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    flattering примеры предложений


    1. But how does this person know him? How does she know his habits? Maybe she’s a stalker! Actually, that’s kind of flattering that someone would show an interest in him

    2. Deciding that, as it is my day off, I shall wear something different, I trawl through the wardrobe, digging out a flattering, mid-calf length woollen skirt in a pretty shade of deep blue that Nick hasn’t seen yet … with a pretty light blue top and my best gold necklace (a present from the school when I left) it would look smart and it would make me feel partyish

    3. photo that is as flattering as it can be

    4. "You'll want something a little more flattering on

    5. It is neither pleasant for me to listen to nor particularly flattering to you

    6. ‘That’s rather flattering – they’re splendid kids, Sally

    7. Flattering myself that I have achieved this, I go into the office, hang my coat up and sit down at my desk

    8. Yet, it has been vaulted to the point that we accept, without question, the saying: 'A picture is worth a thousand words,' this does a disgraceful injustice to the picture however flattering it may be to the language of words and wordsmiths

    9. 'You? How can you help?' It was hardly flattering, but

    10. It was so flattering to have a fan/lover that we partially got back together

    11. It makes the most sense so far for the observed behavior, even though it is less than flattering to my ego

    12. attentive and flattering to the ladies (Enid talked casually

    13. How the soldiers of both sides tried to cajole the unwitting by way of clever and flattering appeal was both amusing and tiresome – and all too often successful if attempted by a particularly silver tongue

    14. For the ego, all happiness comes from the material world, and from having things and relationships (of the easy, flattering kind) in the world

    15. To depart upon any occasion from those rules, in consequence of some flattering speculation of extraordinary gain, is almost always extremely dangerous and frequently fatal to the banking company which attempts it

    16. “But there’s a rumor circulating around the village about you, and it’s not flattering

    17. The clothes Worth had picked out for me were far more stylish and flattering than anything I owned, but they weren’t mine

    18. Some readers of Bierzo 7 probably still remember Anthony Quinn’s flattering and endearing commentaries towards our privileged territory, but perhaps are unaware of several television reports that Fred made about El Bierzo for the American public

    19. “It is very flattering

    20. Now I was surprised to find myself responding to his charm, sincerely complimenting him, glowing in his flattering attention

    21. 3 The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaks proud things:

    22. hates those who are afflicted by it; and the flattering mouth works out for ruin

    23. the women called to him with the same flattering lines moments

    24. It had a flattering picture of Terry and a very unflattering one of Nigel flipping off the media

    25. When they saw me approach wearing the black sash, an undercurrent of murmuring went through them quickly replaced with a very flattering, spontaneous cheering, and an inappropriate beating of swords against shields

    26. That was rather flattering, but I hope the boy didn’t inherit my family’s curse

    27. told something very flattering, but not true? On one hand you

    28. 59 And when the children of Moab had so overwhelmed him with their speeches, and enticed him by their flattering words, they seated him in the tent and cooked and sacrificed for him, and he ate of their sacrifice and of their bread

    29. ” She says not able to accept his flattering comments

    30. The letter was flattering and referred glowingly to Pops’s accomplishments

    31. 59 And when the children of Moab had so overwhelmed him with their speeches and enticed him by their flattering words they seated him in the tent and cooked and sacrificed for him and he ate of their sacrifice and of their bread

    32. As flattering as it was, it also did not fly with Tetlow, who after having put up with a dozen brutal years of Ithaca winters, had no intention of moving only slightly south to Philadelphia

    33. importance of all those flattering wishes, leaving Ulan with only one

    34. There was no way to explain to him that his flattering smiles

    35. It's flattering at first to be followed around by someone like her, but there's more to personal attraction than looks alone

    36. The other guys were pleasant and it was flattering to be desired, so before leaving on tour I relieved half a dozen other polite and courteous gentlemen of their cash in the boss’s luxurious bedrooms

    37. Flattering, but who would be waiting at his place to strip me of my belongings before committing rape and murder then selling me into slavery? An Australian I’d met in London had foolishly gone with such a fellow in Egypt and ended up raped by half a dozen men from whom he’d contracted hepatitis

    38. Such obvious interest from a young man was flattering, but didn't turn me on, so I wished him luck and retired to my cot for a wank

    39. And if I express myself in these eloquent terms, so little flattering towards him, it is because irrefutably, and in a fairly short period of time, I had to suffer in the flesh the reaches of his overwhelming revenge

    40. A giant crystal chandelier shed flattering amber light over a room bedecked with gold trimmings and intricately framed mirrors

    41. Black- and-white close-ups are a really flattering shot

    42. • Fix your hair! It should always frame your face in the most flattering way possible

    43. Woe upon all who shun justice, spurn mercy, and reject truth! Woe upon all those who despise the revelation of the Father while they seek the chief seats in the synagogue and crave flattering salutations in the market places!"

    44. threatened rape by flattering the rapist

    45. They harkened with keen dark eyes and inscrutable countenances, and they went their ways without comment, and heeded with flattering intentness his instructions as to the working of iron, and kindred arts

    46. The light’s not very flattering in here

    47. One wasn’t very flattering to her, but she decided to handle it

    48. Barbara smiled then while eyeing Otto with appreciation: he was exactly as she had expected him to be according to Nancy Laplante’s flattering descriptions of him

    49. ‘Hello Babe! That was a very flattering picture of you in the paper! Really got

    50. Some of it is not very flattering about many senior commanders in the Pacific, I must warn you

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    Синонимы для "flattering"

    flattering deferential obsequious sycophantic