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    famished примеры предложений


    1. in the famished, urgent, needful thing that he is,

    2. a shadow wall pricked with famished eyes

    3. Tom was certainly feeling famished after their long trek, and

    4. To dream that you are famished indicates that you are in need of love, affection and emotional nourishment

    5. Carius had reappeared and crouched down to deliver the food, which was hastily snatched away by a famished Penelope

    6. Martin was famished and he had time to get to Security for his appointment

    7. I was famished

    8. When it was over, he found he was famished as was usual

    9. Lunch was a dose of hotdogs or boerewors rolls and after hours of being one of the kids, York was famished

    10. “I had a snack down in the valley, but yes, I’m famished

    11. Well, I’m famished

    12. He was indeed beginning to feel famished

    13. gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge, and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst

    14. I was famished, exhausted, at my wits end and worse than dead, I was undead, and an under the weather undead vampire is an incompetent one

    15. 55 And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: and Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, Go to Joseph; what he says to you, do it

    16. and famished; I had not even opened the briefcase after tossing it

    17. I was famished but I held myself to one sandwich, an egg and one of the apple cinnamon cookies also packed by kind Tilly

    18. Famished from its long slumber, it would travel down from the snow-covered mountains to wreak havoc on the village below

    19. If you're famished by 4 p

    20. and I was famished

    21. I was now so famished I could"ve bitten Shane"s hand, but thankfully I didn"t

    22. By the time I returned home it was dark and I was famished

    23. This usually occurs because the lion is famished, sickly or

    24. Meanwhile, Rebecca and I were famished

    25. I was famished!

    26. I was famished! Therefore, I

    27. “We had a late lunch so I could manage without food for a while, unless you’re famished

    28. “Toby, I’m famished, but it’s not because I’ve been

    29. I awakened the next morning dry-throated and famished

    30. Those five, apart from being still under the shock of their recent experience, were clearly marked by more than five long years of war, looking both exhausted and famished

    31. Being truly famished, she devoured her chicken to the last piece of meat, enjoying the change to her diet of the last few days

    32. Although I was famished I had a hard time eating

    33. famished to determine whether the milk was tainted or not

    34. Now, I was famished beyond belief

    35. Reader, please remember, I was famished! Therefore, I had to

    36. toothed cat nearby, and he/she could be famished

    37. In effect, I was famished and extremely thirsty

    38. Ingrid was exhausted, covered with sweat and dust and was famished when she entered the hotel lobby with the other pilots

    39. Heading north they stopped at a motel in Gympie, leaving the car were they could see it they first visited the motel restaurant, Murray was famished but Shirl wasn’t far behind him when it came to shovelling it in, when they’d finished he bought a couple of bottles of wine and they drove around the back to their unit

    40. was famished by his hard day’s work

    41. Marguerite, being famished after her hard work last night, first took the time to eat cold a can of beef from her rations before leaving her trench and going to the command bunker, a sturdy affair with a meter-thick overhead cover of wooden beams, sand bags and dirt

    42. My you look famished! Maybe later if you like, we can…you know!” She giggled lightly

    43. Next, she took out from a pocket of her survival vest a cube of hard chocolate wrapped in silver paper and ate it, being quite famished by now

    44. His twelve year-old brother, equally famished, looked sadly at the little of what was left of his own ration and ripped in two his remaining bread, giving one piece to Richard

    45. The two boys, awakened brutally and finding it impossible to breathe, tried in vain to break free, but their famished bodies were no match to two strong grown men

    46. The group was famished

    47. Esau came in from the field, and he was famished

    48. red stew, for I am famished

    49. When all the land of Egypt was famished,

    50. You wouldn’t mind sharing it with me, would you?” He said it again: “I’m famished

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    Синонимы для "famished"

    esurient famished ravenous sharp-set starved hungry voracious