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    1. I believe this is one of the most important foundations of

    2. The Countess through her financial foundations and partnerships moved

    3. Glenelle could do some data entry and verification, but she was not going to help with updating the foundations of the virtual universe

    4. deepest philosophical foundations, let alone be bothered to write it all down – that

    5. earth, shaking the foundations of the world to rubble, and finally, in the heart of

    6. My dreams of achieving true rapport with The Kid were built on foundations of sand

    7. I turned from the madness of rebellion built on the unstable foundations of solitary impotence and started to want to live

    8. The Countess through her financial foundations and partnerships moved in quiet splendour wherever and whenever she wished

    9. A flood of marine shapes colonised the roaring seas, monsters roamed the earth, shaking the foundations of the world to rubble, and finally, in the heart of blackness that was a shallow echo of Smith’s loneliness, there was a dream of companionship

    10. Christ Jesus – the Lamb slain before the foundations of the world – has established this eternal covenant that we should live full of the Spirit, purified by His blood

    11. affecting the foundations then

    12. The eternal covenant stretches back to the beginning in that Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world

    13. In Hebrews 11 we read of His faith to look for a city whose foundations and builder is God (verse 8)

    14. We find in verse 14 that there are twelve foundations to the city

    15. The foundations are the twelve apostles

    16. could, possibly, shift the foundations of a country

    17. You've questioned our whole theory of this war, now you want us to question the foundations of sub-atomic physics?"

    18. Even those close friends and relatives who knew about the hole were amazed at the couple’s loving resilience in the face of such deep shadow, and unlike so many people who find that their strength and union is built on sand rather than on firm foundations, Ken and Eileen simply wouldn’t let the darkness at the heart of their marriage tear their relationship apart, choosing instead to face their enemy in a committed search for the one thing that could complete the turn of the seasons in their lives

    19. The foundations of the old town were under them, the tops of the old walls were now used as paths thru the mud

    20. built on sand rather than on firm foundations, Ken and Eileen

    21. 14And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve

    22. 19And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of

    23. It was down in a backwater between the foundations one lock down off Fourth Canal, still within a long walk of the Kassikan

    24. foundations, rough grasses were now growing, and Hawthorn and

    25. You can still see the stones of the foundations close

    26. Tom did notice that a few parts of the masonry foundations appeared

    27. natural formations which formed its foundations

    28. Jock has plans for a future, plans for a house built on solid foundations, capable of withstanding anything that Her Majesty's constabulary and court services might throw at him, at least until he is too old and feeble to care

    29. Jock had it all sussed out, but, sitting in the front of the Lexus as Ken pulls in to the courtyard at Sillick Farm, Jock is having to consider an alternative future, one with foundations made of sand

    30. Then the thunder hits, the thought made real, crashing overhead, shaking the foundations of the old stone barns to their deep, black rotted roots

    31. Inspired, Harry began sketches of the more remarkable foundations and buildings, trying for himself to devise the methods he might employ if he were to construct the imposing structures

    32. He noticed that the foundations didn’t match up with the houses, in general there were two or three houses on each foundation with narrow stone steps leading up between each foundation

    33. They went around the side of the house and up the stone steps between foundations and entered a door halfway up

    34. “My father had this area built into the Clive House foundations primarily for my own entertainment

    35. has twelve foundations which are

    36. foundations; you will be called

    37. Just about every house had some use for the rooms in the old stone foundations below

    38. 14The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the

    39. 19The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of

    40. Her place was down in the foundations of the Institute but some of the outer foundation walls extended above the growth from below and captured plenty of light

    41. Foundations is a Bible study guide designed to teach new believers the foundations principles of Christ

    42. Ome didn’t care to debate the foundations of his faith with Atomin at the moment, nothing he could say would matter, not now

    43. laid the foundations of Christianity, much

    44. is said to have laid the foundations of the

    45. and I was shaken to my foundations

    46. Even if you plan to hire a copywriter, you need to know the foundations

    47. have the strong foundations in place for you to sell what you have built

    48. Neither could the storm loosen her from her foundations

    49. Plato, we owe much of our western philosophical foundations, took these two words, “Know Thyself” as his

    50. My Dad said that I was destroying the foundations of the American way, which I couldn’t understand, since I thought the American way was to foster democracy, for all

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