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free state
1. The effect of the colony trade, in its natural and free state, is to open a great though distant market, for such parts of the produce of British industry as may exceed the demand of the markets nearer home, of those of Europe, and of the countries which lie round the Mediterranean sea
2. In its natural and free state, the colony trade, without drawing from those markets any part of the produce which had ever been sent to them, encourages Great Britain to increase the surplus continually, by continually presenting new equivalents to be exchanged for it
3. In its natural and free state, the colony trade tends to increase the quantity of productive labour in Great Britain, but without altering in any respect the direction of that which had been employed there before
4. In the natural and free state of the colony trade, the competition of all other nations would hinder the rate of profit from rising above the common level, either in the new market, or in the new employment
5. Check California and New York, which are labeled by George Mason University"s Mercatus center, as at the bottom of the list of economically free states in America
6. The standing joke with tear-gas was that it could not be used safely in the Orange Free State Province because it should not be used in confined spaces
7. *The Free State Province, which was neither free nor orange, was the smallest of the provinces (like a State in the US)
8. The Nationalists were wary of the clever Indian shopkeepers and kept the Free State white, which is a form of corruption I suppose, and it did us no favours either with inflated prices
9. He obtained his B Iuris & LLB in 1997 from the University of the Orange Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa) and was an admitted attorney in the High Court of South Africa between 1998 and 2006 after which he worked as legal advisor & risk manager for various companies in South Africa and Nigeria
10. While technically admitted as a free state, California law only barred the enslavement of Blacks, not American Indians
11. Though a slave owner, his sole influence on the slavery question was arguing for California to be admitted as a free state
12. California was admitted as a free state, though in practice that meant no slavery for Blacks, while Indians were widely enslaved
13. Rather than remain neutral, Buchanan appointed a pro slavery territorial governor, though free staters were the majority
14. Claiming that a man living almost all his life in a free state (Illinois) who was a poor country lawyer barely able to afford a small home could be a slave owner is ludicrous
15. Lewis Cass also favored taking Texas, but wanted popular sovereignty for all new territories, that each state's population could choose to be a free state or a slave state
16. Up to the Civil War, in terms of representation, the South benefited over free states from the ‘slave vote,’ even if it was a fraction
17. In 1836 he was promoted to commandant general of the “Free State of Alta California” after a revolt against California’s governor
18. The statute also provided that, should a slave enter a free State or territory from a slave State, he should become free
19. Like all men who escape the shackles of marriage, no matter how briefly, inhibitions slipped away and he returned to the carefree state of premarital youth, unable to remember the last time he’d walked alone along streets where no one knew him
20. Anniversary of the Easter Rising, which took place in Dublin and led to the War Of Independence that culminated in the creation of an Irish Free State
21. “At 12:00PM today, in a closed session, the parliament has voted unanimously to in favor a Declaration of War against the Alliance of Free States
22. She had had an extremely good education at the Notre Dame Convent, under the Principalship of the formidable Sister Margaret, in the small Free State town of Kroonstad and had thereafter attained a Bsc
23. BEE was listed as the Managing Director, and Hu Lyang as Director responsible for The Cape, The Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng - this definitely warranted a closer look!
24. It took four days to reach their final destination, a ranch of several thousand acres deep in the veldt of the Orange Free State
25. First to arrive were Werner Seeler, a former Gestapo who had adopted the name of Gotfried Colman who now worked as an Afrikaans Security advisor to the Orange Free State
26. Gruebier rang Robert Smith his colleague in charge of the Orange Free State
27. team travelled to the Orange Free State by train under the watchful eye of Brother
28. was then playing for the senior Free State Currie Cup team
29. The classy Free State opener had filled his boots and had
30. my folks moved to the Free State Goldfields and I moved into residence on campus
31. undeveloped Orange Free State, where he bought hundreds of leases and options on
32. in when other gold houses awoke to the richness of the Free State deposits and had to
33. In an attempt to avoid the dangerous situations that the law allows many "free states" have passed "Personal Liberty Laws" which prohibit the exercise of the Fugitive Slave Law within their borders
34. demonstrated on road signs in the Irish Free State, which
35. Irish Free State was later declared the Irish Republic or
36. feated by the actions of the free states of the North
37. This part of the Rule refers to the particles not in the free state, but as part of conglomerates (bodies)
38. One clause in Article 4 refers to slaves who had escaped from their owners, requiring that a slave who escaped to a free state be returned to his owner in a slave state if he was found
39. He was saying how the first thing he would do when he got to a free State he would go to saving up money and never spend a single cent, and when he got enough he would buy his wife,
40. When Pat eventually returned from India, it was not to Maisy or Beggar’s Bush Barracks, as that was now under the control of the commander in chief of the Irish Free State, Michael Collins
41. Anglo–Irish Treaty, 1921–2: Collins negotiates a deal with the British which sets up an Irish Free State within the British empire but without the Protestant counties of Ulster, which remain part of the UK
42. tested in a drug-free state for their display of a conditioned preference for one
43. To add to the fiendishness of their cruel savagery was the poignant memory of still crueler barbarities practiced upon them and theirs by the white officers of that arch hypocrite, Leopold II of Belgium, because of whose atrocities they had fled the Congo Free State—a pitiful remnant of what once had been a mighty tribe
44. These high and regal prerogatives, constituting some of the most obvious characteristics which distinguish an absolute monarchy from the constitution of a free State, are confided to the discretionary exercise of a Governor, who is neither chosen by, nor responsible to, the people
45. According to the bearings and variations of those lights, should the statesmen of such a country adjust their policy—always bearing in mind two assurances, as fundamental principles of action, which the nature of things teaches, that, although temporary circumstances—party spirit, local rivalries, personal jealousies, suggestions of subordinate interests—may weaken, or even destroy, for a time, the influence of the leading and permanent interests of any great section of the country, yet those interests must ultimately and necessarily predominate, and swallow up all these local, and temporary, and personal, and subordinate considerations; in other words, the minor interests will soon begin to realize the essential connection which exists between their prosperity and the prosperity of those great interests which, in such sections of the country, nature has made predominant; and that no political connection among free States can be lasting, or ought to be, which systematically oppresses, or systematically refuses to protect, the vital interests of any of the sovereignties which compose it
46. To an intelligible argument it seems, therefore, under these circumstances, necessary that we should begin by some definition of a just and necessary war; and yet it seems to be a melancholy labor in a great and free State, where public sentiment should be unequivocal on such subjects, to proceed by rules of logic to establish great first principles of public sentiment; but I fear that, as all good things are purchased by concomitant sacrifices, we have not obtained the innumerable blessings and advantages of the freedom of speech and of the press for nothing