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    grandson примеры предложений


    1. You do not have to take control of the conversation; let your grandson steer it in a direction that interests him

    2. Look for some common ground to establish rapport with your grandson

    3. Treat your grandson as an adult

    4. Seems it did her good too, spending the afternoon with her grandson

    5. ‘Do you want me to read this to you, Barney?’ I said, ignoring her question and concentrating on my grandson

    6. The boy she had just seen was her grandson, Rocco McGinty

    7. He was your grandson too, we owe him this

    8. When I was rambling on about Emma as a child … Molly commented on how lucky I was to have a grandson

    9. 'Can my grandson watch it with you for a while?' she said

    10. He’s the father, I’m the daughter, and Red Hawk is his grandson,” Cordra explained

    11. were finally being released by telling her grandson about his past

    12. Satisfied, he folded up his crib sheet, slipped it into his pocket and went to see his adoptive grandson

    13. First his grandson died, then

    14. Coming abreast of the fountain, Venus turned to look up at her grandson

    15. Venus evaluated her grandson carefully

    16. Mother would hug us tightly, cry for happiness and kiss her Grandson

    17. “Since my Grandson arrived,” she said, sitting on one side of Jesus

    18. “And you had to go so far away she couldn"t even be with her First Grandson when He was a baby

    19. “I haven’t seen that grandson for years

    20. became the first grandson of Captain Hawes

    21. We pray Your Most Gracious Majesty to know that we have appointed our trusty and well beloved, grandson, Prince John Ossoo Ansah, son of the late Prince Ansah, of Ashanti, on our behalf to lay before your Majesty divers matters affecting the good estate of our kingdom and the well-being of our subjects, with full power for the said Prince Ansah as our ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to negotiate and conclude all such treaties relating to the furtherance of trade and all matters therewith connected as your Majesty shall be pleased to entertain

    22. year-old grandson whom the home family had never seen; Hazen was coming

    23. Like the time I was sick with a viral infection and my grandson asked me how I was feeling

    24. Is it possible that by the time of Abraham and his great grandson Joseph, with his influence on a pharaoh, the ancient idea of a single god was reignited in the Egyptian consciousness? There was, after all, only a little less than three hundred years between them

    25. Drought forced Abraham, and again during the life of his grandson Jacob, to sojourn into Egypt where the story of Joseph unfolded

    26. The anciently professed name for their God-above-all-gods as late as when Abraham’s grandson Joseph was sold into Egyptian servitude was EL as in Melchizedek, Elohim, and Emmanuel as I made reference to in chapters 12 and 13

    27. Moreover, it is possible that there are a large number, possibly an infinite number, of universes, so that there could be one without the grandson and one with the grandson

    28. “Theodosius (I) was the first to prohibit the practice of the Pagan religion altogether, and he brought the Arian controversy to its final conclusion at the Second Ecumenical Council (Constantinople 381)…His grandson Theodosius II…brought together the Third Ecumenical Council (Ephesus 431), which anathematized Nestorius for separating the divine in Christ from the human…In 450 Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius…married Marcian…who made it his business to summon the Fourth Ecumenical Council (Chalcedon 451) and secure the condemnation of both Nestorius and the Monophysites, the latter of whom taught that there was only one nature in Christ—the divine

    29. She was probably at the Big Burger to cheer on her great-great grandson or GGGD-daughter

    30. The article had given me the date of AD 680 and left me with the question of why Mohammed’s grandson Ali had been slain

    31. Something had happened between AD 632, the date of his death, and the assassination of his grandson in AD 680

    32. On the other end we have the assassination of Mohammed’s grandson, al Hassan, in AD 669 just three years after the date in question

    33. But, was his move against Mohammed’s last grandson a bridge too far? All we know for sure is that the grandson’s assassination and his rule ended in the same year

    34. A great grandson of Cain is introduced as the first ironmonger, and it is known that the production of that metal had not happened in history until the twelfth century BC

    35. I confirmed that I was his grandson

    36. He marveled that he had such a young grandson

    37. I admitted being his grandson, and he marveled that he had a grandson as young as me

    38. It was obvious to me the Khakhan had waited until his grandson was born before moving against George

    39. “Why is that?” asked the grandson, searching the empty sea

    40. he said that his grandson had agreed to go fishing with him

    41. He’s going to keep his grandson out at sea as long as he can

    42. Ryo wasn’t his grandson but a neighborhood boy who often stopped by the store and

    43. The grandfather and grandson sat in awe as they watched part of a cliff plunge into the

    44. “What’s happening?” asked his grandson confused

    45. “At least we’re safe out here,” said the grandson encouragingly

    46. “Yes, of course,” the grandson replied, climbing down into cabin

    47. “I have mine with two sugars,” he called to his grandson

    48. A woman and her grandson were rescued from their collapsed house

    49. fourteen-year-old grandson had kept his severely injured grandmother alive by burrowing

    50. I pointed out that John was a suitably distant relative and furthermore it allied the Khanate of the Clouds to the Khakhanate by marriage since John was the grandson of the Khakhan

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