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    flight crew

    1. Houston--(AP)--The Apollo 7 flight crew are ready to launch in the first manned test of the spacecraft that will carry three astronauts to the Moon and return them to Earth

    2. Captain Rikk and his flight crew simply held hands and he said a prayer in his native Finnish

    3. There were two incidents where the entire flight crew of a South African Airways Jet flying from Johannesburg to Heathrow had been arrested for smuggling cocaine, but Rory did not think that that this was the main channel – he would go into it…though not immediately, as both the British and the South African Authorities were investigating the case extensively and he would see what resulted there-from

    4. He had noticed that there was a distinct difference between the “landed” settlers and the flight crews

    5. While winter settled in on the small community on the ground, the flight crews labored in the perpetual winter of space

    6. The flight crews had barely removed their helmets when two women came running out of the crowd

    7. To properly staff the ships we currently have in inventory, we need to train two dozen flight crew personnel

    8. If Helen had ever doubted the wisdom of teaching everyone unarmed combat techniques, the success of the flight crews with boarding and capturing wayward ships dispelled any concerns she might have had

    9. Monique and Angelina both married captured flight crew members who had stumbled into the system and recruited them to assist with crewing their cargo ship

    10. In the opinion of Homestead’s flight crews, the quality of the meals Vladimir and Stephanie produced far surpassed anything the Federation was producing

    11. Only the flight crews got to leave the planet and then only on specific missions

    12. Men and women should be equally capable as flight crews

    13. As you well know, the stresses on our flight crews are immense

    14. The rest of the flight crews on the mother ship watched the maneuvers with the passion generally reserved for professional sports

    15. For, example, any member of a flight crew except the commander can claim that they were brought here by their commander and not necessarily of their own volition

    16. The remainder of Rachel’s command was made up of the flight crews and their support

    17. Rachel and the flight crew returned to the bridge

    18. Louis, Rachel called her flight crews together

    19. Captain Curra joined the flight crews and munitions specialists to see what they could procure

    20. Integrating the crews was Wendy’s responsibility so she had the flight crews and the battleship’s combat crews run simulations involving the pickets and the two destroyers they had brought from Earth

    21. The Wendy’s flight crews who had seen the installation had been sworn to secrecy

    22. Wendy, please assemble the engineers and flight crews in the battleship’s galley

    23. He and most of his flight crews lived in the valleys of a mountain range not far from the main settlement

    24. We have psychological data on all of our potential flight crews

    25. When the room had cleared to flight crews and bridge personnel only, Greg spoke

    26. Flight crews meet at the cargo hold at 0900

    27. Had the flight crews not been wearing their pressure suits, they would have died

    28. ” Rachel sent all of her personnel except for the engineers and flight crews to the surface to help the medical teams

    29. The engineers reasoned that the all the ships could still fight in their damaged conditions assuming the flight crews wore their pressurized flight suits with the new helmets

    30. Please inform my entire battle staff, flight crews and primary bridge crew that we will be meeting in the conference in one hour

    31. One of the reasons Rachel liked the fact that her flight crews had come from Eretz was that Hebrew and not Standard was their native language

    32. Elizabeth had deciphered enough of the language by referencing her historical linguistic database to be able to translate it to the flight crews

    33. She has requested that your pilots and flight crews be on the flight line when the transports land for immediate transfer to their ships

    34. Louis so they can provide health care to the flight crews that otherwise would have no care

    35. Captain Simpson has put his flight crews on alert and has deployed his VTOL ships to the surface to assist with communications should the need arise

    36. While it was small comfort to the families of the flight crews that died, the battle damage was significantly less than it might have been

    37. Wren scanned them he recognized several of his cousins and second cousins among the flight crews

    38. “All flight crews to your ships!” Wren shouted over the din

    39. Kim waited as the implications registered reading the expressions on the flight crews’ faces

    40. Eretz was attacked and repulsed the attack with minimal casualties to combat flight crews

    41. The barracks housing the flight crews were just behind that building

    42. functions, and the bustle of flight crews, but pretty close

    43. Now, thanks to your exercise in penny-pinching, this wing now has only seven F-83 flight crews able to use the Tornado Funnel tactic, basically me and the girls I brought from Palestine, instead of all of our 63 crews

    44. There are others but this is the nicest and since you are going to be the prettiest member of our flight crew, I think it only right that you should have full use

    45. Angry Pants, I'll eat my Drummond Airlines flight crew hat

    46. Howell and the flight crew for direct entry into the United States via Las Vegas

    47. In 1956, Dr David Warren (Australia) designed a crash-survivable prototype called the ARL Flight Memory Unit to record a flight crew’s conversation and other data prior to a crash

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