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    good behavior примеры предложений

    good behavior

    1. are saved by grace not by their good behavior

    2. earn no more than 54 days a year time off for good behavior

    3. He is not fooled by our good behavior and our consistency of

    4. They therefore saw no reason not to release him, and reduced his sentence by a third for good behavior

    5. months off during the summer for good behavior

    6. Many within nature’s variety seem to have been consigned to this behavioral groove while a lucky few (us?) apparently have learned to rise above it where good behavior elicited an enhanced fitness for all, at puzzlingly, at least the partial, near-term expense of the individual

    7. Then, through the ages of slowly acquired wisdom, a trail of good behavior has itself been laid out for heirs to follow

    8. If a guy says that he loves you then if he really does love you then he will wait to have sex with you until after he marries you (“waiting” is a clear example of behavior – good behavior)

    9. Not touching a girl inappropriately is another example of respectful or good behavior

    10. With good behavior, that translates to eight and a third years before becoming eligible for parole

    11. How faithful to him, in that instance, his good behavior was!

    12. thought that, even with good behavior, I had seven more years--or

    13. reward good behavior, but it would not provide the

    14. Under federal rules, there’s no such thing as time-off for good behavior

    15. Unlike state sentencing guidelines, there was no such thing as time-off for good behavior in the federal system

    16. He will serve 22 years in prison with an opportunity to be released in 13 years for good behavior

    17. He himself is hostage for their good behavior as long as they are within my domains

    18. Thus, you need to make sure that whenever he is with you, you should focus in shaping his good behavior

    19. Occasionally, offer a small bit of foxtail millet as a treat or incentive for good behavior

    20. The term goes back to the Civil War when barrels of salt pork were a reward for good behavior

    21. when its doing good behaviors

    22. Add to that mix, the stress of parental demands for good behavior, good grades, good friends and you have a recipe for disaster

    23. Exoteric – Religious teachings given to the masses that are designed to promote good behavior

    24. “I was released early for good behavior,” Garcia said

    25. Government policies should not penalize marriage, but clearly assumptions about government policies promoting good behavior have proven wrong time and time again

    26. hostages for their good behavior, who, nevertheless, are

    27. Unlike spirituality, religion aimed to enforce good behavior through programming and intimidation rather than true understanding, so the improvement to society came at the cost of ignorance

    28. � He smoked himself at the time, and that also came as an instructive truth about good behavior from that same source

    29. � In this case, the child may lose a certain kind of childish joy, but the child has learned the power of good behavior and will keep away from inappropriate acts

    30. � Obedience and good behavior signal the conquest of the becoming self by a dominator model which desires to devour that self and make it a conforming part of that domination

    31. and the good behavior that flows from it, which is the source of good karma

    32. The first one who is affianced will have the pearls, Madame has said it, and I have a fancy that the little turquoise ring will be given to you when you go, for Madame approves your good behavior and charming manners

    33. It would be such an incentive for good behavior throughout the next year

    34. The inspector visited, one after another, the cells and dungeons of several of the prisoners, whose good behavior or stupidity recommended them to the clemency of the government

    35. They said that judges “shall hold their Offices during good Behavior

    36. ” There is some room for interpretation of what “good Behavior” means, but when one understands that the Constitution was established to protect the will of the people, it becomes clear that it is a serious offense to thwart that will

    37. In early 1950, MacArthur ruled that war criminals’ sentences would be reduced for good behavior, and those serving life sentences would be eligible for parole after fifteen years

    38. She promised God good behavior in exchange for favors

    39. Broward got out early for good behavior

    40. In this prison at Arras there is an ex-convict named Brevet, who is detained for I know not what, and who has been appointed turnkey of the house, because of good behavior

    41. You know anything about real hatred, junior? This is it, no amateur nights, no time off for good behavior

    42. It would be considered the greatest breach of good behavior not to do it

    43. There in the Crosby garden, where the magnolias dropped languid petals on the lawn, she was touchingly like a little girl on her good behavior

    44. In England the judges held their commissions during the pleasure of the Crown, till the time of Charles the First, when the Parliament imposed upon the King the necessity of granting them during good behavior; till then the Crown, as the fountain of justice, held the uncontrolled direction of the commissions of the judges

    45. In the thirteenth year of William the Third, the judges, by statute, were to hold their commissions during good behavior, and by the same statute they may be removed by the joint address of both Houses of Parliament; and here let me remark, that under that tenure and responsibility, the British judiciary have attained a celebrity in history for their judicial integrity and correctness highly honorable to them, and which this amendment, I fondly hope, in time, may correctly attach to the judiciary of the United States

    46. And our citizens, whose property has been, since the first of November, uniformly seized, and of which they are avowedly to be deprived three months, and which is then only to be returned to them on the condition of good behavior, may as soon be made to believe, by the teaching of philosophy, that their rights are not violated, as a wretch, writhing under the lash of the executioner, might be made by a course of reasoning to believe, that the natural state of his flesh was not violated, and that his shoulders, out of which blood was flowing at every stroke, were in the quiet enjoyment of cuticular ease

    47. Having thus secured the concurrence of the American administration, the next part of the scheme was so to arrange the expression that either the British Government should not accede, or if it did accede, that it should secure to France the point of honor—a previous revocation by the British; and if they did not accede, that there should be a color for seizures and sequestrations, and thus still further to bind the Americans over to their good behavior

    48. " If B refuses, does A, under the circumstances of such a declaration, violate any obligation, should he refuse to permit the passage? Might not A urge with great color and force of argument, that this arrangement was the effect of your solicitation and assurance that B would be tempted by such a proffer, and that the revocation of B was required, by the terms, to be the consequence of A's declaration, for the very purpose of indicating that it must be anterior to the fact of A's effectual revocation? But let this be as it will; suppose that you, on the first of November, in consequence of A's assurance, had sent your servants and teams to bring home your products, and A should seize your oxen, and teams and products, and drive your servants, after having stripped them, from his farm, and should tell you, that he should keep this, and all other property of yours, on which he can lay his hands, for three months, and then he should restore it to you, or not, as he saw fit, according to his opinion of your good behavior

    49. Last Friday, while trying to impress upon him that only good behavior would insure him a desk in my room, I wrote some of his sayings

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