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flatten примеры предложений
1. The ultimate goal of the iron is to flatten
2. He was told kranjans will flatten fences the way a landslide will
3. A bundle of folded sheets of A4 lined paper turns up in the file for 1994 … I open them out and flatten them
4. I thought for a minute he was going to flatten you! And us! He probably thought his roof was caving in
5. Watching the flame, how it gently flickered, then stretch and flatten
6. I have no doubt she could flatten a few drunken sailors
7. It should flatten when pressed between your fingers
8. Flatten with a fork dipped in confectioners' sugar
9. I could see the wheat waving about in a gentle pattern as from a central point it began to flatten in an outwardly moving spiral, gathering speed as it went
10. The Army will arrive with bulldozers and flatten the structures
11. They wouldn’t have heard a diesel coming up behind them to flatten them
12. I lay for a few minutes, finding patterns in the ceiling, then put on my shoes and run my fingers through my hair to flatten it
13. The villagers barely had enough time to flatten themselves on the ground
14. Flatten these balls and roll into a 6 inch circle
15. couple of folded sheets of paper which he proceeded to unfold and flatten out on
16. David is the author of, Firm and Flatten Your Abs an online best seller which teaches you how to lose body fat and develop "Six Pack Abs” while improving strength, function and athletic power at the same time
17. flatten the rolling ovals of
18. Pulling back my fist I prepared to flatten his
19. The stinging nettles flatten before them offering no resistance and Sharon finds herself driving along a smooth road
20. “Let’s call for backup to flatten that village, they’re asking for it
21. On the day ALLAH will flatten all of the mountains the
22. Slowly, the terrain began to flatten, with tiny forests far off
23. ����������� �You speak ill of that lady again and I�ll flatten you
24. Together they tried to flatten the body
25. A fact that Harris chose to ignore because he was determined to flatten Germany and announced that he now intended to wipe Berlin off the face of the earth, which would end the war for the cost of about four hundred RAF bombers
26. level, it does have the potential to flatten out and begin ascending to continue the bull
27. He just has to flatten this little striped bitch, then he'd be done for the day
28. A keloid formed over the wound and I had to inject myself with steroid to flatten it and revert the skin to normal
29. The 30mm cannon shells still stored in the fuselage then started cooking off and exploding, forcing the two aviatrix to flatten themselves on the ground behind a large tree
30. Always trying to flatten the land and fill in the holes, creases and valleys
31. ‘The sellers are going to have to flatten this hill between those pegs that I have just pointed out to you’ said the Land Surveyor
32. When Shi Chen reached the top, above the mist was a flatten terrain
33. were beginning to flatten out and there was a powerful suction where the water
34. All the mower did was flatten it
35. Flatten steak to about 1/8 inch thickness and sprinkle lightly with salt and
36. Flatten each ball with the bottom of a glass that has been greased and dipped
37. “Sounds like a good idea to me, not a good idea in case a tornado decides to flatten this place
38. A true wife's feet should have room to spread and flatten
39. And, he said the heel of the hand will flatten and even become somewhat concave over time, and I see some slight indication of that
40. diameter, flatten them with your hands, and place them on cookie sheets
41. flatten with the bottom of a glass and and bake for 8 minutes
42. By the time they caught up with me, the slope had begun to flatten out
43. Placing it upon her hair she tried to flatten it
44. It worked but only on a small amount of hair, she would have to use the whole container to flatten it all
45. If she wet her hair that would flatten it and she wouldn’t need the gel then
46. Approaching the top of the hill we completely flatten ourselves
47. Already he had hammered his way through five men and there were none left to oppose him, and I could not stand it, couldn’t stand watching him flatten everyone who stood in front of his fists, so I moved over to where the challengers were getting their hands bound in bandages and offered myself as his next opponent
48. When nothing else matters except that single part of a disconnected linear chain of a linear, causal process that rips ore out of the earth, filters it, crushes it, washes it, chemicalizes it, melts it, refines it, turns it into an alloy, ships it around the world to other factories that refine it further, shape it, re-melt it, pound it, twist it, flatten it, and then sell it to another set of disconnected linear processes that makes that metal ends up in half the houses of the world as a screw, as a pipe, as a nail…
49. congenial to, so received in the Practice of Pleasure, flatten and lose
50. Crass did not feel very satisfied with the result of this machinery argument, but he consoled himself with the reflection that he would be able to flatten out his opponent on another subject
1. was able to clamber onto the space made by the flattened seats, cross his legs, and
2. I brushed my teeth with a flattened toothbrush that sat in a mug on an old sink
3. He pulled at the tailgate, screwing up his scrawny, twitching features, and slowly but surely, emitting mineral groans and metallic shrieks, the metal and glass door began to inch upwards until, with the tailgate at seventy-five degrees, the little man was able to clamber onto the space made by the flattened seats, cross his legs, and utter a loud harrumph
4. There was one sobering moment when we came to a trampled clearing where stalks and weeds were flattened and the sandy soil was stained with a mess of dried blood, we fell silent and strode on without reference
5. ‘That’s fabulous news … you’ve completely flattened your son, Anna! He’s stunned, but he’s never quite got used to the idea that his mum’s an attractive woman who was bound to find another man sometime
6. had been flattened for miles around, but no one was at all sure what
7. flattened for miles around, and the blast was heard or felt over a huge
8. The image of Jock's flattened skin under his fist kicks the pain receptors in his hand back into life and Billy’s hand starts to ache
9. We stare in horror as the pictures show us a town with flattened buildings, film taken from the air as the roads are impassable
10. a creek running through it, and eventually flattened out from there
11. Thomas hard enough, he would have flattened a pigeon in
12. As usual Fizzicist took not the slightest notice and charged on through, or would have had his nose not been flattened by an invisible shield
13. The ceiling was a flattened hemisphere
14. their show started, they were instantly flattened to death
15. Sure enough both were flattened, but edible
16. Chris flattened himself against the hull beside the hatch and gingerly took hold of the lever
17. He looked at her with a half smile that flattened out quickly; generally there was something harangued about his expression
18. Without the dispensators, however, he would have been flattened
19. His lips flattened, but he was too professional to scowl at the creature leaving hairs on his uniform
20. And was flattened to the floor
21. Out of the bottom of her eye, she saw her comrades similarly flattened
22. Amaranthe’s lips flattened in a grim smile
23. There was an area that had been cleared and flattened into a braai and picnic area just above the river bank
24. Finally they formed a sphere, which then flattened itself into a large disc
25. At his movement, the rat flattened itself along the ground, the tips of its ears quivering as it studied him warily
26. Pushing these thoughts to the back of my mind I looked out over the gently waving cereal heads, my breath faltering when I spotted two overlapping circles of flattened wheat
27. Piers slipped off the bale, the flattened and reshaped bean cans covering his shoes and lower legs softly tapping as he picked his way across the field
28. But then Conal saw the pilot’s face flattened against the canopy and knew that he wasn’t about to do any such thing
29. Her answer flattened me on the spot:
30. Hartle was looking at a smashed and flattened building
31. During the journey, she sat immediately behind him where he had flattened the seats
32. The single hotel offered rooms with doors of nailed planks, cement floors, platforms of raw wood covered over with thin, flattened foam rubber as beds, a single, threadbare sheet, one frayed towel, no pillows, a bare bulb hanging from a spider web decorated wire, no window, no fan and walls partially covered in flaking, stained paint
33. After his brief inner contemplation, Hilderich stepped on the flattened plateau of rock
34. “Oh,” Jade said as the cave flattened and opened up before us
35. As they drew close, the Barrel flattened and expanded, and its ruffled surface resembled colourful layers of pleated cloth
36. at the flattened area where he had fallen
37. witness the horror of Sector7; its homes and buildings flattened
38. Back in her room, she threw the cushions off the futon and flattened it into a bed
39. head seemed to be a funny shape, her features flattened and the
40. Coat a large cutting board with cornmeal and place the flattened dough onto the cornmeal
41. While the stone of the cavern had been left as it was; a huge natural bubble formed by gas trapped in hardening black lava with an artificially flattened and polished floor, it was being artistically re-enforced
42. The rest of the pack dogs flattened themselves to the ground and Simon passed through, the mind-cane humming a song whose melody echoed in his own head
43. The three of them flattened themselves against the
44. They were in a round cavern shaped like a flattened bubble, perhaps two hundred meters in diameter and a third of that from the floor to the center of the ceiling
45. Cringing, his heart skipping several beats as he flattened himself against the sandy backwall, Joshua stared up at the curving overhang not daring even to exhale the sudden intake of breath occasioned by the intrusive sound
46. He flattened out 10 feet above the saw grass headed north toward the bamboo clump
47. He rolled off Ralph’s body onto crackling soil which flattened itself beneath his weight
48. It was about ten inches in length and five and a half inches wide, but was so crushed that if completely flattened, it would be twice as large
49. Cringing, his heart skipping several beats as he flattened himself against the sandy backwall,
50. beholding the glory of this flattened, discoloured, wad of text,
1. First with words, then suddenly the elderly man threw the first blow, flattening his hand across the young man’s face
2. Ben’s wheelchair was flattening his face
3. She at last drew back the flap and emerged from her tent newly clad, flattening out the wrinkles in the soft leather and smacking loose stray dust and dirt
4. "What's that?" I asked, but before he could answer, a line of flattening wheat broke away from the main circle, heading straight towards us
5. ” She has a way of flattening even those phrases that should have inflection built into them
6. He watched the first whitewater hit the coast and surge over the land, flattening
7. All in all, I appeared as if I had been in a hit and run that involved about twenty automobiles taking their turn in flattening me over
8. Meanwhile, Mark had cast again on the two largest pieces to reshape them, flattening the Levitating stones into thin discs with rounded indentations on one side, like large versions of the symbol of the Truthstone
9. Two minutes later the UH-1F rested on its skids in the clearing, rotor downwash flattening the elephant grass into green waves
10. Near the state line he slowed further, glad the road was flattening and running almost straight
11. Someone must hold it at bay, or else it would crush down upon this place, instantly flattening the mountain and everything within a hundred leagues
12. flattening out on her chest with gravity
13. Then he’d be in the clear for flattening the site and selling off the plot
14. Rising, she scurried to the nearest wall and stood there panting and trembling, flattening herself against the stones
15. Up them she went, flattening herself against the stone as she caught the faint clack of muffled oars
16. Conan got one glimpse of her as they thundered by—a slim, dark girl in silk trousers and a jeweled breast-band, flattening herself against the ravine wall
17. Only a quick grab at my rope and flattening of my back on the tiles stopped me from going over as Arianell popped up onto the roof
18. she said, smiling sweetly at him all the while flattening me
19. ” She took the lead by flattening her crooked fingers and placing her palms atop the table; the large stones set in her rings twinkled in the candlelight, as did the large amulet that dangled from the thin chair around her neck, giving the impression of the epicenter of several spirits that floated eerily around her as she beckoned them forth
20. At last the junk was out, sprawling and spilling, flattening the weeds
21. My heart was pounding in anticipation of some huge blast coming out of the sky flattening me like a bug, and then my exodus would be for nothing
22. Last night there was a huge thunderstorm and a tree fell into my neighbor’s hot tub, flattening it
23. Propelled by a small explosive powder charge to a muzzle velocity of 120 meters per second, the blunt nose, rubber-tipped twenty millimeter caliber slug slammed in Zembelo’s ribs, flattening on impact while also delivering a 50,000 volts discharge through a small needle in its tip
24. Having heard enough and disturbed by it, Tina walked out of the cafeteria, then took a moment to take out her gum and tear a small part away, gluing and flattening that part against the outer face of the cover of her wrist communicator, where a small red light indicator would be normally be blinking when the device was operating
25. The bridge in front of him ran through an opening in a solid wall, and he flung himself forward and to one side, flattening himself against the wall
26. to catch up, and hierarchies everywhere flattening faster than the
27. I also had to destroy your bulldozers which were in the process of flattening the Arab districts of Haifa and Jaffa, stopping at the same time some of your troops from looting abandoned Arab houses
28. The “earth flattening” refers to the vanishing of its conglomeration
29. She starts tending to his up-turned collar, dusting debris off it and flattening it down
30. The gritich had gone still, flattening to the ground and the trees, backing away from the circle of enchanters
31. The van took off backwards, flattening the letterbox and went into a sharp turn
32. My step-mother cleared her throat, and remarked that successful public men often had to pay for their successes by being the victims at home of nerves, and that their wives, whose duty it is always to be loving, might be compared to the warm and soothing iron passed over a shirt newly washed, and deftly, by its smooth insistence, flattening away each crease
33. Loudly stomping, the man succeeded in chasing the roaches away, flattening a few in the process
34. The two crash into an empty store front, flattening it completely
35. There was no pointy top where I could stand and survey the land for miles around, just a gradual flattening out of the terrain
36. "How can they sort out their differences when she can't see him or speak to him?" A strong breeze whipped up the street, flattening our skirts and petticoats to our legs
37. the "X", completely FLATTENING him from out of view
38. The guns roared and a line of parked cars was suddenly full of bullet holes, hissing radiators, flattening tires, and the sounds of car alarms screaming
39. They have the peculiar flattening and
40. That mean can, of course, move, as we show later in the chapter, but as a general trading strategy, fading “noise” and flattening at a mean (maybe defined as a moving average) sure seems like a solid approach
41. Even the ones that were flattening each day
42. Flattening the delta makes your trades volatility plays and not directional trades
43. 00 resistance level on July 17, the day when EDU was first in play, SPY opened on July 18 at that level and trended upward through the morning before flattening out and consolidating between 137
44. 1 But mindful of the continued success of such outstanding companies as Avon Products in highly competitive areas, he would have hesitated to predict a speedy flattening out of the Block growth curve
45. She wondered idly just how much his hands had had to do with the broadening and flattening and changement of her body
46. Dark and angry looking, they may tower to 6,000m (20,000ft) with the top flattening out in what is often called an anvil top
47. “Here he is,” said he, sitting down and flattening it out upon his knee
48. "What d'ye see?" cried Ahab, flattening his face to the sky
49. Now he merely turned the paper over, took out a stubby lead pencil, licked it and began to write on the blank side, flattening the paper on his bank book
50. Several persons pursuing a pathway, passed within a few inches of one of them without his betraying any emotion, but the moment he perceived me advancing with my eye fixed upon him, he with a sudden exertion assumed a defensive attitude, by elevating the anterior portion of his body, flattening his head, and 3 or 4 inches length of his neck; these he waved with a steady and oblique motion from side to side, uttering at the same time an audible sibilation, he made no attempt to escape, and seemed absolutely fearless until taken
1. 19Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely,
2. If it is firm enough to hold its shape but quickly flattens at room temperature, it has reached firm-ball stage
3. Boil, without stirring, until mixture reaches 234 degrees F on candy thermometer or until small amount of mixture dropped into very cold water, forms a soft ball which flattens when removed from water
4. Heat, without stirring, to between 234 and 240 degrees F (112 to 116 degrees C), or until a small amount of syrup dropped into cold water forms a soft ball that flattens when removed from the water and placed on a flat surface
5. Your stomach flattens out and ribs spread as the water takes you
6. A speeding car flattens him
7. Almost subconsciously Suzy flattens her hair as she stares at the angry man in front of her
8. 65 SS tax curve which flattens out because citizens only pay 6
9. ‘Until there is a big storm that flattens all the easy-‐seed trees
10. though the land flattens out considerably once you get out of the Hills,
11. One of the coyote tin robot's feet comes into view from above and flattens the SAM
12. Fur is shed and his face flattens out, and then he slowly stands erect once more as his front legs turn to arms, and the transformation from wolf to man, at least some form of man, is complete
13. The reproduction here given unfortunately does not show these subtleties, and flattens the general appearance very much
14. The difference is that when love goes, the fortress has been taken and all life flattens out
15. Then, hurrying after them comes a fourth, very large and menacing; it lifts the boat; on it goes; somehow merges without accomplishing anything; flattens itself out with the rest
16. She flattens out the creases as well as she can and drags the floor lamp closer and places the print before her son
17. When pressed for a comment by a gaggle of reporters, Ulbrickson spat into the water, chewed a piece of grass, and looked at the wind-ruffled river for a long while before finally saying, “Going to be fast if she flattens out a little
18. We’re not wheat, we’re buckwheat! When a storm comes along it flattens ripe wheat because it’s dry and can’t bend with
19. When price flattens out, the average eventually will flatten, too
20. IV on the downside of the curve is still high, but ATM IV is up so much that skew actually flattens
21. If the change in prices is not confirmed by volume, Force Index flattens and warns that a trend is about to reverse
22. It also flattens and warns of a nearing reversal if high volume generates only a small price move
23. Whenever open interest flattens out, it flashes a yellow light—a warning that the trend is aging and the best gains are probably behind
24. At some point the growth curve flattens out, and in many cases it turns downward
25. On the downside, though, it flattens out and eventually results in a very small profit
26. Spread 3, the long butterfly, flattens out on both the upside and downside, so its risk is limited regardless of direction
27. But then the chart morphs into a range-bound condition as it consolidates all that upward movement and the 50 flattens out
28. A bullish strong trend that then flattens out and morphs into a bullish weak trend
29. III, which flattens all the concords, it is plain that raising any given degree by x will increase the temperaments of the concords above that degree, and diminish those of the concords below it