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    Используйте «gallivant» в предложении

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    1. for the last four shitty years whilst you gallivant around with your

    1. Connor must have watched his sire in awe as he gallivanted across town in his silks and satin robes, planting his seed in every corner, being loved and adored by women everywhere without ever loving

    1. " (My note: And all this while he lives rent-free in a pretty good house, while Michelle and the girls use Air Force 2, which is indeed another jet, to gallivanting all over the world on vacation after vacation, staying in world-class hotels at taxpayer expense

    2. Athene took her mind off things, busying herself by preparing the fireplace with logs stacked nearby; she craved warmth after her gallivanting about in this frozen wasteland

    3. ’ As far as I can gather, this consists mainly of her gallivanting around the globe bollocking people in five different languages, with me stuck at home looking after the kids

    4. Not gallivanting off and staying up all night at parties

    5. “He kidnaps this woman and then he goes gallivanting all over the galaxy with her and doesn’t even tell his sickly, tired, weak, old grandmother that he’s got her

    6. In addition, where had Lord Ashburn been while his wife was gallivanting around in the wee hours of the night? It was all very intriguing, especially since she had taken actions as if to disguise her visit to the Tower, and worth investigating further just in case there were some minor facets that he had overlooked in connection to the Underwoods

    7. I hope everyone understands it was a mistake, and that anyone would have forgotten the cooler if they’d been gallivanting around a pitch dark meteor while sloshed on half a dozen CKFs

    8. I know you were out gallivanting with the Italian boy at that local bar, the Red Room

    9. Realizing she might make herself more visible to those following her, she stopped gallivanting about and jogged across the headland, passing an old wooden sign that read “Bowen Point,” and scaled down the side of the bluff to where the rocky terrain sloped inland through a thin copse of scraggily trees

    10. Did she suspect his gallivanting? I cannot imagine that she did not

    11. gallivanting around the plantation somewhere

    12. The president also said he did not like Kissinger’s habit of gallivanting around Hollywood and Beverly Hills on weekends with movie stars

    13. That was still his inclination, but he didn’t have the luxury of gallivanting off to multiple places

    14. She never stirs from one year's end to the other, the old witch; she quite rots in the place, her legs have always got something the matter with them, and now all on a sudden she goes gallivanting about!"

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    Синонимы для "gallivant"

    gad gallivant jazz around