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    go along with

    1. "I go along with that

    2. It was bad enough that she had to go along with his starship story even though she was pretty convinced that all he had wrong with him was a bad trip on RNAcid and that eldritch device someone had found

    3. ‘I’d go along with that

    4. ‘We have to go along with his illusions, Lintze

    5. ‘You don’t have to go along with the idea, Sarah, this is not a casting couch type of suggestion

    6. ’ Alan thought about trying to go along with her guesses and say his parents got it from some wandering Messiah who said he had Angels making them for him

    7. Alan started to jump, but remembered the incident during his reading lesson and forced himself to relax and go along with it

    8. But the prince said, "I will go along with you," for he wanted to see where the beautiful girl belonged

    9. "I'm glad you told me because it confirms what Nimblefax had said, or rather communicated to me, I was asked to go along with this little ploy of Grandpa's

    10. she was willing to go along with the proposal,’ he said

    11. And she had the beauty to go along with that

    12. He arrived here 10 years ago along with me and the first group of Hebrew exiles

    13. States would not go along with your methods, and I guess they

    14. Consider: Not so long ago, the State of Wisconsin chose not to go along with the nationally mandated speed limit of 55

    15. Otherwise, just a few more cuts and scrapes to go along with the ones Soot had previously given me

    16. Gretchen go along with her

    17. But because they respect you, they will go along with you willingly

    18. “I’ll go along with you,” he suggested

    19. Anyway, the official line is that they are Hungarians who didn’t go along with the Nazi line

    20. He had big problems to go along with it

    21. “What do you suppose will happen if they are successful in restricting job growth in Boulder, to go along with the existing residential restrictions?” Charles asked

    22. “What about those powerful, old-time politicians that have delivered lots of goodies to particular jurisdictions? Might it not be rational for voters in their jurisdictions to vote to retain them in office? And, wouldn’t they have incentives not to go along with the overall spending limit, even if they were in the same party as the President?”

    23. whatever he says or wants, just go along with it

    24. The woman who was the driver commented with me about the new van but it was obvious the woman in the wheelchair could use something new to read to go along with her new van

    25. It was then that I decided to go along with Bill’s plan, nothing was more important than their safety

    26. I was nervous about the plan, but he was willing to go along with my part too

    27. “He was going to take it regardless of what I chose to do, it was the lesser of two evils Car, it was either I go along with it to buy time or I step aside and watch Jesse lose the company, I couldn’t do that

    28. When they asked him the question again, knowing fully well that the result would be a positive answer, he told them: “I will go along with the adoption if Manola (their Malemute dog) wiggles its tail when both of you go out to the yard”

    29. Though sympathetic and understanding of his friend’s new physically and overwhelmingly burdensome situation, Roger was unwilling to go along with Josie’s idea of adopting his friend’s daughters

    30. To raise direct taxes was unthinkable, even in a Congress that was willing to go along with most of Roosevelts schemes

    31. the dictates of the Illuminati), the courts are more than willing to go along with the one-world concept

    32. There has been some discussion to skirt this drastic measure (the Senate rewriting their version of the Immigration Bill), but Senator Reid, the minority leader of the Senate, refuses to go along with any fixes

    33. recommended cost per click, but you do not have to go along with this

    34. “I’ll go along with that

    35. the way he got me to go along with it was by fixing it so I could go

    36. other, but Will did not seem to go along with that

    37. Or for that matter, any thoughts that could be countermanded and overcome with a new approach and a new, improved offer to go along with it

    38. It’s nice that you trust my judgment, but it bothers me that a lot of people seem to be ready to go along with anything I say like a herd of blind sheep

    39. to go along with this life moving in him

    40. He continued to go along with the game, because this

    41. ” It is nonetheless a concern that the “conservatives” still go along with and frequently add to, the already confiscatory structure of taxation

    42. "Okay, does that mean you agree—you'll go along with me?"

    43. Trask heated up at her unwillingness to go along with the joke

    44. Most were very happy to go along with this scheme because they were able to circumvent the lengthy legal processes involved in conventional adoptions

    45. Your ability to choose, rather than just go along with the natural order of things

    46. Many couples want to have mints and nuts to go along with the cake

    47. But years of being in junior management roles had conditioned him to go along with the director’s request

    48. To my wife, Dorothy Adler, I give my house in Chicago along with the possessions and the last for my son, Nathaniel Samuel Adler, I give my company and all of its assets

    49. Convincing Vivek, that in spite of his opposition, his father might still go along with the Global, Manian opened his gambit

    50. He would marry Helga because Hitler and the hierarchy wanted the propaganda and he would be only too happy to go along with their wishes

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