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ferret out
1. "Good point," he said, "but even if my white outfit does have some connotation in regard to quacks, I can assure you that in no way is there anything in my background and experience which has anything to ferret out the solutions to other's problems
2. ferret out hatred that is unconscious, recognize it as hatred, and eliminate it!
3. If we remove him secretly, we can ferret out the traitors and deal with them
4. His training and experience gave him the uncanny ability to ferret out trouble where trouble did not exist
5. This exercise is to ferret out the perpetrators in either the anti-JFK and/or corporatocracy missions and remove them from power
6. Besides a huge Reduction in Force to help balance the budget, we need some way to ferret out the bad cells that make corporate control possible
7. More simply put, he could ferret out what was really going on
8. Never answer a question directly but turn it back on the other person and try to ferret out more information
9. On the other hand, I smiled to think what a good friend he was, to ferret out sexual companions for his friend
10. � The questioner assumes some level of dumb; the question just wants to ferret out just how dumb that respondent is
11. Other researchers can ferret out the true ages of
12. He would let them ferret out the strangers among them first before he would make his play, which meant that he had to continue swallowing his objections toward them for yet a little while longer
13. To help us ferret out these stages we will use a fictional account of a problem and go through what might occur as the individual attempts to resolve the issue
14. That Providence, however, had put it into the heart of a person who was beyond fear and beyond reproach, to ferret out the nature of the prisoner's schemes, and, struck with horror, to disclose them to his Majesty's Chief Secretary of State and most honourable Privy Council
15. We all could rent our homes for a year or two, but that would be too easy for the Czechs to ferret out
16. The eyes of the most bullheaded boys radiate a shining determination: every ounce of their attention has been trained to ferret out weakness
17. For most novices it may well be, but as they get more experienced, learn how to ferret out financial data, and get used to the way it is presented in newspapers and magazines, many decide to strike out alone
18. Some mutual funds employ former journalists to ferret out investing “scoops
19. Granted, there wasn’t much chance I could ferret out this information, and if I could, what would it mean?
20. Bassett said that his colleague could not always adhere to the principle that it was his duty to ferret out every error