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    1. This is why we can't generalize anything and say what's good for everyone or anyone until we know going on individually

    2. To generalize people in boxes is to encapsulate their souls with this view

    3. So they had a very nice little Duskmeal at the counter by the window in the kitchen while she answered all kinds of off the wall questions about daily life on Earth that she just couldn’t generalize

    4. they don’t pinpoint locations or they generalize about large areas

    5. She also gave me a stern lecture and said that it is not good to generalize and that, as with any society, you shouldn’t take everything at face value

    6. We can only generalize as we try to better understand the huge canyon between a typical Leftist and a typical Conservative

    7. It is possible to generalize that:

    8. Because of the complexity of the colors of budgies, it is difficult to generalize about what will happen when you mate two birds of similar or different colors, as the external appearance may not reflect the internal genetics

    9. You generalize the anxiety for your safety, but this safety mechanism interferes with the flow of yourself because now you get false messages of fear when there is no real danger

    10. We generalize about the quality of products based upon our experience or what people tell us

    11. So we generalize

    12. When we generalize that people from one race are better in some way than people from another race, we are thinking in racially prejudiced terms, and, if spoken, this information is hurtful to innocent people

    13. generalize is one of the strengths of our learning

    14. - Slotting: I'll generalize this to be any situation where the material to be

    15. - Pocketing: Here again, I will generalize this to be any situation where the

    16. So, won’t the least sought-after of the whores outscore all the Casanovas of the world put together; well, that’s in the lighter vein, but it was that experience which made me realize that it was stupid to generalize the sex-workers; the harlots in the hell-holes of cities’ red-light districts are a pitiable lot of gullible girls and hapless women forced to cater to the ever growing demand for paid sex there

    17. Singer was one of the few scientists to generalize the issue, stating that "if this is true, then all the scenarios

    18. Maybe it was unfair to generalize

    19. Pattern… Universal Qualifiers are responses that tend to generalize just about everything and use words such as ‘every’, ‘forever’, ‘everyone’, ‘never’

    20. That is, as I have already explained it, “astral” SVUULLMII-SVUU-Forms that generalize inside themselves the most primitive VVU-Information of SLUI-SLUU of the first six Channels of both Centers don’t have that type of creativity, which we may typically refer to “mentality” and “rationality”

    21. tendency to generalize what they achieved

    22. “It is of course dangerous to generalize about national characteristics

    23. � Once we have committed that imposition on the specific, we generalize it, and it becomes true of the entirety of what we have seen or experienced

    24. �� Within ourselves, this happens when we take note of an action we have made, generally a negative one, and interpret and generalize it as a diagnosis of our self

    25. In addition, many traders find that their best trades work right away; this is a reflection of certain setups in certain markets and may not generalize to all situations

    26. Although it is difficult to generalize about the role of current reported earnings as an influence on common stock prices, in buoyant general markets the main influences on common stock prices of companies that are strict going concerns seem to be:

    27. Although difficult to generalize, in buoyant markets the main influence on the common stocks of companies that are strict going concerns seem to be the following: reported earnings, reported estimates of future earnings, sponsorship, and industry identification

    28. If we were to generalize about the subject, we would approach the stock market impact of dividend payments differently from the way Graham and Dodd do

    29. Unlike the other sensitivities, one cannot generalize about the rho because its characteristics depend on the type of underlying instrument and the settlement procedure for the options

    30. There is, however, one type of diagonal spread about which we can generalize

    31. 1 To generalize this and subsequent examples and to eliminate the differences between stock options and futures options, we will assume an interest rate of 0

    32. If S is the current security price, we can generalize this approach by defining u and d as multipliers that represent the magnitudes of the upward and downward moves

    33. To generalize, when the price comes back to an SMA that has shown significance (or any of the 50-, 100-, or 20-day SMAs) and then reverses, it can be a trade entry signal, either long or short

    34. 23 [They walked through the business center of the city] The city is never named because Steinbeck wished to generalize the action rather than emphasize particular sites; but its geography is based upon that of San Jose, California, the home town of Steinbeck’s first wife, Carol

    35. I shall not attempt to generalize on the subject with the expectation of proving my point

    1. The following are generalized accounts about the different stages from pre-death to death and beyond

    2. content tends to be more generalized and it’s

    3. Nuke offered him a permanent cure for his generalized arthritis, but he would not do simple self-help exercises Nuke had assigned to him

    4. ” He was sitting in the living room, looking dazed and weak, and frequently had mild, generalized tremors

    5. can often find rules that apply to multiple systems, in which case the rule is generalized or the rule might only apply to one system, in which case it is a specialized rule

    6. subject areas – others offer more generalized questions on which virtually

    7. Though it has been generalized that determination is mainly required during times of adversity, the following will demonstrate to show that whether applied positively, or negatively

    8. ro have sex or that their partners' apparent generalized hostility toward women will be

    9. And then, as if to make a bad matter worse, he persistently harbored grudges and fostered such psychologic enemies as revenge and the generalized craving to "get even" with somebody for all his disappointments

    10. Once again she made things easy with a submission that confirmed the generalized belief that she was a poor devil, and the only souvenir she kept of Aureliano Segundo was a pair of patent leather boots, which, according to what he himself had said, were the ones he wanted to wear in his coffin

    11. In truth, the situation in and around Indochina could easily go out of control and become a generalized war with the USSR and Communist China

    12. As a culture, we’ve generalized Augustine’s and Freud’s

    13. We’ve generalized our fear of the few

    14. They, like the great majority of German citizens, had barely survived the generalized poverty of the post-war period

    15. com, it creates a stronger word of mouth association than one that is generalized such as www

    16. others which are more generalized

    17. Children are cursed generalized and separated from their real parents

    18. They gainsay all what the Almighty generalized of the uses of the sun, the moon, the plants, the rains, and of all other creatures out of His favor

    19. haplotypes are grouped together to form a more generalized unit, called a

    20. If we were in a real hurry and went with a generalized plan,

    21. generalized example, there is a much greater amount of salts in the ocean than in the

    22. It is an example of a generalized seizure

    23. Correct Answer: Choice D (It is an example of a generalized seizure)

    24. They also have the tendency to progress to generalized seizures

    25. impact the information contained in these modules has on your generalized anxiety

    26. What Causes Generalized Anxiety?

    27. · The exact causes of generalized anxiety are unclear, but it is likely to be a combination of biological

    28. also have generalized anxiety disorder and so forth

    29. Donald heard a story on the news about generalized anxiety disorder and realized

    30. with his physician he agreed to try an antidepressant shown to be effective for generalized

    31. Which terms should we use to refer to ourselves, the people who sit in their “now” exactly here, near the bonfire? Is this a certain reference set of many different-quality realization Forms that constitute, in their entire integrated whole, one Proto-Form under the generalized designation “LLUU-VVU”? Please explain, for it appears that we will not manage to get to bottom of it ourselves

    32. But, on the other hand, owing to their typical slloogrentness, they are also a part of a generalized (joint and indivisible in its general dynamics) UU-VVU-conglomerate, which we should consider as one whole that simultaneously belongs to each “personality” and to each (among all of them) Time Flow

    33. the bladder’s response to a more generalized condition elsewhere in the body

    34. Dreams are generalized situation-plays

    35. I honestly cannot give you a generalized answer,

    36. � This sense of generalized fear will feel at a lower level sometime and a higher level at others, but the fear will form a part of nearly every, if not all, new actions

    37. � Meaning perspectives satisfy that purpose in their own way, getting us successfully through some experience in our lives, but a meaning perspective that forms in one context of need can become permanent, over generalized, and internally dominating

    38. "� Once we have said that to ourselves, we shift from the particular condemnation, "I was stupid on this test," to the generalized diagnosis: "I am a stupid person

    39. The system responded back in equal passion as mine, “That is not how your father would’ve spoken! Such generalized statements of guilt by association were not to be found in his wise heart!” The system said, as she got back up to her feet

    40. "Eighth Son, Eighth Fighter" - this is just the Spirit itself, taken in the generalized sense, which manifests itself in every of the remaining seven sons

    41. research service 102 cases of generalized atherosclerosis and divided them into two main

    42. Many generalized roles are treated

    43. They sensed that this was not the usual generalized exhortation to better

    44. A little overwhelmed, I began the generalized evasions which that question deserves

    45. This appeal to a generalized fear for your future is a second and very important emotional button that this cover pushes

    46. This is usually some generalized statement, sound enough within its proper field, but twisted to fit the speculative mania

    47. This is, of course, a simplified and generalized plan

    48. The server supplies file system information in a generalized form, and it is up to the client to integrate it into its own file system so that applications can make use of it

    49. Non-control investors are also supposed to be the beneficiaries of various state laws and regulations, including blue sky statutes governing terms and conditions under which new issues may be offered;3 antitakeover statutes; statutes aimed at controlling going-private transactions; more generalized common law and state statutory requirements covering the fiduciary obligations of those in control of corporations to unaffiliated common stockholders; and statutes defining appraisal remedies when stockholders dissent from force-out mergers or similar force-out transactions

    50. Principal registration forms are the S-1 (a generalized form) and the S-7, a short form used by seasoned companies with relatively healthy operating histories

    1. generalizes the idea of protection too far

    2. It will lead you to misunderstand things, because that term generalizes about copyrights, patents, and

    3. It will lead you to misunderstand things, because that term generalizes about

    1. and definition, a generalization is superficial! Generalizing can be useful, but it is wise to

    2. I think of prejudice at best as a way of generalizing to simplify our understanding of things

    3. actually hear this all the time with teachers, parents and Politian’s generalizing a particular topic such as, “Vote for me that means voting for more money

    4. In essence, it is possible to put the equal sign between the joint dynamics of VVU-Configurations of UU-VVU-Forms and VVU-Configurations of UU-VVU-copies and the generalizing dynamics (structured by them) of NUU-VVU-Configurations of each of Stereo-Types, which we have already used in our successive choices, because the Information brought from TEC by each “previous” Stereo-Type has been synthesized (kleksized by the bio-Creators) into a corresponding Experience and during all “subsequent” choices it structures our individual ODS as differentiated VVU-Configurations of UU-VVU-conglomerates

    5. " But this power of generalizing which gives men so much the superiority in mistake over the dumb animals, was immediately thwarted by Lydgate's memory of wondering impressions from the behavior of another

    6. ” We learn, think, and deal with the outside world by generalizing and filing our experiences into broad categories, and when new situations are encountered we relate them back to these broad categories

    7. The peculiarities and complexities to be found in the present day security list are added arguments against the traditional practice of pigeonholing and generalizing about securities in accordance with their titles

    8. To increase the likelihood of generalizing these results to other scenarios, the current three-by-three classification scheme was adopted

    9. Véra, judging only by her husband and generalizing from that observation, supposed that all men, though they understand nothing and are conceited and selfish, ascribe common sense to themselves alone

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    generalise generalize popularise popularize vulgarise vulgarize extrapolate infer