge to sit down

    4. When I stood up the 7-foot cabinet with a 6 inch base it didn't fall over

    5. "Oh yes, but I didn't think you'd go thundering down with the shuttlecraft, maybe a remote dart that lets him fall over the rail of that native raft where he could fall into a submersible

    6. He wanted the bullock to fall over without delay, in order to provide a better barrier

    7. If this was wine he guzzled, maybe the slave catcher would soon fall over

    8. This did not happen though instead he managed to fall over the gate and land in a heap on the other side of it so for the second time that night I had to get him back on his feet again

    9. "But before you fall over yourself with gratitude, I think I should warn you about something

    10. My knees were shaking with every step I took in the high heels, and I thought I might fall over at every next step

    11. We have a joke in South Africa where a boy is asked by his teacher what would happen if he loses both ears? Great was his surprise when the kid answered he will be blind because his hat will fall over his eyes since his ears are not there to keep it up

    12. I grabbed my motorbike and started to speed in the direction of Namangan, The bike bumped on the road as many cracks had opened along the asphalt, and I was forced to zigzag around them so as not to fall or fall over

    13. You simply approached either Moscow or Washington with the correct rhetoric and they would fall over themselves to support you

    14. Caroline pulled her hair from behind to fall over one shoulder then approached

    15. It’s going to fall over

    16. The ground beneath them was red with blood and they constantly had to watch out not to fall over the many corpses that was scattered everywhere

    17. The cans fall over

    18. He/she repeats the same mistake and the cans fall over and he/she repeats it until they are distracted or someone takes the cans away

    19. That outhouse was gonna fall over on its occupant during the first good snowstorm

    20. I often wonder what might have happened if he didn’t fall over the edge

    21. Sixty percent of the fish received a direct hit and fall over like dominoes

    22. used to spread the force of their fall over a wide area

    23. "But we've got to eat pretty soon or I'm going to fall over

    24. Visitor numbers went into steep decline, and the "Digg Effect" no longer made websites fall over

    25. I felt a soft material fall over me

    26. There are bluffs to fall over and break your necks; there’s a swampy area that’ll suck you in, and a twisted ankle could end in disaster if you’re on your own

    27. there near the white bridge, sat two rabbits, One which had made him fall over and hurt his foot

    28. "That's all I need is to fall over a bloody cliff inside a mountain," he muttered nervously

    29. John jabbed Mick in the jaw which shook him but the problem was the floors were wet and as he hit him they both lost balance started to fall over and into each other grabbing one another to stay on their feet!

    30. He looked as if he were about to fall over

    31. or would it fall over?

    32. slick and the litter tray could accidentally fall over

    33. I reckon this is why inventors and design engineers mostly fall over in business

    34. From time to time a contractor will fall over, in spite of that hurdles process

    35. Though the words had been whispered so as not to be overheard, a sudden fearful silence, the dreadful kind common to houses of mourning, seemed to fall over the dining room and entrap Elizabeth in a void as she digested this bold statement in relation to her vision

    36. The darkness seemed to once again fall over Alex’s face

    37. trained then you may fall over

    38. Retaining your balance is hard and it is easy to fall over

    39. ble and he will fall over onto his back

    40. “Don’t fall over yourself, young man,” she said with a smirk

    41. Was there any chance that Mike hadn't noticed her nearly fall over?

    42. An awkward silence started to fall over the group, but Tam, being an outgoing Tarmorian, who had just finished her third glass of wine, would have none of that

    43. Did you ever see that monkey touch his butt and fall over from the smell! That media is four hundred years old and it’s still funny

    44. “Fall over, damn you, fall over!”

    45. “Jack,” he looked at me, “The stage drops off to a forty-foot fall overlooking Union Station

    46. He stood up just next to the wheelchair, and then I'm thinking I'll just help him walk, you know, don't want him to fall over [laughs] so I'll help him walk

    47. I'm terrified he's going to fall over and hurt himself [laughter] and he walked across the room and back again, and he's totally healed! Now what amazed me was this - the caregivers immediately wanted him back into the wheelchair

    48. “The sun,” Leode whispered, watching it fall over his skin

    49. You have to arise, believe, and go and contend with it, and they'll fall over

    50. He wondered if the mole would fall over and get trampled underfoot

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