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    far from

    1. "It must be hard," Jorma said, "being so far from home

    2. I never thought I'd get so far from that abandoned parking garage

    3. It was far from the same thing, and where did that leave Leand in her parentage? Did she have three parents, but didn't the child who became the ghost also have two? Could he ever make love to such a creature? He had made love to such a creature, made love to her so much that she ran from him

    4. Many of us live far from our babies and when we do see them, the attention is concentrated on them, perhaps more than on our adult children

    5. Emma and Adrian live in a modern detached house on the outskirts of a village not far from Bridgwater

    6. The kitchen is practical, the units solid but far from the latest style

    7. He owns a largish property a bit further down the motorway – it’s not far from here

    8. She recalled that the house was not far from the river, the river she had apparently come to see for no apparent reason

    9. Far from the harsh purity of its founding faith, Talstan was a rotten theocracy worshiping the greased palm by the time Bahkmar was born

    10. She landed not far from where Raleigh drifted limp

    11. Those particles were slow and carried almost no energy at all, but they were far from harmless

    12. He wasn't playing it however, his mind was far from there, the words of the Haadij still rang in his ears

    13. Let's face the truth: The world we live in is very far from perfect

    14. If ever one of us awoke with that brooding depression that was never far from the surface smile, the other always seemed to rally round and, with care and light-hearted humour, would lift the mood

    15. They would have to wait a thousand years to sow human seed after hitting the planet with this snowball, as far from habitability as the Centorin project was today

    16. Herndon sighed, he was far from the most native among them

    17. ‘So far from home and no-one to turn to

    18. The first probe was too far from the people to decode what they were saying, but as the shuttlecraft left, they became suspiciously joyful for this to be a funeral celebration

    19. He heard water splash just a little ways off and hoped it wasn't Desa falling into something that far from the fire

    20. They were not that far from the campsite

    21. tissues that, far from being homogeneous, are composed of a multitude of tissues, which

    22. Two men suddenly spring into our field of vision, cutting into the bushes not far from where Joris is hiding

    23. ‘A little village not far from the sea, it’s called Banswell

    24. I imagined the life there, far from towns, with the faintest strain of music floating in the air and the echo of modest family voices

    25. This is far from the case, however, and far too much devitalized and unnatural food is being consumed in this modern world with the result that an appallingly high percentage of the population suffers from constipation and other disorders of the digestive tract

    26. I never ask how people earn their money, it never seems to enter my head, but he happened to mention his mother lived in Falmouth and that was enough to bring us together in the easy atmosphere of people far from home

    27. ‘No, you’d need one long, straight road for that – and the road from Bristol to Clynnog is far from being that

    28. I cast my mind back to the time I came here with Tom … from what I remember, the Well was in a largish clearing in a bit of woodland not far from the road

    29. There was a hospital not far from his town, and with Daniel’s help he would make it a point to get it up and running again

    30. Rah realized he was too far from Dragons Hill to call for help

    31. Compared to me, he was a hero, a man whose simple life was far from easy but one who'd found peace of mind in that very simplicity

    32. There once was a keen gardener who tended to a beautiful rose garden not too far from here

    33. This was as far from home as Archibald had ever been in his life

    34. Black bear prowled the area and she was afraid to get too far from her father, but afraid to get too close where he would see her

    35. That passage she mentions, is it 'Far from the Madding Crowd' which opens like that or does it come later in the book? I know there's something similar at the beginning of 'Oliver Twist' but that's Dickens, not Hardy

    36. She owed her afterlife to the Warlord, but that didn’t mean she was his vassal, far from it

    37. I prepare a far from healthy option fry up … sausages, bacon and tomatoes with mushrooms and yes, I’ll have fried bread with it

    38. Very far from it

    39. She lives out Larkhall way, not far from where I grew up

    40. question were not of a literary bent, far from it, in fact, and paid the

    41. he had been fitted up, and in the far from private world of lock-

    42. He doesn’t trust her, and he knows that she doesn’t trust him, but so what? The world is far from perfect

    43. I said, “I will be wise”; but it was far from me

    44. They made camp in a covered dell far from the road

    45. not far from the common where they had met

    46. The canteen is in the basement of the hospital, not far from the mortuary

    47. “A bit over-dramatic, but probably not too far from the truth

    48. He’d told Angie a little about the dig, skimming over the nastier aspects, saying that it had been a wild goose chase – well, it wasn’t so far from the truth

    49. Off in the corner, far from the dance floor was Roman, standing next to his

    50. we killed them that were far from it

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