It was like a love of dogs, of some farmyard animal, loved while useful, loved while sitting by the fire on a cold evening, one ear cocked for the intruding fox, but not a love enduring or warm when the cold winds of survival blow
His head is full of the swarm, full of the buzz and drone of putrefaction, and in the middle of the swarm he can see an empty eye socket staring out at him from this heart of darkness in the middle of a Devon farmyard
He just stood with it extended as if to show the farmyard
The thwack of steel biting into wood echoed around the farmyard and I tentatively opened one eye to take a peek
Uncle Hobart's faded blue eyes filled with tears when we finally stopped in the front-yard of his old farmyard
"Uncle Hobart, where the hell are you! " I shouted at the top of my voice, skidding to a halt in the empty farmyard
Colling told her to have them come out, and after a slight pause, she shouted their names in the direction of a field of grain stubble on the other side of the farmyard
In the farmyard, Colling said to Weizescie, “Panowie Weizescie, I need to purchase a cart for this horse to pull
The Ploughman motioned toward a group of thirty or so men: those who had gathered with him in the farmyard
Maggie stood in the center of the empty farmyard and let the light of the thread dance on the earth and the sides of the buildings, recalling the mystical moment when the whole yard was as full of the light as if one of the stars had come down to earth
Certainly before nightfall I’d ride into the farmyard at the Connor farm
Then another voice came rasping through the farmyard, a raucous cry that sent the chickens scattering in panic, and made the colour drain from Jed’s ruddy face
It was dusk, and the receding sun cast long shadows across the junk strewn farmyard
That news set off a chorus of nervous clucking, and Chardonnay led the brood out of the farmyard
Added to that, there seemed to be a lot of activity going on, judging by the sounds coming from the farmyard
“It sounds busy in the farmyard
Hoisting Bryony onto her broad shoulder, Ma stomped out of the sty and into the farmyard
A growling tractor clattered into the farmyard, towing a trailer behind it
Despite the Captain’s order, Bryony couldn’t resist peeking over the crates to watch the line of sack-faced figures hobbling into the farmyard
A grumbling Jed slouched off across the farmyard
Across the farmyard, Bryony heard Zach’s groans, but she still couldn’t bring herself to touch the Wychetts Key
He opened his beak to protest his innocence, but then caught sight of two small shapes moving at the edge of the farmyard
Bryony and Edwin did their best to convince everyone it was just a harvest party that went on a bit too long, and gradually the bemused crowd filtered out of the farmyard to return to their homes and villages
The farmyard was completely cleared of rubbish, and paved with gleaming cobblestones
“What’s this?” Captain Rathbone pointed at the police car that came trundling into the farmyard
And soon eggs were rolling all across the farmyard
“Perhaps that will teach you a lesson,” he chided, wagging a finger at Jane as he marched across the farmyard
There was more shaking of hands, then Edwin and Bryony followed Bill and Jane out of the farmyard, glancing back to wave at Zach and his parents for one last time
Regiments of turkeys were gobbling through the farmyard
The farmyard burst into a thunderous roar
Tafferel and his men turned on their torches and flooded the farmyard with as much light as they could
I walked through the farmyard towards the house
Eventually the snaking track turned into a straight, flat section that lead to the farmyard, and they saw the bright glow of a floodlight mounted at the apex of an outbuilding illuminating the farmyard
Outside in the farmyard the snow had stopped falling but the freshly fallen snow blanket lay several inches deep, making everything seem quiet and peaceful, like a scene from a Christmas card
There was only one way in and out of the farmyard and whoever was coming to pay them a visit was on it
In the farmyard at Dyffryn Farm he understood sufficient of what Terry Pugh had said to his brother to know he planned to get the jump on the two detectives as soon as they were well away from the farm
But on entering the farmyard she smiled brightly over to Robert and squeezed his arm
They passed a row of half-a-dozen farm cottages, and pulled in to the farmyard
Over this give a layer of soil and farmyard
equals parts of soil and farmyard manure
covered with finely sieved (3 mm mesh sieve) mixture of 3 parts of farmyard manure and 2
gravel of the farmyard by the force of the blast
tractor trailer parked across the farmyard
the farmyard I would suspect
After all the commotion was settled in the farmyard Noah and Alice
naked on the light pole in the farmyard
Eventually, the car pulled up into the farmyard, which appeared
Aquarius killed the ignition as the car entered the farmyard
came from across the farmyard
At last the men spotted the farmyard in the distance
The young man in the farmyard was
Johann was away all day at the experiment ground, and Ilse waded about the farmyard mess with her bare legs, thoroughly enjoying herself, for no one ever scolded her whatever she did, and the yard was separated from the village street only by a low fence, and the early manhood of Kökensee, as it passed, could pause and lean on this and learn from her manner of solacing the pig the comfortableness of the solacements awaiting her husband
He splashed through the farmyard with the collar of his coat turned up and angrily holding an umbrella
In his wet-weather mood it seemed to him entirely absurd and unworthy to be wading through an East Prussian farmyard mess in pouring rain, beneath an umbrella, in order to sit with a woman
A sparrow flew past the window trailing a straw--a straw from a stack stood by a barn in a farmyard
Beyond the farmyard there was a detached building that she thought must be the chateau She entered—it was if the doors at her approach had opened wide of their own accord
Miriam, peeping through the kitchen window, saw the horse walk through the big white gate into the farmyard that was backed by the oak-wood, still bare
Mr Mulligan however made court to the scholarly by an apt quotation from the classics which, as it dwelt upon his memory, seemed to him a sound and tasteful support of his contention: Talis ac tanta depravatio hujus seculi, O quirites, ut matresfamiliarum nostrae lascivas cujuslibet semiviri libici titillationes testibus ponderosis atque excelsis erectionibus centurionum Romanorum magnopere anteponunt, while for those of ruder wit he drove home his point by analogies of the animal kingdom more suitable to their stomach, the buck and doe of the forest glade, the farmyard drake and duck
They rode into the farmyard and dismounted
Godwyn and Philemon followed Saul across the farmyard and into a one-storey building with a high roof
The land around the stables looked like a farmyard
It tore the muscle of one of his wings, but apparently he gave it something to "A cat jumped on him in a farmyard
He rested and hung around a when he stopped in the farmyard and met this foul cat
His shining eyes held fast to the horizon, and he seemed to be listening for some sound that was wanting from that inland acreage, vocal as it was with the cheerful music of pasturage and farmyard
As Hazel and Pipkin reached the top of the slope, the first light showed clearly the farmyard and buildings
After a good deal of delay, during which the cat left the woodpile and began to move stealthily round toward the side of the shed, Blackberry managed to get them out into the farmyard
"In the farmyard," said Blackberry
At this moment they caught the smell of burning white sticks and heard the men returning up the farmyard
"You went into the farmyard -- they're all watching while we hesitate
How much noise had he made? How strong was his scent over the tar and straw and farmyard? He waited, tense to jump, expecting movement below
He remembered the raised floor of the barn across the farmyard
Hazel and the farmyard were long, long good deal less than half a minute
He followed it out of the farmyard, into the mouth of a dirt road, east toward the railroad track, and then north at the corner of a field
And Levin rode through the slush of the farmyard to the gate and out into the open country, his good little horse, after his long inactivity, stepping out gallantly, snorting over the pools, and asking, as it were, for guidance
If Levin had felt happy before in the cattle pens and farmyard, he felt happier yet in the open country
And across the meadows and over the farms his children ran, letting out string to the daylit sky, bubbling and stumbling, and Brunilla stood back in the farmyard and waved and laughed to see what was happening; and her children marched to the far Kite Hill and stood, the four of them, holding the ball of twine in their eager, proud fingers, each tugging and directing and pulling
“I was astonished to find what a piece of work was made of it! To want a horse and cart in the country seemed impossible, so I told my maid to speak for one directly; and as I cannot look out of my dressing-closet without seeing one farmyard, nor walk in the shrubbery without passing another, I thought it would be only ask and have, and was rather grieved that I could not give the advantage to all
“The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith’s shop
That will be done by the removal of the farmyard; for, independent of that terrible nuisance, I never saw a house of the kind which had in itself so much the air of a gentleman’s residence, so much the look of a something above a mere parsonage-house, above the expenditure of a few hundreds a year
The farmyard must be moved, I grant you; but I am not aware of anything else
"The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith's shop
That will be done by the removal of the farmyard; for, independent of that terrible nuisance, I never saw a house of the kind which had in itself so much the air of a gentleman's residence, so much the look of a something above a mere parsonage-house—above the expenditure of a few hundreds a year
And, as he came out into the farmyard, Levin, like a tree in spring that knows not what form will be taken by the young shoots and twigs imprisoned in its swelling buds, hardly knew what undertakings he was going to begin upon now in the farm work that was so dear to him
It was but little after noon when there came a great clatter into the simple farmyard that was wont to echo to no louder sounds than the lumbering progress of the teamsters and their wagon, or the patient steps of Pomona’s dairy cows
But she stood in her humiliation, and felt herself more unfit for all the high company than the beasts of her farmyard