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    give vent to

    1. It may be correctly argued that although unusual circumstances often give vent to (our) latent tendencies, Reason must necessarily assert itself as the final authority that correctly informs our (potential) actions

    2. Sometimes I couldn’t help but give vent to my feelings regarding these two

    3. He burned to give vent to the declaration of the real truth about his Father's loving character and merciful conduct in the universe, but his faithful Monitor admonished him that his hour had not yet come

    4. And yet this fearless man of God did not give vent to destructive criticism or manifest an utter disregard of the religious, social, economic, and political usages of his day

    5. '" Before Jesus ceased speaking, he said further: "Let your hearts be so dominated by love that your spirit guide will have little trouble in delivering you from the tendency to give vent to those outbursts of animal anger which are inconsistent with the status of divine sonship

    6. When she saw Travis's hands gripping the back of the wooden chair, the knuckles a bloodless white, she urged to: "Shout! Give vent to your agony

    7. Listen as the brave or reckless mariners - Ambrosius, Stan, Jerry, Mungo - give vent to what they think are their final ellipses of bemused terror

    8. She had visited Dar-es-Salaam on many occasions, before and after Jozef’s death, and had come to recognise the reluctance, amongst her otherwise friendly hosts, to give vent to their thoughts and opinions

    9. However, even as Sandhya parted her sensuous lips to initiate a dialogue, Roopa in all eagerness to savor them, closed in on them for deep kissing, and even when her lips were set free, Sandhya couldn’t give vent to her feelings past monosyllables as Roopa went on probing her labia with her craving tongue

    10. Eventually the feelings of concealed malevolence and intense hatred that existed between them festered in the hearts of the two giants to the extent that they took every opportunity to abuse each other and to give vent to all the feelings of aversion and hostility they held for one another

    11. , to throw, to cast; 103, 20, to give vent to, to

    12. In a word, I quitted the house and reached that of the man with whom I had left my mule; I made him saddle it for me, mounted without bidding him farewell, and rode out of the city, like another Lot, not daring to turn my head to look back upon it; and when I found myself alone in the open country, screened by the darkness of the night, and tempted by the stillness to give vent to my grief without apprehension or fear of being heard or seen, then I broke silence and lifted up my voice in maledictions upon Luscinda and Don Fernando, as if I could thus avenge the wrong they had done me

    13. opportunity of escaping from the house to go and see his good friend Lothario, and with him give vent to his joy over the precious pearl he had gained in having established his wife's purity

    14. he attempted to speak, and give vent to his patience of hearing my voice

    15. Franz now listened to it for the third time; yet its notes, so tenderly expressive and fearfully grand as the wretched husband and wife give vent to their different griefs and passions, thrilled through the soul of Franz with an effect equal to his first emotions upon hearing it

    16. " Albert looked on and listened with astonishment; he was not used to see Monte Cristo give vent to such bursts of enthusiasm

    17. "Certainly, we are friends," he replied; "why should we not be?" The answer was so little like the one Mercedes desired, that she turned away to give vent to a sigh, which sounded more like a groan

    18. While he was endeavoring to calm his fears,—and instead of dwelling upon the political future that had so often been the subject of his ambitious dreams, was imagining a future limited to the enjoyments of home, in fear of awakening the enemy that had so long slept,—the noise of a carriage sounded in the yard, then he heard the steps of an aged person ascending the stairs, followed by tears and lamentations, such as servants always give vent to when they wish to appear interested in their master's grief

    19. Observing my recovery, he attempted to speak, and give vent to his patience of hearing my voice again, to satisfy him once more that it was I; but the mightiness and suddenness Of the surprise continuing to stun him, choked his utterance: he could only stammer out a few broken, half-formed, filtering accents, which my ears greedily drinking in, spelt, and put together, so as to make out their sense: "After so long!

    20. At all former and precedent banquets, it had been the custom to give vent to muckle wanton and luxurious indulgence, and to galravitch, both at hack and manger, in a very expensive manner to the funds of the town

    21. ‘Not yet!’ interposed Napoleon, and, as if fearing to give vent to his feelings, he frowned

    22. He had evidently run out of that room to give vent to the sobs that were choking him

    23. She had to eat, sleep, think, speak, weep, work, give vent to her anger, and so on, merely because she had a stomach, a brain, muscles, nerves, and a liver

    24. She stared stupidly at this man who was talking to her, and could only give vent to two or three sobs, "Oh! Oh! Oh!"

    25. “Not yet!” interposed Napoleon, and, as if fearing to give vent to his feelings, he frowned and nodded slightly as a sign that Balashëv might proceed

    26. Resting his head upon the table behind which the lieutenant was seated, he wished to speak, but could only give vent to a few unintelligible sounds

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