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go down
1. "While you cook," Herndon was saying, "I'll go down to the boat and do my teeth, I left my stuff down there
2. Ditton was terribly worried about Liz – said that he really needed her to go down to the station with him but that if she wasn’t up to it, he would understand, but she insisted that she was fit
3. It is hardly high drama and definitely not great literature, but it is entertaining – at least we hope it will be – and should go down well in the village
4. He had to go down into the most detailed layer before he found labels that told him this was power to the female section of Paradis, or at least, that section of it that was on the Al-Harron
5. There were too many Gnomes on the streets, reminding you that the cellars go down dozens of floors in that area, damp with seepage from the great canals above
6. that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet
7. Those that go down into death are those that are raised up by the same glory of the Father into resurrection glory
8. There was a birdery down the road she could use to send all these … just past the baker that made that delicious bread … it was a nice day, she could go down to the riverside and sit for a while, perhaps
9. They go down into the ground 3 stories
10. As the sun was starting to go down over the hill, there was
11. It simply would not go down
12. She would go down in history as ‘The One - she who made first contact’
13. The next Sunday evening, with both of the Roach boys quite worn out by the wheeling of barrow loads of hardcore into the brick curtained hole where the new patio was taking shape, Helen Roach suggested her husband go down to the pub for a couple of beers
14. And give him ―the look‖ and watch his eyes go down as he recognizes, by your action, that he has down something wrong
15. 'You'll have to go down?' I said as I held her hand on instinct
16. "I'm not having sex with you Alan," he said, though the damn boner wouldn't go down
17. I know which group I belong in … However, after a considerable battle, which leaves me breathless and wondering yet again if I ought to go down to the gym more often, I have a nice clean set of bedding and a pile of bedclothes which I can shove into the washing machine
18. Our names will go down in Scather history as great heroes
19. suggested her husband go down to the pub for a couple of beers
20. We’ll have to go down and visit them, Sarah
21. “Since we have to go down to the Yakhan again anyway, we might as well stop by the Kassikan and see if any of the Tdeshi’s in their records match up,” she said with a distinct air of resignation
22. We could go down and look up the records, I confess I don’t have everything about that case memorized in spite of the fact that Ava is so respected and beautiful
23. didn’t have to go down stairs to do the dirty Jenga deed
24. He was glad the map told him he had to go down three floors
25. I’ve had to explain to one or two people that filing cabinets cannot be moved while they are full of files so everything will have to be emptied and packed – it didn’t go down well, but that’s just tough
26. If he broke camp quickly he could go down to Desa’s for breakfast and there was no way they were going to know
27. She noticed his clothes were gone and was amused by how shy he was that he couldn’t go down there without them
28. Kaha and Lapnar had only a couple inglethors apiece and then left to go downstairs to the kegs
29. All I would do is go down and buy another piece of green felt and recover the old felt with a new piece of felt
30. David cried out in the Psalms, “Where can I go from your presence Lord, if I rise to the sky you are there and though I go down to the grave you will find me there
31. In summer, with one jump, they could get to each other; but in winter they were obliged first to go down the long stairs, and then up the long stairs again: and out-of-doors there was quite a snow-storm
32. It shouldn't take too long to go down and see where the clients lived and maybe poke around the place a little
33. Klowa and Luray parted where a small streetcar tunnel crossed Betakka, she to go up toward the castle, he to go down in search of Ylippa or Tuggots
34. wondering if he should go down to the stables and visit his
35. go down well with me at all
36. A pair of Polynesian backflip tortoises go down a storm in a remake of Trapeze
37. "Is that right? How did Los Angeles go down?"
38. What had they observed or picked up that would cause them both to go down the very direction he was headed?
39. As she bent to go down on him in earnest, he grabbed her and threw her to the floor with himself on top of her, his young cock pumping wildly in and out of her already aching mouth
40. “Right lads we will fix bayonets and go down and see what’s left and if there are any who still want to fight
41. “Fucking hell not bully and biscuits again I am sick of this shit the next time we are down the beach I am going fishing a nice piece of fish would go down well
42. He wanted to burn the world to the ground, and he wanted to go down with it
43. The other recreation open to us was bathing we could go down to the sea and have a swim but you had to be careful as the currents around the peninsula were deadly in some places
44. out of bed and grabbed his dressing gown to go downstairs
45. I said goodbye to Bert leaving him on the tram to go home to Mabel and his dad and reminding him that we would go down to the Intack Inn together tomorrow night
46. Bert will be here any moment why don’t you go downstairs and wait for him Billy Boy?” I replied
47. If he is in the house, he meows at the foot of my bed until I go downstairs, stumbling and swearing, to let him out
48. “Yes me and Nobby knew from Gallipoli what to expect but not as bad as this and as for Nobby he doesn’t know anything anymore he bought it shortly after we set off and I saw Frank go down as well
49. “I saw Corporal Frank Lord go down right at the start I don’t know if he is dead but Pte Nobby Clarke definitely is, the same goes for Bert Hall, Sam Brown, Fred Hargreaves, Mickey Jones, Dusty Miller, S/Sgt Ted Wallace, Lieutenant Johnny Pearson and Major Melstone
50. That was in 1953, and we"ve done nothing but go downhill since then