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    1. Now, it was a merciless fetter, self-imposed but never to be shaken off

    2. For it were as if we were righteous by following after not godliness but gain; and for this reason the divine judgment baffled the spirit that is unrighteous and heavily weighed the fetter

    3. What a burden this is! The prince’s father, King Suddhodana, had jokingly named the baby Rahula, meaning fetter or shackle—a joke that is quite serious, and in being serious becomes a joke

    4. But to cast off this fetter completely means even more than this, for it involves the realization of the fact that the

    5. As to the second fetter, a word of caution is necessary

    6. itself considered a fetter, as will presently be seen), but the certainty of

    7. As he casts off this second fetter, the

    8. The third fetter, superstition, has been described as including all kinds of

    9. The man who has cast off this fetter realizes that there is no one

    10. “You have cast off the fetter of doubt, and you know surely that evolution is

    11. Nevertheless, Li Hongzhi declined it as the fetter to cultivation, the hamper

    12. In our legislature, I will push for state set aside money and no pork and no amendments to fetter important legislation, which I will require be written in simple English and be no more than 10 pages for my review and approval

    13. The fetter of guilt and hatred had been broken in a glorious moment that set him free of those unpleasant and deeply touching memories

    14. Pilots are trained for this type of emergency: fetter the prop of the

    15. The only thing I now wish for is to be liberated from this fetter

    16. to untie the fetter

    17. Only our own deeds can hinder us; only our own will can fetter us

    18. Even this dark night when the wind rolls the darkness through Lombard Street and Fetter Lane and Bedford Square it stirs (since it is summer-time and the height of the season), plane trees spangled with electric light, and curtains still preserving the room from the dawn

    19. Only here--in Lombard Street and Fetter Lane and Bedford Square--each insect carries a globe of the world in his head, and the webs of the forest are schemes evolved for the smooth conduct of business; and honey is treasure of one sort and another; and the stir in the air is the indescribable agitation of life

    20. "A discerning friend of mine," said Don Quixote, "was of opinion that no one ought to waste labour in glossing verses; and the reason he gave was that the gloss can never come up to the text, and that often or most frequently it wanders away from the meaning and purpose aimed at in the glossed lines; and besides, that the laws of the gloss were too strict, as they did not allow interrogations, nor 'said he,' nor 'I say,' nor turning verbs into nouns, or altering the construction, not to speak of other restrictions and limitations that fetter gloss-writers, as you no doubt know

    21. No promises fetter us

    22. Stephen, in reply to a politely put query, said he didn't sing it but launched out into praises of Shakespeare's songs, at least of in or about that period, the lutenist Dowland who lived in Fetter lane near Gerard the herbalist, who anno ludendo hausi, Doulandus, an instrument he was contemplating purchasing from Mr Arnold Dolmetsch, whom B

    23. No shackle, no fetter, no prison can lock a child of God away from the love of God

    24. With the fullest acknowledgment of your generous conduct to me in the past, I must still maintain that an obligation of this kind cannot fairly fetter me as you appear to expect that it should

    25. Brooke, who might be returned at his own expense; and the fight lay entirely between Pinkerton the old Tory member, Bagster the new Whig member returned at the last election, and Brooke the future independent member, who was to fetter himself for this occasion only

    26. Farebrother was silent for a minute or more, and then, as they turned and paused under the shadow of a maple at the end of a grassy walk, said, "I understand that you resist any attempt to fetter you, but either your feeling for Fred Vincy excludes your entertaining another attachment, or it does not: either he may count on your remaining single until he shall have earned your hand, or he may in any case be disappointed

    27. With this saw, as long as a pin, and concealed in a sou, you will cut the bolt of the lock, you will sever bolts, the padlock of your chain, and the bar at your window, and the fetter on your leg

    28. You will drink water, you will eat black bread, you will sleep on a plank with a fetter whose cold touch you will feel on your flesh all night long, riveted to your limbs

    29. “But where is the use of going on,” I asked, “when you are probably preparing some iron blow of contradiction, or forging a fresh chain to fetter your heart?”

    30. Ivan wanted to rush to the window, but something seemed to fetter his arms and legs

    31. Men dead to the operation of moral causes, had taken away from the poor slave his habits of loyalty and obedience to his master, which lightened his servitude by a double operation; beguiling his own cares and disarming his master's suspicions and severity; and now, like true empirics in politics, you are called upon to trust to the mere physical strength of the fetter which holds him in bondage

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    Синонимы для "fetter"

    fetter hobble shackle