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    forty-five примеры предложений


    1. By forty-five I was nine years old, full of spitfires and heroes, no more so than when

    2. But he’s not a kid of seventeen now … he’s a grown man of forty-five, I remind myself

    3. As I had predicted, we resorted to getting a take-away but even so, we didn’t eat until nearly ten forty-five – a silent meal - after which, by tacit agreement, we all went to bed

    4. forty-five seconds of my life

    5. the ball forty-five degrees

    6. Forty-five minutes later she knew everything that had happened

    7. I don't leave the flat until nearly six forty-five

    8. “I'll give her a forty-five slug in the brain

    9. The sun had just set about forty-five minutes ago

    10. Just forty-five or so steps away was School House, and on the first floor, up the wide stairs from the common room were the halls of rooms occupied by the Hundred and the Sixth Form, mostly

    11. He informs us, too, that if we were to judge of the quantity of gold annually imported from the Brazils to Lisbon, by the amount of the tax paid to the king of Portugal, which it seems, is one-fifth of the standard metal, we might value it at eighteen millions of cruzadoes, or forty-five millions of French livres, equal to about twenty millions sterling

    12. It was seven forty-five in the morning to be precise

    13. The slope was scattered with loose rocks, some of which were debris from the crash, and was angled at almost forty-five degrees, although it got even steeper higher up

    14. It was after perhaps forty-five minutes of struggling through the storm when I spotted what I thought looked like land

    15. The overhang itself was barely half a metre deep, sloping outward at approximately forty-five degrees, but was well beyond his somewhat limited climbing experience

    16. At maximum thrust Zorandi’s suit calculated that he would reach the nearest B’tari outpost in forty-five thousand hours of his time; not that the suit would still have any power or life support by then

    17. of their revenue; ecclesiastics from forty to forty-five per cent

    18. Typically, this consists of the competitor’s heels together, toes pointed out at a forty-five degree angle, and lats semi-flared

    19. I shall always carry with me the hope that my country will never cease to view them with indulgence; and that, after forty-five years of my life dedicated to its service with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as myself must soon be to the mansions of rest

    20. If she had survived she would have been forty-five

    21. It took forty-five minutes, and some negotiating with the clerk to stay past closing, but she came out with a list of businesses

    22. Forty-five minutes after it had landed on the roof of Area 7, the helicopter took off into the storm, its three grim-faced occupants lit by a sudden flash of lightning

    23. They talked for about forty-five minutes, and in the end, Bru just couldn’t remember everything she said

    24. for about thirty to forty-five minutes and then talking about what

    25. If Olger’s cautionary advice about Tico Time was correct, she was an hour and forty-five minutes early

    26. The province’s thriving tourism industry was all but eliminated in the scant forty-five seconds it took the Earth to shake off the strain along the fault

    27. After nearly forty-five years of marriage, loosing George was like having a limb wrenched off

    28. After a wait of about forty-five minutes, Mr

    29. It was a beautiful thing, for at exactly two-forty-five a

    30. “They should enter your little zone at about twelve-forty-five, if they’re not engaged by enemy fighters, and they will cruise at fifteen thousand in your planned vicinity,” he said

    31. He looked to be about forty-five, whereas I was still stuck there at the age of twenty…

    32. The cabbie happily drove them out of town at a steady and sedate velocity of about forty-five k’s an hour, if the weeds speeding by outside and the drift of the dust were any indication

    33. He approached from an angle of one-thirty-five degrees east, negative pitch of forty-five degrees, and at a relatively slow speed of point oh-two parsecs per hour…”

    34. She determined nonetheless to remain vigilant to the end, but this was it: she couldn’t wait another minute, it was two forty-five, barely enough time to get to the central park by three

    35. Truman returned to Puerto Viejo triumphant, parked between the public phone and the La Hacienda 4X4, dented its rear door to match the front and, after chasing off the pesky drunk, ordered another chilled coconut to idle away the forty-five minutes before he would call Beth

    36. The next one, to La Barca brought them to the westbound highway where they boarded the second-class bus, got off at La Entrada and waited what seemed an eternity under the broiling sun, inhaling fumes, until at three forty-five the tourist bus to the Mayan Ruins of Copan delivered them to the pueblo of Santa Rita

    37. The alien shuttle held its course for forty-five minutes; a tiny dot of light appeared ahead, and the shuttled slowed

    38. After forty-five minutes they swung around and began to decelerate

    39. After another forty-five minutes they floated into Hollywood’s open port

    40. Artie, an only child, was born in the nineties to parents who were not thinking of childbearing, his mother forty-five, eight years younger than her husband

    41. It was mid-afternoon, he was a senior official at the bank, a forty-five minute drive away

    42. Have you seen the forty-five declared goals of the

    43. “Number Forty-five: Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals

    44. “It was a Sunday morning, my father had just started his sermon, that would take about forty-five minutes, and there'd be another half-hour before the service would be over

    45. I went to church for the choir’s last rehearsal of the morning’s Easter music, due to begin in forty-five minutes

    46. It was about forty-five feet long and eight feet wide

    47. over, her body locked at a forty-five degree angle from the years of bending in the rice

    48. forty-five and knew, as it was common knowledge in Japan, that she had around twenty

    49. Chelsea was listed third, which told me I had at least forty-five minutes before bail would be set

    50. Sunfield Nihonmatsu Golf Club, located about forty-five kilometers west of the plant, the

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