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    frown upon примеры предложений

    frown upon

    1. Helez would certainly frown upon this new turn of events and shun him for life

    2. He watched her reflection in the mirror, a slight frown upon her face as she tried to style her hair

    3. Ethan blinked and smiled somewhat lamely with a frown upon his face before shaking his head furiously

    4. That might have turned the tide once more but now…” he said and shook his head with a frown upon his brow

    5. 2 The Master saw that his host was bewildered at his friendly attitude toward art; therefore, when they had finished the survey of the entire collection, Jesus said: "Because you appreciate the beauty of things created by my Father and fashioned by the artistic hands of man, why should you expect to be rebuked? Because Moses onetime sought to combat idolatry and the worship of false gods, why should all men frown upon the reproduction of grace and beauty? I say to you, Flavius, Moses' children have misunderstood him, and now do they make false gods of even his prohibitions of images and the likeness of things in heaven and on earth

    6. “Did he also quote that Jews frown upon cremation? The rabbi might be pushing the boundaries there

    7. Our decisions, actions, habits, and characters have thus become the very Atheist spirit we frown upon as Christians

    8. Cultures and civilizations which frown upon individualism and have a collectivist tradition, prefer to install "strong collective leaderships" rather than "strong men"

    9. I’ve never seen anybody object to her behaviour or as much as frown upon it

    10. marketers frown upon this, but

    11. The irony is that, despite knowing the Law, their divorce rate mirrors the religions they frown upon

    12. "It was altogether abominable, and I don't deserve to be spoken to for a month, but you will, though, won't you?" And Laurie folded his hands together with such and imploring gesture, as he spoke in his irresistibly persuasive tone, that it was impossible to frown upon him in spite of his scandalous behavior

    13. If public opinion would but frown upon violence, it would destroy all its power

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