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    footsteps примеры предложений


    1. He almost fell in the water when he heard the accented voice behind him and heard footsteps on the dock

    2. She ducked quickly out the door, her running footsteps danced down the path in haste, she was agile and in good condition

    3. There were days when I thought Toby would follow in the footsteps of his father

    4. I hear his footsteps race down the hall and out of the back door … the door slams behind him, the noise reverberating through the house

    5. The footsteps were slow and measured

    6. the people of faith are testimonies for us who follow in their footsteps,

    7. The sound of footsteps coming towards the kitchen rouses her and she frantically tries to pull herself together, groping in the pocket of her jeans for a tissue

    8. ‘Is that Liz coming down now?’ Stephen asked, as the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs comes to our ears

    9. He glances round as he hears my footsteps

    10. I heard footsteps and voices

    11. A mirror image of the shuffling footsteps in the morning

    12. Had they too heard my footsteps? What about the interrogation and the assault? Would they know?

    13. Then I heard running footsteps on the stairs

    14. I listened dumbly to the sound of receding footsteps and the soft snick of a door closing and being locked

    15. A short while after our evening meal, with the sky black and cold beyond the strip of window left unblocked in our room, we heard footsteps outside our door

    16. We heard footsteps behind us, and turning so that we could see what was happening, we saw four men armed with pistols walk up and stand behind us

    17. and Son could hear his footsteps

    18. He waited at the door as the footsteps of

    19. She’d stayed seated until it stopped, uncertain and unfamiliar with the motion … yes, the bus had stopped and she’d risen, turned to pick up her bag … walked quickly down the gangway to the door … there’d been footsteps behind her … heavy ones – the men

    20. in the falling footsteps of the lion-headed man,

    21. when he chooses the fall of his cat pad footsteps,

    22. Footsteps leave a heavy tread of boots

    23. We follow him as he picks his way through the pines, our footsteps muffled by the layer of pine needles underfoot

    24. I’d heard his footsteps crossing the deck

    25. at the sound of footsteps, turns towards

    26. With his lantern jaw, with his sparkling blue eyes and with his perfectly aquiline nose, Archibald followed in his father’s footsteps and became a matinee idol on the silver screen, fulfilling his long but dearly departed father's final wish

    27. Miss Jones heard the sound of footsteps following on behind the young man and as she pushed beech leaves out of her face she was able to make out three other young boys heading towards where she lay suspended in the hedge

    28. The crunch of footsteps on the track outside woke me up

    29. His footsteps echoed, a few others did also, up the side aisle where the confessional was

    30. with that he scuttles off to see what is going on, the girls following closely in his footsteps

    31. Footsteps coming down the stairs - Ben

    32. Footsteps on the stairs - Ben appears in the kitchen, his usual phlegmatic self

    33. sound of footsteps in the hall

    34. We hear the sound of footsteps pounding along the corridor as Ben escapes from his sister’s wrath by locking himself in the bathroom

    35. aquiline nose, Archibald followed in his father’s footsteps and

    36. Miss Jones heard the sound of footsteps following on behind the

    37. The sound of running footsteps had already caused curtains to

    38. As he thought about that, he heard footsteps coming up from below on the stairway behind him

    39. Chrissie worked at scrubbing the dishes, her mind refusing to contemplate anything beyond this simple activity, her ears were pricked for the sound of footsteps and her pulse raced as the adrenaline coursed through her, sparking the ancient flight instinct

    40. Dad's probably glad I didn't follow in his footsteps

    41. Firm footsteps coming along the path whisked her out of her almost trance-like state

    42. His footsteps sounded down the corridor as he made his way to his room, followed by the sound of the door banging as he shut himself in for the night

    43. Their footsteps echo off matt blue walls as they pass wards and treatment areas signed in white lettering on blue metal

    44. The sound of footsteps, hollow as though they are descending a staircase

    45. Their footsteps sounded loud in the silence

    46. His footsteps had dragged as he returned

    47. A sort of slurping noise followed by laboured, dot-and-carry-one footsteps

    48. His footsteps sound like thunder in his ears and he can almost sense the weight of the club pressing against his ribs, but he can't stop now

    49. He hears footsteps running across the gravel courtyard

    50. Tours' footsteps echoed noisily on the flagstones as he

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