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good fortune
1. Party: If you are in a party and dance, you will have good fortune
2. You will bring me good fortune
3. Before his recent retirement James Cameron’s octopine good fortune reached its happy tentacles out to touch every aspect of his life, not the least part of which was his stunningly beautiful eldest daughter, the delightfully named Cyberia
4. Now, though, he was rich, handsome, had fine clothes and he had a new set of friends, who were all eager to join with him in his good fortune
5. This lovely old place was once owned by a famous television personality, whose claim to good fortune and favour was based upon his inestimable knowledge of all things horticultural
6. She was also blessed with the good fortune to have moved into one of the two ground floor bedsits, which boasted high ceilings, large sash windows and more than enough room to swing a cat
7. who were all eager to join with him in his good fortune
8. She was also blessed with the good fortune to
9. He is stunned by his good fortune, by his darling girl
10. directions, ‘Good fortune,’ he greeted
11. What good fortune brings you here?” The fairy was so beautiful that for a moment Chen could only stare
12. By a great stroke of good fortune none of the people were seriously injured, but one of the horses broke its leg and had to be put down
13. It also, as good fortune might have it, was at the edge of town near opposite to the Livingson Bungalow Lodges
14. “We have been very fortunate to have been offered a facility and support from our village, would it be appropriate to, I don't know, in some way return our good fortune somehow to the village?” Allowing for a minimum period of initial reflection and chatter, she continued
15. It has been my great good fortune that fair Caro has been so generous as to offer me her home for all these weeks
16. He had the good fortune to run into Sheizenn at that tiny roof-plaz on the Thulingain where you can catch a glimpse of the southern horizon
17. Upon their awakening, however, either at the end of their projects, or when they were no longer able to carry them on, they very seldom, I believe, had the good fortune to find it
18. wished Berenice good fortune and hugged her close, they said farewell
19. Nerissa could hardly believe her good fortune
20. To see a rainbow in your dream represents hope, success and good fortune in the form of money, prestige, or fame
21. He proposed, therefore, to take that way, as both the shortest and the surest, and he had the good fortune to convince Isabella of Castile of the probability of his project
22. Instead of piddling for the little prizes which are to be found in what may be called the paltry raffle of colony faction, they might then hope, from the presumption which men naturally have in their own ability and good fortune, to draw some of the great prizes which sometimes come from the wheel of the great state lottery of British politics
23. And as they are eating the pizza, a deep sense of satisfaction fills the air of that home, and Dad reflects on the events of the past few days, the close family relations he enjoys, and the good fortune that has came his way, and, in his thoughts, he says, “Thanks God
24. During the French war, which began in 1755, their arms partook of the general good fortune of those of Great Britain
25. The sect which had the good fortune to be leagued with the conquering party necessarily shared in the victory of its ally, by whose favour and protection it was soon enabled, in some degree, to silence and subdue all its
26. We ate, sang psalms and hymns, and thanked God for our good fortune
27. fair – to share her good fortune with him but his attitude had ended that feeling
28. An annuity, with a right of survivorship, is really worth more than an equal annuity for a separate life ; and, from the confidence which every man naturally has in his own good fortune, the principle upon which is founded the success of all lotteries, such an annuity generally sells for something more than it is worth
29. We got back to the barn and everyone agreed that we had received the devils own luck and they congratulated us on our good fortune
30. The cat ensured his good fortune when he hopped over to my husband using only his back legs, looking like a mutant kangaroo
31. good fortune, particularly those who did lose their ships to the Confederates
32. " Explained Saldon, preying his good fortune that he had remembered to stow his crossbow and Halon's bow in a locker at the back of the boat
33. Of course, handling good fortune with grace, dignity, and charity are, also, self-defining acts, but we, as a whole, are ultimately, defined by the way we overcome adversity
34. As Dorro and Forgo’s vessel ventured forth from the harbor in the morning darkness, folks were already massing along wharfs and celebrating their good fortune
35. An individual should never feel overly confident or complacent (over) his or her (―own‖) good fortune, but stand guard, rather, (over) its capricious designs
36. Add a pinch of Talent and Good Fortune and therein lies the formula for success
37. A doubter of the integrity of casinos, he maintained as part of his personal faith that a pretty woman, whose excitement at winning draws a crowd to a table, has an unusual tendency towards long streaks of good fortune
38. The Lord blessed him with good fortune when a new Columbian cocaine-producing lab began to sell its product
39. She slipped through that mess but by only the skin of her teeth, and such good fortune wouldn’t happen a second time
40. I smiled as I thought about my good fortune
41. It was none of my business really, just my good fortune that in knowing Martha I had happened upon someone who could feed my fascination with Tommy Trent
42. Colling told Elizabeth about their good fortune the following day
43. On the outskirts of the Forest, they could hear the cheers of Human voices, celebrating their turn in good fortune
44. He can find no joy in the father’s approval and/or happiness that is the source of his brother’s good fortune
45. But Cain could not be happy for his brother’s good fortune; he could think only of his own misfortune and misery
46. That another’s good fortune need not diminish your own
47. In suffering their share of “survivor guilt,” they (or others) might have attempted to moralize their inexplicably good fortune
48. He was suddenly angry at her, for her selfish acceptance of her good fortune
49. They had somehow managed to come this far without meeting any other Russian patrols, and Colling did not want such good fortune to be dashed by their tearing the bottom of the Syrena out on the carcass of some submerged ship
50. Imagine how proud that original author of this first of all stories, that storyteller-of-old, would be to find out how well he had described what he had seen through that spiritual journey he’d had the immensely good fortune to have gone on