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    for it

    1. Tempus Fugit [as featured on the cover of this section] works as a metaphor in that the mol usc - not known for its speed - has fossilised with the inexorable passage of time

    2. something in the microwave, you set the timer for a minute and you stand there waiting, watching the food go around, waiting for it to, ding! That's time

    3. He could either stay and get overrun or he could run and try to make a break for it

    4. "Leave that," he said, and reached for it, still holding the stairpost with his other hand

    5. Memory is the worst affected by hunger as the brain requires a minute-to-minute supply of glucose for its normal functioning

    6. Deut: 32:47: For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days

    7. Who made this web? Who supports this family? Certainly not him, and he doesn’t show a lot of gratitude for it

    8. There had been a lock on the container that looked too expensive for it to be there

    9. Using this glove I can deaden certain electrical pathways, and trace superficial surface currents for it to follow

    10. But I have never seen it fired … I don’t even think he had any ammunition for it – I’ve certainly never seen any

    11. ‘Did he fall for it too?’

    12. ‘But the garden will be all the better for it

    13. Above and to one side where there was a place for it in the cliff, the sensuous trimming of the portal flowed up into a bouquet of blooms surrounding a face

    14. Many a brothers have fought court battles for it

    15. With every flick of his tongue, he tasted God's beautiful creation and was thankful for it

    16. Maybe he'd gotten some mods for it

    17. Just follow instructions for its application

    18. I can watch for it as soon as it lights, but those probes won't see the inert craft

    19. But how did he get hold of the gun? Henry keeps all the props locked up … Dan would have had to ask for it, borrowed the key or something

    20. If we do have a center within a reasonable distance then we should take part in all its programmes and contribute for its proper management

    21. It's not really very heavy for its size, it couldn't be a treasure chest, all metals are much heavier than that, it's lighter than a section of tree trunk that size and I've moved them with the rockosaur

    22. With that night’s taverna chosen for its beach view and cooling sea breeze, the

    23. He wasn't such a sucker for it, but seemed to think he was just being polite to stop by once a day for a quick one

    24. Someone coldly and deliberately worked to repair that gun and hunted around for ammunition for it

    25. I daresay she didn’t intend for it to come over so clearly, and maybe I am being over-sensitive but I felt it all the same … Well, if the only job I can get is in Taunton, I’ll just have to move back to Bridgwater … at least that will cut my travelling costs

    26. No doubt the other kedas kidded him for it and said his egg mother was a thonga

    27. "I'll keep an eye out for it

    28. For it is for His glory, when those who

    29. Tahlmute and doostEr pretended to fall for it just to be polite until some of the local's started teasing them

    30. You will take His word for it, and this word will live and

    31. will not hesitate to attack it! For it is written:

    32. "The house is worth a hundred and fifty thousand Euro less than we paid for it

    33. It was built in low orbit and could be seen from the ground for it was nearly the size of a hundred story office building

    34. Neither Glenelle nor Ava had the remotest vision at the time of the Lula's departure that they would be here for its arrival

    35. and began to unbend, began to straighten and stand, she saw with horror that he, for it

    36. Even so, it had been over forty hours before they started looking for it, and that of the Lula might have had improved shielding

    37. thanking it for it’s tolerance of a foolish old man

    38. "We don't know, all transmission has ceased, there was a war, it's a long story and there just isn't time for it now

    39. "We may have to fight them for it," she said, as she used her android to hand Alfred's android a projectile weapon

    40. He wants it more than anything else in his life and is willing to die, maybe even to kill for it

    41. I can get treated for it when we get back

    42. who ask for it

    43. He had more crystal on the way, and was ready for it when it got here

    44. The clearance to view the data for that was a much bigger boon than non-technicians knew, for it allowed access to the diagnostic recording system and once one knew how to use the diagnostic recording system it was relatively simple to get access to every data stream in the crew, every sense, every output, even hormone levels

    45. " That was no doubt a dusty pitted hulk for it was over two and a half centuries old by now, built of bulk aluminum and steel using big bolts

    46. Bahkmar noticed most people in this meeting opened new notebooks for it

    47. However, I do remember feeling grotty with stomach cramps the day I took the car down to the garage for its MOT … I check back in my diary that would be the second week of October … I should come on sometime around the second week in November

    48. The result? Naught! All men seem to be enchanted by Mandy, especially Themis! As about me, at a moment someone speaks up and says he remembers me from elementary school - so, my age is revealed before everybody! Later on, Themis suggests our going on an excursion on May Day and all the married hens (who, as usual, have formed a ring around him) hasten to enter themselves for it

    49. The faith's greatest early victory, the reason for its birth, had been the destruction and eradication of Israel

    50. their husbands at home: for it is shameful for women to speak in church

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    Синонимы для "for it"

    spunk tenacity determination firmness resolve resolution steadfastness