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    1. grounded in your calling and life purpose

    2. rooted and grounded in love,

    3. The time I spent with Sam was worth it as long as I was not grounded

    4. "Your shuttlecraft is grounded?" she asked

    5. So, apart from the fetid smell from the man, or the cabbage, and my head banging on the roof, I can't say I've ever felt more grounded

    6. I grounded out once and struck out twice, both

    7. They were yet grounded on the Seventh – a death sentence to be sure, but at least here it wouldn’t be drawn out

    8. being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend

    9. They were being filled with the word of God and grounded in

    10. grounded in Christ and strong to endure trials

    11. It grounded me and helped me to come back

    12. It’s just that the real Sally, the emotionally caring and spiritually grounded Sally that is the true essence of your being seems to be bottled up

    13. Descending in an elevator suggests that you are being grounded or coming back down to reality

    14. The rainbow is also seen as a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self

    15. If you are planning to have or already have a baby, then it suggests that the baby will or has grounded you

    16. According to yogic philosophy, the mind is grounded in the material world, in which every effect appears to have a cause

    17. Uar was revitalized and grounded after the

    18. It was this terror, whether well or ill grounded, which rendered the repeal of the stamp act, among the merchants at least, a popular measure

    19. Parliament, in attempting to exercise its supposed right, whether well or ill grounded, of taxing the colonies, has never hitherto demanded of them anything which even approached to a just proportion to what was paid by their fellow subjects at home

    20. A Mars trip would have taken no more than a few hours, but until the space agency had concluded their investigation, all ships were grounded

    21. The 9 Strategy Factors CR James Some people have a more grounded understanding of visualization techniques

    22. I smirked, remembering how determined I was to do whatever I wanted to do, no matter how many spankings I got, or how long I was grounded from my friends or BB gun

    23. All eighteen Augusta helicopters are grounded because there is just no money for fuel

    24. A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind

    25. Its elasticity is grounded on the assumption that our society is a living organism subject to the vicissitudes of enlightened opinions, changing social and moral values and evolving standards of decency

    26. A well-organized society grounded on and supported by fidelity to its traditional customs and manners once superseded by falsely conceived revisionist assumptions promotes an impressionist view of that society

    27. The gradual erosion of church authority, grounded on the written body of teachings of the Church, in favor of moral and ethical palliatives, has occasioned special accommodations for private viewpoints rather than conformance with precedential systems of principle teachings designed to guide and to promote proper Christian Attitudes

    28. grounded on an individual‘s (own) considered opinions; whereby that individual becomes the guardian of its (own) conscience, its (own) road to salvation, its (own) judge; in a word, its (own) custom-made god answerable to its (own) self

    29. ‖ Goodness is grounded in a disinterested ―awareness‖ of Goodness or an ―indifference‖ to doing ―good‖ works

    30. It provides food for rational thought grounded in Experience that, whenever properly applied, without prejudice or bias, grasps the Intuitive, as well

    31. After all, what did Christ and his Apostles really look like? Has anyone ever encountered an Angel? Such (abstract) personifications remain open to interpretation; a (worldly) convenience to meet its own special requirements rather than an unqualified expression grounded on historical accuracy

    32. Grunt must have fainted because he collapsed backwards into the winch-man and the electrical current grounded through both of them

    33. Except for her feet being firmly grounded well back from the edge, she may have been an eagle in its aerie preparing to soar from one peak to another

    34. She knew she’d be grounded for months if the stupid puppy had run away

    35. I felt grounded and hopeful that we would all celebrate many years of survivor anniversary dates together

    36. The salty ocean-scent grounded her, made the tumultuous rate of change she was enduring seem solid and real

    37. The Bible tells us that Jesus’ way is still the best way, but will we have ears to listen with, regarding the great multiplicity of distractions of the many competing spiritualities? Will we Christians have the foresight to give our modern institution of investigation, science, a respectful hearing for its new answers? Answers that appear to be well grounded as reflected in the parables that are in the Bible and are the Bible as iterated in the early chapters of this book? And will their counterparts in science reciprocate?

    38. I’m mixing herbs with colored grounded stones and bones, chanting prayers into the mix with a deep but almost silent voice

    39. How can you create a superb idea? To begin with, the best ideas, are grounded in reality, they have immediate and realistic applications to the world around them, they affect the world

    40. Maybe man is defined by something or things that are not grounded in nature

    41. It’s imaginative, yet grounded in the real world

    42. 32 And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the Lord shall lay on him, it shall be with tabrets

    43. On the shore there were a few of the ships grounded for repairs

    44. Stepping over the bodies of the grounded men, the two raced

    45. once more, at least this car had some grounded familiarity to it

    46. She goes on and on about how her parents, strict Russian Orthodoxs, grounded her for coming home late from the mall

    47. grounded in His work, then you cease to live and

    48. The ideology of all too many teachers, protected by their government monopoly, is grounded in anti-American globalism, multiculturalism, and radical social change

    49. That meant that his planes would be grounded for a few

    50. because the Saratogas were still grounded

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