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    flax примеры предложений


    1. The price of flax resolves itself into the same three parts as that of corn

    2. For several minutes he lay unconscious until Rosecare picked a long flax like leaf and rubbed it under his battered nose

    3. This is the real exchange that is annually made between those two orders of people, though it seldom happens that the rude produce of the one, and the manufactured produce of the other, are directly bartered for one another ; because it seldom happens that the farmer sells his corn and his cattle, his flax and his wool, to the very same person of whom he chuses to purchase the clothes, furniture, and instruments of trade, which he wants

    4. The capitals of the British manufacturers who work up the flax and hemp annually imported from the coasts of the Baltic, are surely very useful to the countries which produce them

    5. If the hemp and flax of Riga are purchased with the tobacco of Virginia, which had been purchased with British manufactures, the merchant must wait for the returns of two distinct foreign trades, before he can employ the same capital in repurchasing a like quantity of British manufactures

    6. Three times a greater capital must in both cases be employed, in order to exchange a certain value of British manufactures for a certain quantity of flax and hemp, than would have been necessary, had the manufactures and the flax and hemp been directly exchanged for one another

    7. The flax crop flourished as the summer turned

    8. When she returned home, the two field slaves were cutting this season’s crop of flax

    9. Then instead of selling the flax, they could earn much more by producing linen

    10. between the two flax fields

    11. With their flax crop stacked to dry, Tragus had leased the field slaves for a week to one of his old friends from the tavern

    12. He’d been very nice to her when he came to the farm a month ago to buy their crop of flax

    13. In the first way, she gives an advantage in the home market to the sugar, tobacco, and iron of her own colonies; and, in the second, to their raw silk, to their hemp and flax, to their indigo, to their naval stores, and to their building timber

    14. The importation of sheep's wool from several different countries, of cotton wool from all countries, of undressed flax, of the greater part of dyeing drugs, of the greater part of undressed hides from Ireland, or the British colonies, of seal skins from the British Greenland fishery, of pig and bar iron from the British colonies, as well as of several other materials of manufacture, has been encouraged by an exemption from all duties, if properly entered at the custom-house

    15. 26, upon the importation of hemp, or undressed flax, from the British plantations

    16. Such a bounty upon the importation of Scotch flax in England would have been too great a discouragement to the native produce of the southern part of the united kingdom

    17. It was granted in the same manner as that for the importation of hemp and undressed flax from America, for twenty-one years, from the 24th June 1779 to the 24th June 1800

    18. It does not, however, like the American bounty, extend to the importation of undressed flax

    19. The person who works the lace of a pair of fine ruffles for example, will sometimes raise the value of, perhaps, a pennyworth of flax to £30 sterling

    20. The value which, by every day's, month's, or year's labour, he adds to the flax, does no more than replace the value of his own consumption during that day, month, or year

    21. The sky blue of the flax plant looked delicate against the harshness of the hills

    22. “Yes we invaded France and stuck around for quite a while and we are passing through a part of France that the armies where in does that satisfy you?” Things went quite after this and I am sure Frank was sorry he had opened his mouth we chugged along and we looked out on fields with flax and cereals growing in them

    23. Foreign materiais are, upon this account, sometimes allowed to be imported duty-free; spanish wool, for example, flax, and raw linen yarn

    24. 9 Moreover those who work in fine flax, and those who weave networks, shall be confounded

    25. Green is also the author of Stone Blood, a literary novel, and Three Pounds of Flax, a collection of 48 prose poems

    26. in there, and, see, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a

    27. She saw a warrior of ancient days, his hair the colour of flax

    28. It feeds on fruits, insects and spiders, but especially on the nectar produced from the flax and fuchsia plants

    29. 31 And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was bolled

    30. 6 But she had brought them up to the roof of the house, and hid them with the stalks of flax, which she had laid in order on the roof

    31. 31 And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and

    32. the flax was bolled

    33. (This means that the barley was ready and the flax was in bloom

    34. 14 And when he came to Lehi, the Philistines shouted against him, and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily on him, and the cords that were on his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands loosed from off his hands

    35. v13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands

    36. 3 But the hospitable Rahab having received them hid them in an upper story under the stalks of flax

    37. No wheat, no white bread, no sour dough, a couple pieces of artisan bread and something with flax that Jenny cooked up that is hard as a brick

    38. Again, you see that flax seeds are not 100% fat, protein or carbohydrate

    39. And like nuts, flax seeds should be considered primarily fat, and

    40. In an interesting experiment, giving hens feed rich in flax seed and fish oil (with their omega 3 fatty acids) increased the amount of omega 3 fatty acids in their eggs, producing "omega eggs

    41. Flax oil and flax seeds are being rediscovered as true health foods

    42. Flax is not a new food

    43. Flax was one of the original "medicines" used by Hippocrates

    44. Flax could be dubbed the "forgotten oil

    45. The very nutrients that give flax its nutritional benefits - essential fatty acids - also give it a short shelf life, making it more expensive to produce, transport, and store

    46. Yet, those who are nutritionally in the know continue to rank flax

    47. Flax seeds are rich in soluble fiber

    48. ' `A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax he will not quench

    49. Flax provides consumers with another source of Omega 3s, an essential chemical for maintaining brain health

    50. Trying to waste the most time possible, Amaranta ordered some rough flax and spun the thread herself

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