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    Используйте «frequency» в предложении

    frequency примеры предложений


    1. Over the past two days she had felt a constant stream of something flowing through her and now there was radio silence on that frequency

    2. Like a walkie-talkie, you know? Scan the frequency but it's such a narrow band and such a low range, you would have to be pretty close

    3. Since they were in the nest for Morningday and Afternoonday, they didn't sleep as much as they really should have and sometimes what they lacked in frequency they made up for in duration

    4. It was pulse code, the frequency and duty cycle varied over time

    5. "You mean the Planck frequency?" he asked

    6. "Anyway, I see what you're trying to say, the information is contained in the pulse frequency, as it is in a nerve cell

    7. "An eighth to a tenth as much as the average dark body of the same mass,” he answered, “and the pulse frequency averages about one tenth of what we see in a dark body

    8. Click here to watch a video that uses the sound frequency of 396 Hz to help liberate fear

    9. programs available, and it works by introducing two different tones that are close in frequency, one into each ear

    10. As your brain perceives these tones, it creates a ―pulse‖ that triggers a different brain wave frequency

    11. tissues to vibrate at that same frequency

    12. the other tuning forks of that particular frequency

    13. vibrate at the same frequency

    14. emotions that vibrate at the same frequency

    15. the frequency of fear, it’s a small step for your entire

    16. “Of course we never had more than a point source signal from it in any frequency, but they have all vanished

    17. canceling headphones sense the frequency of sound

    18. at that same frequency, and she was born with this

    19. The phrase "it is what it is" has sprouted up in frequency

    20. Repeatedly doing this helps to hold you in the frequency

    21. “You have to understand that is really a decrease in the Planck frequency,” Darryl said, “not a wave front moving faster than light

    22. “The Planck frequency going to zero is analogous with slipping within an event horizon

    23. They resented me and by the time I was twenty-three, the term 'Old Maid' was used with more frequency

    24. question missed and the frequency of missed questions there after

    25. They worked in music recording studio’s using frequency domain transforms of audio signals in fluidic circuits

    26. Mushin’s body shivered with the frequency of an

    27. Matters weren’t helped by the frequency of the hills they

    28. The frequency of emigration from Scotland, and the rarity of it from England, sufficiently prove that the demand for labour is very different in the two countries

    29. “Yes, so… gradually the frequency of mails increased and so did

    30. The frequency, regularity, and amount of his repayments, would sufficiently demonstrate that the amount of their advances had at no time exceeded that part of his capital which he would otherwise have been obliged to keep by him unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands; that is, for the purpose of keeping the rest of his capital in constant employment

    31. of time, what it is you do, frequency, the charity, and how it helps

    32. high school (without frequency), besides the

    33. I felt so far from the material frequency that it seemed strange that people could stay moored there somehow in consensus reality

    34. But since coming to Skyrim, she muttered to herself about the unusual frequency with which she seemed to encounter such strangeness in that land

    35. for battered woman, how about diminishing the frequency to once a

    36. "Which frequency is that? Which group is it?" Arkaneh urged him

    37. France, therefore, could afford a market at least eight times more extensive, and, on account of the superior frequency of the returns,

    38. Everything is oscillating or vibrating at a particular frequency

    39. However the being is vibrating on a much higher frequency than the physical body

    40. This is due to the increased frequency of the blades

    41. But the quantity of productive labour which any capital employed in the foreign trade of consumption can maintain, is exactly in proportion, it has been shown in the second book, to the frequency of its returns

    42. On account of the frequency of the returns, a part, and probably but a small part, perhaps not above a third or a fourth of the capital which at present carries on this great round-about trade, might have been sufficient to carry on all those small direct ones; might have kept inconstant employment an equal quantity of British industry ; and have equally supported the annual produce of the land and labour of Great Britain

    43. All this blinking on and off, the frequency of the master

    44. But when he replayed the sensor recording there was nothing visual or on any other frequency, although he could surmise they’d be able to circumvent the sensors by creating a temporal bubble

    45. “Set it to receive the ID beacon frequency and scan the local area

    46. The reply was again instantaneous, “The radio frequency signals you have been searching for have not yet reached your planet

    47. The second of those remedies is the frequency and gaiety of public diversions

    48. It seemed that the light waves that reached us were “stretched out” and that this resulted in a slower frequency of the light, also known as a “red-shift”

    49. frequency he used in his metal body (a standard band) would still be received

    50. None of their examples ever compete with the length, relevance, frequency or complexity of codes that are found in the Bible

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    Синонимы для "frequency"

    absolute frequency frequency relative frequency frequence oftenness number occurrence recurrence regularity reiteration rotation ratio pulse periodicity cycle oscillation